

class CADETProcess.processModel.discretization.GRMDiscretizationDG(ncol, npar, nparcell, par_geom, par_disc_type, par_disc_vector, par_boundary_order, use_analytic_jacobian, reconstruction, polynomial_degree, polydeg, polynomial_degree_particle, parpolydeg, exact_integration, exact_integration_particle, par_exact_integration, gs_type, max_krylov, max_restarts, schur_safety, fix_zero_surface_diffusion)[source]#

Discretization parameters of the DG version of the GRM.

See also

ncolUnsignedInteger, optional

Number of axial column discretization cells. Default is 16.

nparUnsignedInteger, optional

Number of particle (radial) discretization cells for each particle type. Default is 1.

nparcellUnsignedInteger, optional

Alias for npar

par_geomSwitch, optional

The geometry of the particles in the model. Valid values are ‘SPHERE’, ‘CYLINDER’, and ‘SLAB’. Default is ‘SPHERE’.

use_analytic_jacobianBool, optional

If True, use analytically computed Jacobian matrix (faster). If False, use Jacobians generated by algorithmic differentiation (slower). Default is True.

reconstructionSwitch, optional

Method for spatial reconstruction. Valid values are ‘WENO’ (Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory). Default is ‘WENO’.

polynomial_degreeUnsignedInteger, optional

Degree of the polynomial used for axial discretization. Default is 3.

polydegUnsignedInteger, optional

Alias for polynomial_degree.

polynomial_degree_particleUnsignedInteger, optional

Degree of the polynomial used for particle radial discretization. Default is 3.

exact_integrationBool, optional

Whether to use exact integration for the axial discretization. Default is False.

exact_integrationBool, optional

Whether to use exact integration for the particle radial discretization. Default is False.

gs_typeBool, optional

Type of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. If 0, use classical Gram-Schmidt. If 1, use modified Gram-Schmidt. The default is 1.

max_krylovUnsignedInteger, optional

Size of the Krylov subspace in the iterative linear GMRES solver. If 0, max_krylov = NCOL * NCOMP * NPARTYPE is used. The default is 0.

max_restartsUnsignedInteger, optional

Maximum number of restarts to use for the GMRES method. Default is 10.

schur_safetyUnsignedFloat, optional

Safety factor for the Schur complement solver. Default is 1.0e-8.

fix_zero_surface_diffusionBool, optional

Whether to fix zero surface diffusion for particles. Default is False. If True, the parameters must not become non-zero during this or subsequent simulation runs. The internal data structures are optimized for a more efficient simulation. Default is False (optimization disabled in favor of flexibility).



Verify if all required parameters are set.