Source code for CADETProcess.optimization.results

import csv
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

from addict import Dict
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cmx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cmap_feas = plt.get_cmap('winter_r')
cmap_infeas = plt.get_cmap('autumn_r')
import numpy as np

from cadet import H5
from CADETProcess import plotting
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import Structure
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import (
    Bool, Dictionary, NdArray, String, UnsignedInteger, UnsignedFloat

from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError
from CADETProcess.sysinfo import system_information
from CADETProcess.optimization import Individual, Population, ParetoFront

[docs] class OptimizationResults(Structure): """Optimization results. Attributes ---------- optimization_problem : OptimizationProblem Optimization problem. optimizer : OptimizerBase Optimizer used to optimize the OptimizationProblem. success : bool True if optimization was successfully terminated. False otherwise. exit_flag : int Information about the solver termination. exit_message : str Additional information about the solver status. time_elapsed : float Execution time of simulation. cpu_time : float CPU run time, taking into account the number of cores used for the optimiation. system_information : dict Information about the system on which the optimization was performed. x : list Values of optimization variables at optimum. f : np.ndarray Value of objective function at x. g : np.ndarray Values of constraint function at x population_last : Population Last population. pareto_front : ParetoFront Pareto optimal solutions. meta_front : ParetoFront Reduced pareto optimal solutions using meta scores and multi-criteria decision functions. """ success = Bool(default=False) exit_flag = UnsignedInteger() exit_message = String() time_elapsed = UnsignedFloat() cpu_time = UnsignedFloat() system_information = Dictionary() def __init__( self, optimization_problem, optimizer, similarity_tol=0, cv_tol=1e-6): self.optimization_problem = optimization_problem self.optimizer = optimizer self._optimizer_state = Dict() self._population_all = Population() self._populations = [] self._similarity_tol = similarity_tol self._cv_tol = cv_tol self._pareto_fronts = [] if optimization_problem.n_multi_criteria_decision_functions > 0: self._meta_fronts = [] else: self._meta_fronts = None self.results_directory = None self.system_information = system_information @property def results_directory(self): return self._results_directory @results_directory.setter def results_directory(self, results_directory): if results_directory is not None: results_directory = Path(results_directory) self.plot_directory = Path(results_directory / 'figures') self.plot_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True) else: self.plot_directory = None self._results_directory = results_directory @property def is_finished(self): if self.exit_flag is None: return False else: return True @property def optimizer_state(self): return self._optimizer_state @property def populations(self): return self._populations @property def population_last(self): return self.populations[-1] @property def population_all(self): return self._population_all @property def pareto_fronts(self): return self._pareto_fronts @property def pareto_front(self): return self._pareto_fronts[-1] @property def meta_fronts(self): if self._meta_fronts is None: return self.pareto_fronts else: return self._meta_fronts @property def meta_front(self): if self._meta_fronts is None: return self.pareto_front else: return self._meta_fronts[-1]
[docs] def update(self, new): """Update Results. Parameters ---------- new : Individual, Population New results Raises ------ CADETProcessError If new is not an instance of Individual or Population """ if isinstance(new, Individual): population = Population() population.add_individual(new) elif isinstance(new, Population): population = new else: raise CADETProcessError("Expected Population or Individual") self._populations.append(population) self.population_all.update(population)
[docs] def update_pareto(self, pareto_new=None): """Update pareto front with new population. Parameters ---------- pareto_new : Population, optional New pareto front. If None, update existing front with latest population. """ pareto_front = ParetoFront( similarity_tol=self._similarity_tol, cv_tol=self._cv_tol ) if pareto_new is not None: pareto_front.update_population(pareto_new) else: if len(self.pareto_fronts) > 0: pareto_front.update_population(self.pareto_front) pareto_front.update_population(self.population_last) if self._similarity_tol is not None: pareto_front.remove_similar() self._pareto_fronts.append(pareto_front)
[docs] def update_meta(self, meta_front): """Update meta front with new population. Parameters ---------- meta_front : Population New meta front. """ if self._similarity_tol is not None: meta_front.remove_similar() self._meta_fronts.append(meta_front)
@property def n_evals(self): """int: Number of evaluations.""" return sum([len(pop) for pop in self.populations]) @property def n_gen(self): """int: Number of generations.""" return len(self.populations) @property def x(self): """np.array: Optimal points.""" return self.meta_front.x @property def x_transformed(self): """np.array: Optimal points.""" return self.meta_front.x_transformed @property def f(self): """np.array: Optimal objective values.""" return self.meta_front.f @property def g(self): """np.array: Optimal nonlinear constraint values.""" return self.meta_front.g @property def cv(self): """np.array: Optimal nonlinear constraint violations.""" return @property def m(self): """np.array: Optimal meta score values.""" return self.meta_front.m @property def n_evals_history(self): """int: Number of evaluations per generation.""" n_evals = [len(pop) for pop in self.populations] return np.cumsum(n_evals) @property def f_best_history(self): """np.array: Best objective values per generation.""" return np.array([pop.f_best for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def f_min_history(self): """np.array: Minimum objective values per generation.""" return np.array([pop.f_min for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def f_max_history(self): """np.array: Maximum objective values per generation.""" return np.array([pop.f_max for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def f_avg_history(self): """np.array: Average objective values per generation.""" return np.array([pop.f_avg for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def g_best_history(self): """np.array: Best nonlinear constraint per generation.""" return np.array([pop.g_best for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def g_min_history(self): """np.array: Minimum nonlinear constraint values per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.g_min for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def g_max_history(self): """np.array: Maximum nonlinear constraint values per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.g_max for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def g_avg_history(self): """np.array: Average nonlinear constraint values per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.g_avg for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def cv_min_history(self): """np.array: Minimum nonlinear constraint violation values per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.cv_min for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def cv_max_history(self): """np.array: Maximum nonlinear constraint violation values per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.cv_max for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def cv_avg_history(self): """np.array: Average nonlinear constraint violation values per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.cv_avg for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def m_best_history(self): """np.array: Best meta scores per generation.""" return np.array([pop.m_best for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def m_min_history(self): """np.array: Minimum meta scores per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.m_min for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def m_max_history(self): """np.array: Maximum meta scores per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.m_max for pop in self.meta_fronts]) @property def m_avg_history(self): """np.array: Average meta scores per generation.""" if self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores == 0: return None else: return np.array([pop.m_avg for pop in self.meta_fronts])
[docs] def plot_figures(self, show=True): """Plot result figures. See Also -------- plot_convergence plot_objectives plot_corner plot_pareto """ if self.plot_directory is None: return with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.plot_convergence( 'objectives', show=show, plot_directory=self.plot_directory ) if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints > 0: self.plot_convergence( 'nonlinear_constraints', show=show, plot_directory=self.plot_directory ) if self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores > 0: self.plot_convergence( 'meta_scores', show=show, plot_directory=self.plot_directory ) self.plot_objectives( show=show, plot_directory=self.plot_directory ) if self.optimization_problem.n_variables > 1 and len(self.x) > 1: self.plot_corner( show=show, plot_directory=self.plot_directory ) if self.optimization_problem.n_objectives > 1: self.plot_pareto( show=show, plot_directory=self.plot_directory, plot_evolution=True, plot_pareto=False, )
[docs] def plot_objectives( self, include_meta=True, plot_pareto=False, plot_infeasible=True, plot_individual=False, autoscale=True, show=True, plot_directory=None): """Plot objective function values for all optimization generations. Parameters ---------- include_meta : bool, optional If True, meta scores will be included in the plot. The default is True. plot_pareto : bool, optional If True, only plot Pareto front members of each generation are plotted. Else, all evaluated individuals are plotted. The default is False. plot_infeasible : bool, optional If True, plot infeasible points. The default is True. plot_individual : bool, optional If True, create separate figures for each objective. Otherwise, all objectives are plotted in one figure. The default is False. plot_infeasible : bool, optional If True, plot infeasible points. The default is False. autoscale : bool, optional If True, automatically adjust the scaling of the axes. The default is True. show : bool, optional If True, display the plot. The default is True. plot_directory : str, optional The directory where the plot should be saved. The default is None. See Also -------- CADETProcess.optimization.Population.plot_objectives """ axs = None figs = None _show = False _plot_directory = None cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=self.n_gen) scalarMap_feas = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cmap_feas) scalarMap_infeas = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cmap_infeas) if plot_pareto: populations = self.pareto_fronts population_last = self.pareto_front else: populations = self.populations population_last = self.population_last for i, gen in enumerate(populations): if gen is population_last: _plot_directory = plot_directory _show = show axs, figs = gen.plot_objectives( axs, figs, include_meta=include_meta, plot_infeasible=plot_infeasible, plot_individual=plot_individual, autoscale=autoscale, color_feas=scalarMap_feas.to_rgba(i), color_infeas=scalarMap_infeas.to_rgba(i), show=_show, plot_directory=_plot_directory )
[docs] def plot_pareto( self, show=True, plot_pareto=True, plot_evolution=False, plot_directory=None): """Plot Pareto fronts for each generation in the optimization. The Pareto front represents the optimal solutions that cannot be improved in one objective without sacrificing another. The method shows a pairwise Pareto plot, where each objective is plotted against every other objective in a scatter plot, allowing for a visualization of the trade-offs between the objectives. To highlight the progress, a colormap is used where later generations are plotted with darker blueish colors. Parameters ---------- show : bool, optional If True, display the plot. The default is True. plot_pareto : bool, optional If True, only Pareto front members of each generation are plotted. Else, all evaluated individuals are plotted. The default is True. plot_evolution : bool, optional If True, the Pareto front is plotted for each generation. Else, only final Pareto front is plotted. The default is False. plot_directory : str, optional The directory where the plot should be saved. The default is None. See Also -------- CADETProcess.optimization.Population.plot_pareto """ plot = None _show = False _plot_directory = None cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=self.n_gen) scalarMap_feas = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cmap_feas) scalarMap_infeas = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cmap_infeas) if plot_pareto: populations = self.pareto_fronts population_last = self.pareto_front else: populations = self.populations population_last = self.population_last if not plot_evolution: populations = [population_last] for i, gen in enumerate(populations): if gen is population_last: _plot_directory = plot_directory _show = show plot = gen.plot_pareto( plot, color_feas=scalarMap_feas.to_rgba(i), color_infeas=scalarMap_infeas.to_rgba(i), show=_show, plot_directory=_plot_directory )
[docs] def plot_corner(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a corner plot of the independent variables. Parameters ---------- untransformed : bool, optional If True, use the untransformed independent variables. The default is True. show : bool, optional If True, display the plot. The default is True. plot_directory : str, optional The directory where the plot should be saved. The default is None. See Also -------- CADETProcess.results.plot_corner corner.corner """ try: self.population_all.plot_corner(*args, **kwargs) except AssertionError: pass
[docs] def setup_convergence_figure(self, target, plot_individual=False): if target == 'objectives': n = self.optimization_problem.n_objectives elif target == 'nonlinear_constraints': n = self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints elif target == 'meta_scores': n = self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores else: raise CADETProcessError("Unknown target.") if n == 0: return (None, None) fig_all, axs_all = plt.subplots( ncols=n, figsize=(n*6 + 2, 6), squeeze=False, ) axs_all = axs_all.reshape((-1,)) plt.close(fig_all) figs_ind = [] axs_ind = [] for i in range(n): fig, ax = plt.subplots() figs_ind.append(fig) axs_ind.append(ax) plt.close(fig) axs_ind = np.array(axs_ind).reshape(axs_all.shape) if plot_individual: return figs_ind, axs_ind else: return fig_all, axs_all
[docs] def plot_convergence( self, target='objectives', figs=None, axs=None, plot_individual=False, plot_avg=True, autoscale=True, show=True, plot_directory=None): """Plot the convergence of optimization metrics over evaluations. Parameters ---------- target : str, optional The target metrics to plot: 'objectives', 'nonlinear_constraints', or 'meta_scores'. The default is 'objectives'. figs : plt.Figure or list of plt.Figure, optional Figure(s) to plot the objectives on. axs : plt.Axes or list of plt.Axes, optional Axes to plot the objectives on. If None, new figures and axes will be created. plot_individual : bool, optional If True, create individual figure vor each metric. The default is False. autoscale : bool, optional If True, autoscale the y-axis. The default is True. show : bool, optional If True, show the plot. The default is True. plot_directory : str, optional A directory to save the plot, by default None. Returns ------- tuple Tuple with (lists of) figure and axes objects. """ if axs is None: figs, axs = self.setup_convergence_figure(target, plot_individual) if not isinstance(figs, list): figs = [figs] layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$n_{Evaluations}$' if target == 'objectives': funcs = self.optimization_problem.objectives values_min = self.f_best_history values_avg = self.f_avg_history elif target == 'nonlinear_constraints': funcs = self.optimization_problem.nonlinear_constraints values_min = self.g_best_history values_avg = self.g_avg_history elif target == 'meta_scores': funcs = self.optimization_problem.meta_scores values_min = self.m_best_history values_avg = self.m_avg_history else: raise CADETProcessError("Unknown target.") if len(funcs) == 0: return counter = 0 for func in funcs: start = counter stop = counter+func.n_metrics v_func_min = values_min[:, start:stop] v_func_avg = values_avg[:, start:stop] for i_metric in range(func.n_metrics): v_line_min = v_func_min[:, i_metric] v_line_avg = v_func_avg[:, i_metric] ax = axs[counter + i_metric] lines = ax.get_lines() if len(lines) > 0: lines[0].set_xdata(self.n_evals_history) lines[0].set_ydata(v_line_min) if plot_avg and self.population_last.n_individuals > 1: lines[1].set_ydata(v_line_avg) else: if plot_avg and self.population_last.n_individuals > 1: label = 'best' else: label=None ax.plot( self.n_evals_history, v_line_min, '--', color='k', label=label ) if plot_avg and self.population_last.n_individuals > 1: ax.plot( self.n_evals_history, v_line_avg, '-', color='k', alpha=0.5, label='avg' ) layout.x_lim = (0, np.max(self.n_evals_history)+1) try: label = func.labels[i_metric] except AttributeError: label = f'{func}_{i_metric}' if plot_avg and self.population_last.n_individuals > 1: y_min = np.nanmin(v_line_min) y_max = np.nanmax(v_line_avg) else: y_min = np.nanmin(v_line_min) y_max = np.nanmax(v_line_min) layout.y_label = label if autoscale and y_min > 0: if y_max / y_min > 100.0: ax.set_yscale('log') layout.y_label = f"$log_{{10}}$({label})" try: plotting.set_layout(ax, layout) ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view() except ValueError: pass counter += func.n_metrics for fig in figs: fig.tight_layout() if not show: plt.close(fig) else: dummy = plt.figure(figsize=fig.get_size_inches()) new_manager = dummy.canvas.manager new_manager.canvas.figure = fig fig.set_canvas(new_manager.canvas) if plot_directory is not None: plot_directory = Path(plot_directory) if plot_individual: for i, fig in enumerate(figs): figname = f'convergence_{target}_{i}' fig.savefig( f'{plot_directory / figname}.png' ) else: figname = f'convergence_{target}' figs[0].savefig( f'{plot_directory / figname}.png' )
[docs] def save_results(self, name): if self.results_directory is not None: self._update_csv(self.population_last, 'results_all', mode='a') self._update_csv(self.population_last, 'results_last', mode='w') self._update_csv(self.pareto_front, 'results_pareto', mode='w') if self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores > 0: self._update_csv(self.meta_front, 'results_meta', mode='w') results = H5() results.root = Dict(self.to_dict()) results.filename = self.results_directory / f'{name}.h5'
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert Results to a dictionary. Returns ------- addict.Dict Results as a dictionary with populations stored as list of dictionaries. """ data = Dict() data.system_information = self.system_information data.optimizer_state = self.optimizer_state data.population_all_id = str( data.populations = {i: pop.to_dict() for i, pop in enumerate(self.populations)} data.pareto_fronts = { i: front.to_dict() for i, front in enumerate(self.pareto_fronts) } if self._meta_fronts is not None: data.meta_fronts = { i: front.to_dict() for i, front in enumerate(self.meta_fronts) } if self.time_elapsed is not None: data.time_elapsed = self.time_elapsed data.cpu_time = self.cpu_time return data
[docs] def update_from_dict(self, data): """Update internal state from dictionary. Parameters ---------- data : dict Serialized data. """ self._optimizer_state = data['optimizer_state'] self._population_all = Population(id=data['population_all_id']) for pop_dict in data['populations'].values(): pop = Population.from_dict(pop_dict) self.update(pop) self._pareto_fronts = [ ParetoFront.from_dict(d) for d in data['pareto_fronts'].values() ] if self._meta_fronts is not None: self._meta_fronts = [ ParetoFront.from_dict(d) for d in data['meta_fronts'].values() ]
[docs] def setup_csv(self): """Create csv files for optimization results.""" self._setup_csv('results_all') self._setup_csv('results_last') self._setup_csv('results_pareto') if self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores > 0: self._setup_csv('results_meta')
def _setup_csv(self, file_name): """Create csv file for optimization results. Parameters ---------- file_name : {str, Path} Path to save results. """ header = [ "id", *self.optimization_problem.variable_names, *self.optimization_problem.objective_labels ] if self.optimization_problem.n_nonlinear_constraints > 0: header += [*self.optimization_problem.nonlinear_constraint_labels] if self.optimization_problem.n_meta_scores > 0: header += [*self.optimization_problem.meta_score_labels] with open( f'{self.results_directory / file_name}.csv', 'w' ) as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",") writer.writerow(header) def _update_csv(self, population, file_name, mode='a'): """Update csv file with latest population. Parameters ---------- population : Population latest Population. file_name : {str, Path} Path to save results. mode : {'a', 'w'} a: append to existing file. w: Create new csv. See Also -------- setup_csv """ if mode == 'w': self._setup_csv(file_name) mode = 'a' with open( f'{self.results_directory / file_name}.csv', mode ) as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",") for ind in population: row = [, *ind.x.tolist(), *ind.f.tolist() ] if ind.g is not None: row += ind.g.tolist() if ind.m is not None: row += ind.m.tolist() writer.writerow(row)