Source code for CADETProcess.solution

Solution (:mod:`CADETProcess.solution`)

.. currentmodule:: CADETProcess.solution

Module to store and plot solution of simulation.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


Method to slice a Solution:

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/



import copy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator
from scipy import integrate

from CADETProcess.dataStructure import Structure
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import (
    String, UnsignedInteger, UnsignedFloat, Vector, SizedNdArray

from CADETProcess.processModel import ComponentSystem
from CADETProcess.dynamicEvents import TimeLine

from CADETProcess import plotting
from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError

from CADETProcess import smoothing
from CADETProcess import transform

__all__ = [

[docs] class SolutionBase(Structure): """Base class for solutions of component systems. This class represents a solution of a component system at different time points. It provides several properties that allow access to information about the solution, such as the number of components, the total concentration, and the local purity. Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the solution. time : np.ndarray Array of time points. solution : np.ndarray Array of solution values. c_min : float Minimum concentration threshold, below which concentrations are considered zero. dimensions : list of str Names of the dimensions in the solution. Notes ----- This class is not meant to be used directly, but to be subclassed by specific solution types. """ name = String() time = Vector() solution = SizedNdArray(size='solution_shape') c_min = UnsignedFloat(default=1e-6) dimensions = ['time'] def __init__(self, name, component_system, time, solution): = name self.component_system_original = component_system self.time_original = time self.solution_original = solution self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset component system, time, and solution arrays to their original values.""" self.component_system = self.component_system_original self.time = self.time_original self.solution = self.solution_original
[docs] def update(self): """Update the solution.""" pass
[docs] def update_transform(self): """Update the transforms.""" pass
@property def component_system(self): """ComponentSystem: ComponentSystem of the Solution object.""" return self._component_system @component_system.setter def component_system(self, component_system): if not isinstance(component_system, ComponentSystem): raise TypeError('Expected ComponentSystem') self._component_system = component_system @property def n_comp(self): """int: Number of components.""" return self.component_system.n_comp @property def cycle_time(self): """float: Cycle time.""" return self.time[-1] @property def nt(self): """int: Number of time steps.""" return len(self.time) @property def component_coordinates(self): """np.ndarray: Indices of the components.""" return np.arange(self.n_comp) @property def coordinates(self): """np.ndarray: Coordinates of the Solution.""" coordinates = {} for c in self.dimensions: v = getattr(self, c) if v is None: continue coordinates[c] = v return coordinates @property def solution_shape(self): """tuple: (Expected) shape of the solution.""" return tuple(len(c) for c in self.coordinates.values()) @property def total_concentration_components(self): """np.ndarray: Total concentration of components (sum of species).""" component_concentration = np.zeros( self.solution.shape[0:-1] + (self.component_system.n_components,) ) counter = 0 for index, comp in enumerate(self.component_system): comp_indices = slice(counter, counter + comp.n_species) c_comp = np.sum(self.solution[..., comp_indices], axis=-1) component_concentration[..., index] = c_comp counter += comp.n_species return component_concentration @property def total_concentration(self): """np.ndarray: Total concentration (sum) of all components.""" return np.sum(self.solution, axis=-1, keepdims=True) @property def local_purity_components(self): """np.ndarray: Local purity of each component.""" solution = self.total_concentration_components c_total = self.total_concentration c_total[c_total < self.c_min] = np.nan purity = np.zeros(solution.shape) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): purity = solution/c_total purity = np.nan_to_num(purity) return purity @property def local_purity_species(self): """np.ndarray: Local purity of components.""" solution = self.solution c_total = self.total_concentration c_total[c_total < self.c_min] = np.nan purity = np.zeros(solution.shape) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): purity = solution/c_total purity = np.nan_to_num(purity) return purity def __str__(self): return
[docs] class SolutionIO(SolutionBase): """Solution representing streams at the inlet or outlet of a ``UnitOperation``. Notes ----- The `flow_rate` attribute is implemented as TimeLine to improve interpolation of signals with discontinuous flow. """ dimensions = SolutionBase.dimensions + ['component_coordinates'] def __init__(self, name, component_system, time, solution, flow_rate): super().__init__(name, component_system, time, solution) if not isinstance(flow_rate, TimeLine): flow_rate = TimeLine.from_profile(time, flow_rate) self.flow_rate = flow_rate self.reset() @property def derivative(self): """SolutionIO: Derivative of this solution.""" derivative = copy.deepcopy(self) derivative.reset() derivative_fun = derivative.solution_interpolated.derivative derivative.solution_original = derivative_fun(derivative.time) derivative.reset() return derivative @property def antiderivative(self): """SolutionIO: Antiderivative of this solution.""" antiderivative = copy.deepcopy(self) antiderivative.reset() antiderivative_fun = antiderivative.solution_interpolated.antiderivative antiderivative.solution_original = antiderivative_fun(antiderivative.time) antiderivative.reset() return antiderivative
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.is_resampled = False self.is_normalized = False self.is_smoothed = False self.s = None self.crit_fs = None self.crit_fs_der = None self.is_smoothed = False self.update() self.update_transform()
[docs] def update(self): self._solution_interpolated = None self._dm_dt_interpolated = None
[docs] def update_transform(self): self.transform = transform.NormLinearTransform( np.min(self.solution, axis=0), np.max(self.solution, axis=0), allow_extended_input=True, allow_extended_output=True )
@property def solution_interpolated(self): if self._solution_interpolated is None: self._solution_interpolated = \ InterpolatedSignal(self.time, self.solution) return self._solution_interpolated @property def dm_dt_interpolated(self): if self._dm_dt_interpolated is None: self.resample() dm_dt = self.solution * self.flow_rate.value(self.time) self._dm_dt_interpolated = InterpolatedSignal(self.time, dm_dt) return self._dm_dt_interpolated
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalize the solution using the transformation function.""" if self.is_normalized: return self.solution = self.transform.transform(self.solution) self.update() self.is_normalized = True
[docs] def denormalize(self): """Denormalize the solution using the transformation function.""" if not self.is_normalized: return self.solution = self.transform.untransform(self.solution) self.update() self.is_normalized = False
[docs] def resample(self, start=None, end=None, nt=5001): """Resample solution to nt time points. Parameters ---------- nt : int, optional Number of points to resample. The default is 5001. """ if self.is_resampled: return if start is None: start = self.time[0] if end is None: end = self.time[-1] solution_interpolated = self.solution_interpolated self.time = np.linspace(start, end, nt) self.solution = solution_interpolated(self.time) self.update() self.is_resampled = True
[docs] def smooth_data(self, s=None, crit_fs=None, crit_fs_der=None): """Smooth data. Parameters ---------- s : float or list, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 0. crit_fs : float or list DESCRIPTION. crit_fs_der : float or list DESCRIPTION. """ if self.is_smoothed: return if not self.is_resampled: self.resample() if not self.is_normalized: normalized = True self.normalize() else: normalized = False if None in (s, crit_fs, crit_fs_der): s_ = [] crit_fs_ = [] crit_fs_der_ = [] for i in range(self.n_comp): s_i, crit_fs_i, crit_fs_der_i = smoothing.find_smoothing_factors( self.time, self.solution[..., i], rmse_target=1e-3 ) s_.append(s_i) crit_fs_.append(crit_fs_i) crit_fs_der_.append(crit_fs_der_i) if s is None: s = s_ if crit_fs is None: crit_fs = crit_fs_ if crit_fs_der is None: crit_fs_der = crit_fs_der_ if np.isscalar(s): s = self.n_comp * [s] elif len(s) == 1: s = self.n_comp * s self.s = s if np.isscalar(crit_fs): crit_fs = self.n_comp * [crit_fs] elif len(crit_fs) == 1: crit_fs = self.n_comp * crit_fs self.crit_fs = crit_fs if np.isscalar(crit_fs_der): crit_fs_der = self.n_comp * [crit_fs_der] elif len(crit_fs_der) == 1: crit_fs_der = self.n_comp * crit_fs_der self.crit_fs_der = crit_fs_der solution = np.zeros((self.solution.shape)) for i, (s, crit_fs, crit_fs_der) in enumerate(zip(s, crit_fs, crit_fs_der)): smooth, smooth_der = smoothing.full_smooth( self.time, self.solution[..., i], crit_fs, s, crit_fs_der ) solution[..., i] = smooth self.solution = solution if normalized: self.denormalize() self.update() self.is_smoothed = True
[docs] def integral(self, start=None, end=None): """Peak area in a fraction interval. Parameters ---------- start : float Start time of the fraction end: float End time of the fraction Returns ------- Area : np.ndarray Mass of all components in the fraction """ if end is None: end = self.cycle_time return self.solution_interpolated.integral(start, end)
[docs] def fraction_mass(self, start=None, end=None): """Component mass in a fraction interval Parameters ---------- start : float Start time of the fraction end: float End time of the fraction Returns ------- fraction_mass : np.ndarray Mass of all components in the fraction """ if end is None: end = self.cycle_time def dm_dt(t, flow_rate, solution): dm_dt = flow_rate.value(t)*solution(t) return dm_dt points = None if len(self.flow_rate.section_times) > 2: points = self.flow_rate.section_times[1:-1] mass = integrate.quad_vec( dm_dt, start, end, epsabs=1e-6, epsrel=1e-8, args=(self.flow_rate, self.solution_interpolated), points=points, )[0] return mass
[docs] def fraction_volume(self, start=None, end=None): """Volume of a fraction interval Parameters ---------- start : float Start time of the fraction end: float End time of the fraction Returns ------- fraction_volume : np.ndarray Volume of the fraction """ if end is None: end = self.cycle_time return float(self.flow_rate.integral(start, end).squeeze())
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot( self, start=None, end=None, components=None, layout=None, y_max=None, ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot the entire time_signal for each component. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Start time for plotting. The default is 0. end : float, optional End time for plotting. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. y_max : float, optional Maximum value of y axis. If None, value is automatically deferred from solution. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes object with concentration profile. See Also -------- _plot_solution_1D slice_solution plotlib plot_purity """ solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'time': [start, end]} ) x = solution.time / 60 if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$time~/~min$' layout.y_label = '$c~/~mM$' if start is not None: start /= 60 if end is not None: end /= 60 layout.x_lim = (start, end) if y_max is not None: layout.y_lim = (None, y_max) ax = _plot_solution_1D(ax, x, solution, layout, *args, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot_purity( self, start=None, end=None, components=None, layout=None, y_max=None, plot_components_purity=True, plot_species_purity=False, alpha=1, hide_labels=False, show_legend=True, ax=None): """Plot local purity for each component of the concentration profile. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Start time for plotting. The default is 0. end : float, optional End time for plotting. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. Note that if components are excluded, they will also not be considered in the calculation of the purity. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. y_max : float, optional Maximum value of y axis. If None, value is automatically deferred from solution. plot_components_purity : bool, optional If True, plot purity of total component concentration. The default is True. plot_species_purity : bool, optional If True, plot purity of individual species. The default is False. alpha : float, optional Opacity of line. hide_labels : bool, optional If True, hide labels. The default is False. show_legend : bool, optional If True, show legend. The default is True. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes with plot of purity over time. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If solution has less than 2 components. See Also -------- slice_solution plotlib plot """ solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'time': [start, end]} ) if solution.n_comp < 2: raise CADETProcessError( "Purity undefined for systems with less than 2 components." ) x = solution.time / 60 if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = r'$time~/~min$' layout.y_label = r'$Purity ~/~\%$' if start is not None: start /= 60 if end is not None: end /= 60 layout.x_lim = (start, end) if y_max is not None: layout.y_lim = (None, y_max) local_purity_components = solution.local_purity_components * 100 local_purity_species = solution.local_purity_species * 100 colors = iter(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) species_index = 0 for i, comp in enumerate(solution.component_system.components): color = next(colors) if hide_labels: label = None else: label = if plot_components_purity: y = local_purity_components[..., i] ax.plot( x, y, label=label, color=color, alpha=alpha ) if plot_species_purity: if comp.n_species == 1: species_index += 1 continue for s, species in enumerate(comp.species): label = s y = local_purity_species[..., species_index] ax.plot( x, y, '--', label=label, color=color, alpha=alpha ) species_index += 1 plotting.set_layout( ax, layout, show_legend, ) return ax
[docs] class SolutionBulk(SolutionBase): """Solution in the bulk phase of the ``UnitOperation``. Dimensions: NCOL * NRAD * NCOMP """ dimensions = SolutionBase.dimensions + [ 'axial_coordinates', 'radial_coordinates', 'component_coordinates', ] def __init__( self, name, component_system, time, solution, axial_coordinates=None, radial_coordinates=None ): = name self.component_system_original = component_system self.time_original = time self.axial_coordinates = axial_coordinates # Account for dimension reduction in case of only one cell (e.g. LRMP) if radial_coordinates is not None and len(radial_coordinates) == 1: radial_coordinates = None self.radial_coordinates = radial_coordinates self.solution_original = solution self.reset() @property def ncol(self): """int: Number of axial discretization points.""" if self.axial_coordinates is None: return return len(self.axial_coordinates) @property def nrad(self): """int: Number of radial discretization points.""" if self.radial_coordinates is None: return return len(self.radial_coordinates)
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot( self, start=None, end=None, components=None, layout=None, y_max=None, ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot the entire time_signal for each component. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Start time for plotting. The default is 0. end : float, optional End time for plotting. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. y_max : float, optional Maximum value of y axis. If None, value is automatically deferred from solution. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes object with concentration profile. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If solution is not 1D. See Also -------- _plot_solution_1D slice_solution plotlib plot_purity """ if not (self.ncol is None and self.nrad is None): raise CADETProcessError( "Solution has more than single dimension. " "Please use `plot_at_time` or `plot_at_position`." ) solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'time': [start, end]} ) x = solution.time / 60 if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$time~/~min$' layout.y_label = '$c~/~mM$' if start is not None: start /= 60 if end is not None: end /= 60 layout.x_lim = (start, end) if y_max is not None: layout.y_lim = (None, y_max) ax = _plot_solution_1D(ax, x, solution, layout, *args, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot_at_time( self, t, components=None, layout=None, ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot bulk solution over space at given time. Parameters ---------- t : float Time for plotting If t == -1, the final solution is plotted. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes object with concentration profile. See Also -------- _plot_solution_1D slice_solution plot_at_position plotlib """ solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'time': [t, t]}, ) x = self.axial_coordinates if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$z~/~m$' layout.y_label = '$c~/~mM$' ax = _plot_solution_1D(ax, x, solution, layout, *args, **kwargs) plotting.add_text(ax, f'time = {t:.2f} s') return ax
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot_at_position( self, z, components=None, layout=None, ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot bulk solution over time at given position. Parameters ---------- z : float Position for plotting. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes object with concentration profile. See Also -------- _plot_solution_1D slice_solution plot_at_position plotlib """ solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'axial_coordinates': [z, z]}, ) x = self.time / 60 if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$time~/~min$' layout.y_label = '$c~/~mM$' ax = _plot_solution_1D(ax, x, solution, layout, *args, **kwargs) plotting.add_text(ax, f'z = {z:.2f} m') return ax
[docs] class SolutionParticle(SolutionBase): """Solution in the particle liquid phase of the ``UnitOperation``. Dimensions: NCOL * NRAD * sum_{j}^{NPARTYPE}{NCOMP * NPAR,j} """ dimensions = SolutionBase.dimensions + [ 'axial_coordinates', 'radial_coordinates', 'particle_coordinates', 'component_coordinates', ] def __init__( self, name, component_system, time, solution, axial_coordinates=None, radial_coordinates=None, particle_coordinates=None ): self.axial_coordinates = axial_coordinates # Account for dimension reduction in case of only one cell (e.g. LRMP) if radial_coordinates is not None and len(radial_coordinates) == 1: radial_coordinates = None self.radial_coordinates = radial_coordinates # Account for dimension reduction in case of only one cell (e.g. CSTR) if particle_coordinates is not None and len(particle_coordinates) == 1: particle_coordinates = None self.particle_coordinates = particle_coordinates super().__init__(name, component_system, time, solution) @property def ncol(self): """int: Number of axial discretization points.""" if self.axial_coordinates is None: return return len(self.axial_coordinates) @property def nrad(self): """int: Number of radial discretization points.""" if self.radial_coordinates is None: return return len(self.radial_coordinates) @property def npar(self): if self.particle_coordinates is None: return return len(self.particle_coordinates) def _plot_1D( self, t, components=None, layout=None, ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot bulk solution over space at given time. Parameters ---------- t : float Time for plotting If t == -1, the final solution is plotted. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes object with concentration profile. See Also -------- _plot_solution_1D _plot_2D slice_solution plotlib """ solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'time': [t, t]}, ) x = self.axial_coordinates if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$z~/~m$' layout.y_label = '$c~/~mM$' ax = _plot_solution_1D(ax, x, solution, layout, *args, **kwargs) plotting.add_text(ax, f'time = {t:.2f} s') return ax def _plot_2D(self, t, comp, vmax, ax=None): x = self.axial_coordinates y = self.particle_coordinates if not self.time[0] <= t <= self.time[-1]: raise ValueError("Time exceeds bounds.") i = np.where(t <= self.time)[0][0] v = self.solution[i, :, :, comp].transpose() if vmax is None: vmax = v.max() try: mesh = ax.get_children()[0] mesh.set_array(v.flatten()) except: mesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, v, shading='gouraud', vmin=0, vmax=vmax) plotting.add_text(ax, f'time = {t:.2f} s') layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$z~/~m$' layout.y_label = '$r~/~m$' layout.title = f'Solid phase concentration, comp={comp}' plotting.set_layout(ax, layout) plt.colorbar(mesh) return ax
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot_at_time(self, t, comp=0, vmax=None, ax=None): """Plot particle liquid solution over space at given time. Parameters ---------- t : float time for plotting comp : int component index ax : Axes Axes to plot on. See Also -------- CADETProcess.plotting """ if self.npar is None: ax = self._plot_1D(ax, t, vmax) else: ax = self._plot_2D(ax, t, comp, vmax) return ax
[docs] class SolutionSolid(SolutionBase): """Solution in the particle solid phase of the ``UnitOperation``. Dimensions: NCOL * NRAD * sum_{j}^{NPARTYPE}{NBOUND,j * NPAR,j} """ n_bound = UnsignedInteger() dimensions = SolutionBase.dimensions + [ 'axial_coordinates', 'radial_coordinates', 'particle_coordinates', 'component_coordinates', ] def __init__( self, name, component_system, bound_states, time, solution, axial_coordinates=None, radial_coordinates=None, particle_coordinates=None): self.bound_states = bound_states self.axial_coordinates = axial_coordinates # Account for dimension reduction in case of only one cell (e.g. LRMP) if radial_coordinates is not None and len(radial_coordinates) == 1: radial_coordinates = None self.radial_coordinates = radial_coordinates # Account for dimension reduction in case of only one cell (e.g. CSTR) if particle_coordinates is not None and len(particle_coordinates) == 1: particle_coordinates = None self.particle_coordinates = particle_coordinates super().__init__(name, component_system, time, solution) @property def n_comp(self): """int: Number of components.""" return sum(self.bound_states) @property def ncol(self): """int: Number of axial discretization points.""" if self.axial_coordinates is None: return None else: return len(self.axial_coordinates) @property def nrad(self): """int: Number of radial discretization points.""" if self.radial_coordinates is None: return return len(self.radial_coordinates) @property def npar(self): if self.particle_coordinates is None: return return len(self.particle_coordinates)
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot( self, start=None, end=None, components=None, layout=None, y_max=None, ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot the entire time_signal for each component. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Start time for plotting. The default is 0. end : float, optional End time for plotting. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. y_max : float, optional Maximum value of y axis. If None, value is automatically deferred from solution. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes object with concentration profile. Raises CADETProcessError If solution is not 1D. See Also -------- _plot_solution_1D slice_solution plotlib plot_purity """ if not (self.ncol is None and self.nrad is None): raise CADETProcessError( "Solution has more than single dimension. " "Please use `plot_at_time`." ) solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'time': [start, end]} ) x = solution.time / 60 if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$time~/~min$' layout.y_label = '$c~/~mM$' if start is not None: start /= 60 if end is not None: end /= 60 layout.x_lim = (start, end) if y_max is not None: layout.y_lim = (None, y_max) ax = _plot_solution_1D(ax, x, solution, layout, *args, **kwargs) return ax
def _plot_1D( self, t, components=None, layout=None, ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot bulk solution over space at given time. Parameters ---------- t : float Time for plotting If t == -1, the final solution is plotted. components : list, optional. List of components to be plotted. If None, all components are plotted. layout : plotting.Layout Plot layout options. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes object with concentration profile. See Also -------- _plot_solution_1D slice_solution plot_at_position plotlib """ solution = slice_solution( self, components=components, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates={'time': [t, t]}, ) x = self.axial_coordinates if layout is None: layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$z~/~m$' layout.y_label = '$c~/~mM$' ax = _plot_solution_1D(ax, x, solution, layout, *args, **kwargs) plotting.add_text(ax, f'time = {t:.2f} s') return ax def _plot_2D(self, t, comp, state, vmax, ax=None): x = self.axial_coordinates y = self.particle_coordinates if not self.time[0] <= t <= self.time[-1]: raise ValueError("Time exceeds bounds.") t_i = np.where(t <= self.time)[0][0] c_i = comp*self.n_bound + state v = self.solution[t_i, :, :, c_i].transpose() if vmax is None: vmax = v.max() mesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, v, shading='gouraud', vmin=0, vmax=vmax) plotting.add_text(ax, f'time = {t:.2f} s') layout = plotting.Layout() layout.title = f'Solid phase concentration, comp={comp}, state={state}' layout.x_label = '$z~/~m$' layout.y_label = '$r~/~m$' layout.labels = self.component_system.species[c_i] plotting.set_layout(ax, layout) return ax, mesh
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot_at_time(self, t, comp=0, state=0, vmax=None, ax=None): """Plot particle solid solution over space at given time. Parameters ---------- t : float time for plotting comp : int, optional component index state : int, optional bound state vmax : float, optional Maximum values for plotting. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. See Also -------- CADETProcess.plotting """ if self.npar is None: ax = self._plot_1D(ax, t, vmax) else: ax, mesh = self._plot_2D(ax, t, comp, vmax) plt.colorbar(mesh, ax) return ax
[docs] class SolutionVolume(SolutionBase): """Volume solution (of e.g. CSTR).""" @property def solution_shape(self): """tuple: (Expected) shape of the solution""" return (self.nt, 1)
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot(self, start=None, end=None, ax=None, update_layout=True, **kwargs): """Plot the whole time_signal for each component. Parameters ---------- start : float start time for plotting end : float end time for plotting ax : Axes Axes to plot on. See Also -------- CADETProcess.plot """ x = self.time / 60 y = self.solution * 1000 y_min = np.min(y) y_max = 1.1 * np.max(y) layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$time~/~min$' layout.y_label = '$V~/~L$' if start is not None: start /= 60 if end is not None: end /= 60 layout.x_lim = (start, end) layout.y_lim = (y_min, y_max) ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) if update_layout: plotting.set_layout(ax, layout) return ax
def _plot_solution_1D( ax, x, solution, layout=None, plot_species=False, plot_components=True, plot_total_concentration=False, alpha=1, hide_labels=False, hide_species_labels=False, secondary_axis=None, secondary_layout=None, show_legend=True, update_layout=True, ): sol = solution.solution c_total_comp = solution.total_concentration_components if secondary_axis is not None: ax_secondary = ax.twinx() else: ax_secondary = None species_index = 0 y_min = 0 y_max = 0 y_min_sec = 0 y_max_sec = 0 colors = iter(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) for i, comp in enumerate(solution.component_system.components): color = next(colors) if hide_labels or not update_layout: label = None else: label = if secondary_axis is not None and in secondary_axis.components: a = ax_secondary else: a = ax if plot_components: y_comp = c_total_comp[..., i] if secondary_axis is not None and in secondary_axis.components: if secondary_axis.transform is not None: y_comp = secondary_axis.transform(y_comp) y_min_sec = min(min(y_comp), y_min_sec) y_max_sec = max(max(y_comp), y_max_sec) else: y_min = np.min((np.min(y_comp), y_min)) y_max = np.max((np.max(y_comp), y_max)) y_comp = np.squeeze(y_comp) a.plot( x, y_comp, linestyle='-', color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label, ) if plot_species: if comp.n_species == 1: if plot_components: species_index += 1 continue linestyle_iter = iter(plotting.linestyle_cycler) for s, species in enumerate(comp.label): if hide_species_labels or not update_layout: label = None else: label = species if comp.n_species == 1 \ and not plot_total_concentration\ and not plot_components: linestyle = '-' else: linestyle = next(linestyle_iter)['linestyle'] if secondary_axis is not None \ and secondary_axis.transform is not None \ and in secondary_axis.components: y_spec = secondary_axis.transform(sol[..., species_index]) y_min_sec = min(min(y_spec), y_min_sec) y_max_sec = max(max(y_spec), y_max_sec) else: y_spec = sol[..., species_index] y_min = min(min(y_spec), y_min) y_max = max(max(y_spec), y_max) y_spec = np.squeeze(y_spec) a.plot( x, y_spec, linestyle=linestyle, label=label, color=color, alpha=alpha ) species_index += 1 if plot_total_concentration: if hide_labels or not update_layout: label = None else: label = 'Total concentration' y_total = solution.total_concentration y_total = np.squeeze(y_total) y_min = min(min(y_total), y_min) y_max = max(max(y_total), y_max) a.plot( x, y_total, '-', label=label, color='k', alpha=alpha ) if layout.y_lim is None: layout.y_lim = (y_min, 1.1*y_max) if secondary_axis is not None and secondary_layout is None: secondary_layout = plotting.Layout() secondary_layout.y_label = secondary_axis.y_label secondary_layout.y_lim = (y_min_sec, 1.1*y_max_sec) if update_layout: plotting.set_layout( ax, layout, show_legend, ax_secondary, secondary_layout, ) return ax class InterpolatedSignal(): def __init__(self, time, signal): if len(signal.shape) == 1: signal = np.array(signal, ndmin=2).transpose() self._solutions = [ PchipInterpolator(time, signal[:, comp]) for comp in range(signal.shape[1]) ] self._derivatives = [signal.derivative() for signal in self._solutions] self._antiderivatives = [signal.antiderivative() for signal in self._solutions] @property def solutions(self): return self._solutions @property def derivatives(self): return self._derivatives def derivative(self, time): """Derivatives of the solution spline(s) at given time points. Parameters ---------- time : np.ndarray The time points to evaluate the derivatives at. Returns ------- der : ndarray Derivatives of the solution spline(s) at given time. """ der = np.empty((len(time), len( for comp, der_i in enumerate(self.derivatives): der[:, comp] = der_i(time) return der @property def antiderivatives(self): return self._antiderivatives def antiderivative(self, time): """ Return all antiderivative of the spline(s) at given time. x : np.ndarray The time points to evaluate the antiderivatives at. Returns ------- anti : ndarray Antiderivatives of the solution spline(s) at given time. """ anti = np.empty((len(time), len( for comp, anti_i in enumerate(self.antiderivatives): anti[:, comp] = anti_i(time) return anti def integral(self, start=None, end=None): """Definite integral between start and end. Parameters ---------- start : float Lower integration bound. end : end Upper integration bound. Returns ------- integral : np.ndarray Definite integral of the solution spline(s) between limits. """ return np.array([ self._solutions[comp].integral(start, end) for comp in range(len(self._solutions)) ]) def __call__(self, t): return np.array([ self._solutions[comp](t) for comp in range(len(self._solutions)) ]).transpose()
[docs] def slice_solution( solution_original, components=None, use_total_concentration=False, use_total_concentration_components=False, coordinates=None): """Slice a `Solution` object along specified dimensions, components or both. Parameters ---------- solution_original : Solution The `Solution` object to slice. components : str or list of str, optional The names of the components to keep in the sliced `Solution`. If `None`, all components are kept. Defaults to `None`. use_total_concentration : bool, optional If `True`, only the total concentration data is kept in the sliced `Solution`. Defaults to `False`. use_total_concentration_components : bool, optional If `True`, the total concentration data is kept for each individual species of each component in the sliced `Solution`. Defaults to `False`. coordinates : dict, optional A dictionary mapping dimensions to slice coordinates. Each dimension in the `Solution` object is represented by a key in the dictionary, and the corresponding value is a tuple of two or three elements specifying the start, stop and step coordinates of the slice along that dimension. If a value is `None`, the corresponding coordinate is not sliced. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- Solution A new `Solution` object representing the sliced data. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the slice coordinates exceeds the bounds of its corresponding dimension. CADETProcessError If any of the specified components or dimensions does not exist in the original `Solution`. """ solution = copy.deepcopy(solution_original) slices = () if coordinates is not None: coordinates = copy.deepcopy(coordinates) for i, (dim, coord) in enumerate(solution.coordinates.items()): if dim == 'component_coordinates': continue if dim in coordinates: sl = list(coordinates.pop(dim)) if sl[0] is None: sl[0] = coord[0] if sl[1] is None: sl[1] = coord[-1] if not coord[0] <= sl[0] <= sl[1] <= coord[-1]: raise ValueError(f"{dim} coordinates exceed bounds.") start_index = np.where(coord >= sl[0])[0][0] if sl[1] is not None: end_index = np.where(coord >= sl[1])[0][0] + 1 else: end_index = None sl = slice(start_index, end_index) slices += (sl,) setattr(solution, dim, coord[sl]) else: slices += (slice(None),) if len(coordinates) > 0: raise CADETProcessError(f"Unknown dimensions: {coordinates.keys()}") solution.solution = solution_original.solution[slices] # First calculate total_concentration of components, if required. if use_total_concentration_components: sol_total_concentration_comp = solution.total_concentration_components for comp in solution.component_system: if comp.n_species > 1: comp._species = [] comp.add_species( solution.solution = sol_total_concentration_comp # Then, slice components. Note that component index can only be used if total # concentration of components has already been calculated and set as solution array. if components is not None: if not isinstance(components, list): components = [components] components = copy.deepcopy(components) component_system = copy.deepcopy(solution.component_system) component_indices = [] for i, (name, component) in enumerate( solution.component_system.components_dict.items()): if name not in components: component_system.remove_component( else: name = str(name) components.remove(name) if use_total_concentration_components: component_indices.append(i) else: component_indices += solution.component_system.indices[] if len(components) != 0: raise CADETProcessError(f"Unknown components: {components}") solution_components = solution.solution[..., component_indices] solution.component_system = component_system solution.solution = solution_components # Only calculate total concentration after removing unwanted components. if use_total_concentration: solution_total_concentration = solution.total_concentration solution.component_system = ComponentSystem(['total_concentration']) solution.solution = solution_total_concentration solution.update() solution.update_transform() return solution