Source code for CADETProcess.reference

Reference (:mod:`CADETProcess.reference`)

.. currentmodule:: CADETProcess.reference

This module provides functionality for setting up reference solutions used for
comparison with ``SimulationResults``

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



import numpy as np

from CADETProcess.processModel import ComponentSystem
from CADETProcess.solution import SolutionBase, SolutionIO

__all__ = ['ReferenceBase', 'ReferenceIO']

[docs] class ReferenceBase(SolutionBase): """Class representing references to be compared with SimulationResults. See Also -------- CADETProcess.solution.SolutionBase """ pass
[docs] class ReferenceIO(SolutionIO): """A class representing reference data of of inlet or outlet unitoperations. Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the reference. component_system : ComponentSystem The reference component system. time : np.ndarray The time points for the reference. solution : np.ndarray The reference solution values. flow_rate : np.ndarray The flow rates for the reference. See Also -------- CADETProcess.reference.ReferenceBase CADETProcess.solution.SolutionIO """ def __init__( self, name, time, solution, flow_rate=None, component_system=None): """Initialize a ReferenceIO object. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the reference. time : array-like The time points for the reference. solution : array-like The reference solution values with shape = (n_time, n_comp). flow_rate : array-like or float, optional The flow rates for the reference. If not provided, flow rate of 1 is assumed. component_system : ComponentSystem, optional The reference component system. If not provided, a ComponentSystem with the same number of components as the solution is created. Raises ------ TypeError If the provided time, solution, or flow rate are not array-like. ValueError If the time and solution arrays are not the same length. If the flow rate array and time array are not the same length. """ time = np.array(time, dtype=np.float64).reshape(-1) if solution.shape[0] != len(time): raise ValueError( "Solution had the wrong shape. Solution needs the shape (time, n_comp)." ) solution = np.array(solution, ndmin=2, dtype=np.float64).reshape(len(time), -1) if component_system is None: n_comp = solution.shape[1] component_system = ComponentSystem(n_comp) if flow_rate is None: flow_rate = 1 if isinstance(flow_rate, (int, float)): flow_rate = flow_rate * np.ones(time.shape) super().__init__(name, component_system, time, solution, flow_rate)