Variable Normalization

Variable Normalization#

Most optimization algorithms struggle when optimization variables spread over multiple orders of magnitude. This is important because the magnitude or range of the parameters can impact the optimization process, and the relative importance of each parameter can be difficult to determine without normalization. Normalizing parameters makes the optimization process more efficient and helps ensure that the results are more accurate and reliable. Additionally, normalization can prevent the optimization process from becoming biased towards certain parameters, which could lead to suboptimal or inefficient solutions.

CADET-Process provides several transformation methods which can help to soften these challenges.

In the following x will refer to the value exposed to the optimizer, whereas variable refers to the actual parameter value.


Linear Normalization#

The linear normalization maps the variable space from the lower and upper bound to a range between \(0\) and \(1\) by applying the following transformation:

\[ x^\prime = \frac{x - x_{lb}}{x_{ub} - x_{lb}} \]
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from CADETProcess.optimization import OptimizationProblem
optimization_problem = OptimizationProblem('normalization_demo')
optimization_problem.add_variable('var_norm_lin', lb=-100, ub=100, transform='linear')
OptimizationVariable(name=var_norm_lin, evaluation_objects=[], parameter_path=None, lb=-100, ub=100)

Log Normalization#

The log normalization maps the variable space from the lower and upper bound to a range between \(0\) and \(1\) by applying the following transformation:

\[ x^\prime = \frac{log \left( \frac{x}{x_{lb}} \right) }{log \left( \frac{x_{ub} }{x_{lb}} \right) } \]
optimization_problem.add_variable('var_norm_log', lb=-100, ub=100, transform='log')
OptimizationVariable(name=var_norm_log, evaluation_objects=[], parameter_path=None, lb=-100, ub=100)

Auto Transform#

This transform will automatically switch between a linear and a log transform if the ratio of upper and lower bounds is larger than some value (\(1000\) by default).

optimization_problem.add_variable('var_norm_auto', lb=-100, ub=100, transform='auto')
OptimizationVariable(name=var_norm_auto, evaluation_objects=[], parameter_path=None, lb=-100, ub=100)