Comparison (CADETProcess.comparison)

Comparison (CADETProcess.comparison)#

Classes for comparing simulation results with a reference.

Difference Metrics#

DifferenceBase(reference[, components, ...])

Base class for difference metric evaluation between a reference and a solution.

SSE(reference[, components, ...])

Sum of squared errors (SSE) difference metric.

RMSE(reference[, components, ...])

Root mean squared errors (RMSE) difference metric.

NRMSE(reference[, components, ...])

Normalized root mean squared errors (RRMSE) difference metric.

Norm(reference[, components, ...])

Norm difference metric.

L1(reference[, components, ...])

L1 norm difference metric.

L2(reference[, components, ...])

L2 norm difference metric.

AbsoluteArea(reference[, components, ...])

Absolute difference in area difference metric.

RelativeArea(reference[, components, ...])

Relative difference in area difference metric.

Shape(reference[, components, ...])

Shape similarity difference metric.

PeakHeight(reference[, components, ...])

Absolute difference in peak height difference metric.

PeakPosition(reference[, components, ...])

Absolute difference in peak peak position difference metric.

BreakthroughHeight(reference[, components, ...])

Absolute difference in breakthrough curve height difference metric.

BreakthroughPosition(reference[, ...])

Absolute difference in breakthrough curve position difference metric.



Class for comparing simulation results against reference data.