Component System

Component System#

The ComponentSystem ensures that all parts of the process have the same number of components. Moreover, components can be named which automatically adds legends to the plot methods.

The easiest way to initiate a ComponentSystem is to simply pass the number of components in the constructor.

from CADETProcess.processModel import ComponentSystem

component_system = ComponentSystem(2)

Alternatively, a list of strings for the component names can be passed:

component_system = ComponentSystem(['A', 'B'])

For more complicated systems, it is recommended to add components individually using add_component(). For this purpose, add the name, as well as additional properties such as:

  • charge

  • molecular_weight

component_system = ComponentSystem()

Moreover, a Component can have different Species. For example, in some situations, charged species need to be considered separately. However, for plotting, only the total concentration might be required. To register a Species in the ComponentSystem, add a species argument. Note that this requires the number of entries to match for all properties.

component_system = ComponentSystem()
	species=['NH4+', 'NH3'],
	charge=[1, 0]
['Proton', 'Ammonia']
['H+', 'NH4+', 'NH3']