Source code for CADETProcess.optimization.population

from pathlib import Path
import uuid

from addict import Dict
import corner
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymoo.visualization.scatter import Scatter

from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError
from CADETProcess import plotting
from CADETProcess.optimization.individual import hash_array, Individual

[docs] class Population(): """Collection of Individuals evaluated during Optimization. Attributes ---------- individuals : list Individuals evaluated during optimization. See Also -------- CADETProcess.optimization.Individual ParetoFront """ def __init__(self, id=None): """Initialize the Population. Parameters ---------- id : str or None, optional Identifier for the population. If None, a random UUID will be generated. """ self._individuals = {} if id is None: = uuid.uuid4() else: if isinstance(id, bytes): id = id.decode(encoding='utf=8') = uuid.UUID(id) @property def feasible(self): """Population: Population containing only feasible individuals.""" pop = Population() pop._individuals = { ind for ind in self.individuals if ind.is_feasible} return pop @property def infeasible(self): """Population: Population containing only infeasible individuals.""" pop = Population() pop._individuals = { ind for ind in self.individuals if not ind.is_feasible } return pop @property def n_x(self): """int: Number of optimization variables.""" return self.individuals[0].n_x @property def n_f(self): """int: Number of objective metrics.""" return self.individuals[0].n_f @property def n_g(self): """int: Number of nonlinear constraint metrics.""" return self.individuals[0].n_g @property def n_m(self): """int: Number of meta scores.""" return self.individuals[0].n_m @property def dimensions(self): """tuple: Individual dimensions (n_x, n_f, n_g, n_m)""" if self.n_individuals == 0: return None return self.individuals[0].dimensions @property def objectives_minimization_factors(self): return self.individuals[0].objectives_minimization_factors @property def meta_scores_minimization_factors(self): return self.individuals[0].meta_scores_minimization_factors @property def variable_names(self): """list: Names of the optimization variables.""" if self.individuals[0].variable_names is None: return [f'x_{i}' for i in range(self.n_x)] else: return self.individuals[0].variable_names @property def independent_variable_names(self): """list: Names of the independent variables.""" return self.individuals[0].independent_variable_names @property def objective_labels(self): """list: Labels of the objective metrics.""" return self.individuals[0].objective_labels @property def contraint_labels(self): """list: Labels of the nonlinear constraint metrics.""" return self.individuals[0].contraint_labels @property def meta_score_labels(self): """list: Labels of the meta scores.""" return self.individuals[0].meta_score_labels
[docs] def add_individual(self, individual, ignore_duplicate=True): """Add individual to population. Parameters ---------- individual : Individual Individual to be added. ignore_duplicate : bool, optional If False, an Exception is thrown if the individual already exists. Raises ------ TypeError If the individual is not an instance of Individual. CADETProcessError If the individual does not match the dimensions. If the individual already exists. """ if not isinstance(individual, Individual): raise TypeError("Expected Individual") if self.dimensions is not None \ and individual.dimensions != self.dimensions: raise CADETProcessError("Individual does not match dimensions.") if individual in self: if ignore_duplicate: return else: raise CADETProcessError("Individual already exists.") self._individuals[] = individual
[docs] def remove_individual(self, individual): """Remove an individual from the population. Parameters ---------- individual : Individual Individual to be removed. Raises ------ TypeError If the individual is not an instance of Individual. CADETProcessError If the individual is not in the population. """ if not isinstance(individual, Individual): raise TypeError("Expected Individual") if individual not in self: raise CADETProcessError("Individual is not in population.") self._individuals.pop(
[docs] def update(self, other): """Update the population with individuals from another population. Parameters ---------- other : Population Another population. Raises ------ TypeError If other is not an instance of Population. CADETProcessError If the dimensions do not match. """ if not isinstance(other, Population): raise TypeError("Expected Population") if self.dimensions is not None and self.dimensions != other.dimensions: raise CADETProcessError("Dimensions do not match") self._individuals.update(other._individuals)
[docs] def remove_similar(self): """Remove similar individuals from the population.""" for ind in self.individuals.copy(): to_remove = [] for ind_other in self.individuals.copy(): if ind is ind_other: continue if ind_other.is_similar(ind, self.similarity_tol): to_remove.append(ind_other) for i in reversed(to_remove): try: self.remove_individual(i) except CADETProcessError: pass
@property def individuals(self): """list: All individuals.""" return list(self._individuals.values()) @property def n_individuals(self): """int: Number of indivuals.""" return len(self.individuals) @property def x(self): """np.array: All evaluated points.""" return np.array([ind.x for ind in self.individuals]) @property def x_transformed(self): """np.array: All evaluated points in independent transformed space.""" return np.array([ind.x_transformed for ind in self.individuals]) @property def f(self): """np.array: All evaluated objective function values.""" return np.array([ind.f for ind in self.individuals]) @property def f_minimized(self): """np.array: All evaluated objective function values, transformed to be minimized.""" return np.array([ind.f_min for ind in self.individuals]) @property def f_best(self): """np.array: Best objective values.""" f_best = np.min(self.f_minimized, axis=0) return np.multiply(self.objectives_minimization_factors, f_best) @property def f_min(self): """np.array: Minimum objective values.""" return np.min(self.f, axis=0) @property def f_max(self): """np.array: Maximum objective values.""" return np.max(self.f, axis=0) @property def f_avg(self): """np.array: Average objective values.""" return np.mean(self.f, axis=0) @property def g(self): """np.array: All evaluated nonlinear constraint function values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.array([ind.g for ind in self.individuals]) @property def g_best(self): """np.array: Best nonlinear constraint values.""" indices = np.argmin(, axis=0) return [self.g[ind, i] for i, ind in enumerate(indices)] @property def g_min(self): """np.array: Minimum nonlinear constraint values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.min(self.g, axis=0) @property def g_max(self): """np.array: Maximum nonlinear constraint values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.max(self.g, axis=0) @property def g_avg(self): """np.array: Average nonlinear constraint values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.mean(self.g, axis=0) @property def cv(self): """np.array: All evaluated nonlinear constraint function values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.array([ for ind in self.individuals]) @property def cv_min(self): """np.array: Minimum nonlinear constraint violation values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.min(, axis=0) @property def cv_max(self): """np.array: Maximum nonlinearconstraint violation values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.max(, axis=0) @property def cv_avg(self): """np.array: Average nonlinear constraint violation values.""" if self.dimensions[2] > 0: return np.mean(, axis=0) @property def m(self): """np.array: All evaluated meta scores.""" if self.dimensions[3] > 0: return np.array([ind.m for ind in self.individuals]) @property def m_minimized(self): """np.array: All evaluated meta scores, transformed to be minimized.""" if self.dimensions[3] > 0: return np.array([ind.m_min for ind in self.individuals]) @property def m_best(self): """np.array: Best meta scores.""" if self.dimensions[3] > 0: m_best = np.min(self.m_minimized, axis=0) return np.multiply(self.meta_scores_minimization_factors, m_best) @property def m_min(self): """np.array: Minimum meta scores.""" if self.dimensions[3] > 0: return np.min(self.m, axis=0) @property def m_max(self): """np.array: Maximum meta scores.""" if self.dimensions[3] > 0: return np.max(self.m, axis=0) @property def m_avg(self): """np.array: Average meta scores.""" if self.dimensions[3] > 0: return np.mean(self.m, axis=0) @property def is_feasilbe(self): """np.array: False if any constraint is not met. True otherwise.""" return np.array([ind.is_feasible for ind in self.individuals])
[docs] def setup_objectives_figure(self, include_meta=True, plot_individual=False): """Set up figure and axes for plotting objectives. Parameters ---------- include_meta : bool, optional If True, include meta scores in the plot. The default is True. plot_individual : bool, optional If True, create separate figures for each objective. Otherwise, plot all objectives in one figure. The default is True. Returns ------- tuple A tuple of the figure(s) and axes object(s). """ n = len(self.variable_names) if include_meta and self.m is not None: m = len(self.objective_labels) + len(self.meta_score_labels) else: m = len(self.objective_labels) if n == 0: return (None, None) space_fig_all, space_axs_all = plt.subplots( nrows=m, ncols=n, figsize=(n*8 + 2, m*8 + 2), squeeze=False, ) plt.close(space_fig_all) space_figs_ind = [] space_axs_ind = [] for i in range(m*n): fig, ax = plt.subplots() space_figs_ind.append(fig) space_axs_ind.append(ax) plt.close(fig) space_axs_ind = np.array(space_axs_ind).reshape(space_axs_all.shape) if plot_individual: return space_figs_ind, space_axs_ind else: return space_fig_all, space_axs_all
[docs] def plot_objectives( self, figs=None, axs=None, include_meta=True, plot_infeasible=True, plot_individual=False, autoscale=True, color_feas='blue', color_infeas='red', show=True, plot_directory=None): """Plot the objective function values for each design variable. Parameters ---------- figs : plt.Figure or list, optional Figure(s) to plot the objectives on. The default is None. axs : plt.Axes or list, optional Axes to plot the objectives on. The default is None. include_meta : bool, optional If True, include meta scores in the plot. The default is True. plot_infeasible : bool, optional If True, plot infeasible points. The default is True. plot_individual : bool, optional If True, create separate figures for each objective. Otherwise, plot all objectives in one figure. The default is False. autoscale : bool, optional If True, automatically adjust the scaling of the axes. The default is True. color_feas : str, optional The color for the feasible points. The default is 'blue'. color_infeas : str, optional The color for the infeasible points. The default is 'red'. show : bool, optional If True, display the plot. The default is True. plot_directory : str, optional The directory where the plot should be saved. The default is None. Returns ------- tuple A tuple of the figure(s) and axes object(s). """ if axs is None: figs, axs = self.setup_objectives_figure(include_meta, plot_individual) if not isinstance(figs, list): figs = [figs] layout = plotting.Layout() layout.y_label = '$f~/~-$' variables = self.variable_names feasible = self.feasible infeasible = self.infeasible x_feas = feasible.x x_infeas = infeasible.x if include_meta and self.m is not None: if len(feasible) > 0: values_feas = np.hstack((feasible.f, feasible.m)) else: values_infeas = np.empty((0, self.n_f + self.n_m)) if len(infeasible) > 0: values_infeas = np.hstack((infeasible.f, infeasible.m)) else: values_infeas = np.empty((0, self.n_f + self.n_m)) labels = self.objective_labels + self.meta_score_labels else: values_feas = feasible.f values_infeas = infeasible.f labels = self.objective_labels for i_var, var in enumerate(variables): if len(feasible) > 0: x_var_feas = x_feas[:, i_var] if len(infeasible) > 0: x_var_infeas = x_infeas[:, i_var] for i_metric, label in enumerate(labels): ax = axs[i_metric][i_var] if len(feasible) > 0: v_metric_feas = values_feas[:, i_metric] ax.scatter(x_var_feas, v_metric_feas, alpha=0.5, color=color_feas) if len(infeasible) > 0 and plot_infeasible: v_metric_infeas = values_infeas[:, i_metric] ax.scatter(x_var_infeas, v_metric_infeas, alpha=0.5, color=color_infeas) points = np.vstack([col.get_offsets() for col in ax.collections]) x_all = points[:, 0] v_all = points[:, 1] layout.x_lim = (np.nanmin(x_all), np.nanmax(x_all)) layout.x_label = var if autoscale and np.min(x_all) > 0: if np.max(x_all) / np.min(x_all[x_all > 0]) > 100.0: ax.set_xscale('log') layout.x_label = f"$log_{{10}}$({var})" y_min = np.nanmin(v_all) y_max = np.nanmax(v_all) y_lim = ( min(0.9*y_min, y_min - 0.01*(y_max-y_min)), 1.1*y_max ) layout.y_label = label if autoscale and np.min(v_all) > 0: if np.max(v_all) / np.min(v_all[v_all > 0]) > 100.0: ax.set_yscale('log') layout.y_label = f"$log_{{10}}$({label})" y_lim = (y_min/2, y_max*2) if y_min != y_max: layout.y_lim = y_lim try: plotting.set_layout(ax, layout) except ValueError: pass for fig in figs: fig.tight_layout() if not show: plt.close(fig) else: dummy = plt.figure(figsize=fig.get_size_inches()) new_manager = dummy.canvas.manager new_manager.canvas.figure = fig fig.set_canvas(new_manager.canvas) if plot_directory is not None: plot_directory = Path(plot_directory) if plot_individual: for i, fig in enumerate(figs): fig.savefig( f'{plot_directory / "objectives"}_{i}.png' ) else: figs[0].savefig( f'{plot_directory / "objectives"}.png' ) return figs, axs
[docs] def setup_pareto(self, include_meta: bool = False): """Set up base figure for plotting the Pareto front. Parameters ---------- include_meta : bool If True, include meta scores in Pareto plot. Returns ------- pymoo.visualization.scatter.Scatter The base figure object. """ if include_meta: n = self.dimensions[1] + self.dimensions[3] labels = self.objective_labels + self.meta_score_labels else: n = self.dimensions[1] labels = self.objective_labels plot = Scatter( figsize=(6 * n, 5 * n), tight_layout=True, plot_3d=False, labels=labels, ) return plot
[docs] def plot_pareto( self, plot=None, include_meta=True, plot_infeasible=True, color_feas='blue', color_infeas='red', show=True, plot_directory=None): """Plot pairwise Pareto fronts for each generation in the optimization. The Pareto front represents the optimal solutions that cannot be improved in one objective without sacrificing another. The method shows a pairwise Pareto plot, where each objective is plotted against every other objective in a scatter plot, allowing for a visualization of the trade-offs between the objectives. Parameters ---------- plot : pymoo.visualization.scatter.Scatter, optional Base figure. If None is provided, a new one will be set up. include_meta : bool, optional If True, include meta scores in the plot. The default is True. plot_infeasible : bool, optional If True, plot infeasible points. The default is True. color_feas : str, optional The color for the feasible points. The default is 'blue'. color_infeas : str, optional The color for the infeasible points. The default is 'red'. show : bool, optional If True, display the plot. The default is True. plot_directory : str, optional The directory where the plot should be saved. The default is None. Returns ------- pymoo.visualization.scatter.Scatter The scatter plot object. """ if plot is None: plot = self.setup_pareto(include_meta) feasible = self.feasible infeasible = self.infeasible if include_meta and self.m is not None: if len(feasible) > 0: values_feas = np.hstack((feasible.f, feasible.m)) else: values_infeas = np.empty((0, self.n_f + self.n_m)) if len(infeasible) > 0: values_infeas = np.hstack((infeasible.f, infeasible.m)) else: values_infeas = np.empty((0, self.n_f + self.n_m)) else: values_feas = feasible.f values_infeas = infeasible.f if len(feasible) > 0: plot.add(values_feas, s=10, color=color_feas) if plot_infeasible and len(infeasible) > 0: plot.add(values_infeas, s=10, color=color_infeas) if plot_directory is not None: plot_directory = Path(plot_directory)'{plot_directory / "pareto.png"}') if not show: plt.close(plot.fig) else: return plot
[docs] def plot_corner(self, use_transformed=False, show=True, plot_directory=None): """Create a corner plot of the independent variables. Parameters ---------- use_transformed : bool, optional If True, use the transformed independent variables. The default is False. show : bool, optional If True, display the plot. The default is True. plot_directory : str, optional The directory where the plot should be saved. The default is None. """ if use_transformed: x = self.x_transformed labels = self.independent_variable_names else: x = self.x labels = self.variable_names # To avoid error, remove dimensions where all entries are the same value. singular_indices = [] singular_labels = [] for i, col in enumerate(x.transpose()): if len(np.unique(col)) == 1: singular_indices.append(i) singular_labels.append(labels[i]) x = np.delete(x.transpose(), singular_indices, 0).transpose() labels = [label for label in labels if label not in singular_labels] fig = corner.corner( x, labels=labels, bins=20, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 20}, title_fmt=".2g", use_math_text=True, quiet=True, ) fig_size = 6*len(labels) fig.set_size_inches((fig_size, fig_size)) fig.tight_layout() if plot_directory is not None: plot_directory = Path(plot_directory) fig.savefig(f'{plot_directory / "corner.png"}') if not show: plt.close(fig)
def __contains__(self, other): """Check if the population contains a specific individual. Parameters ---------- other : Individual, np.array, list The individual or its hashable representation. Returns ------- bool True if the individual is in the population, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(other, Individual): key = elif isinstance(other, (np.array, list)): key = hash_array(other) else: key = None if key in self._individuals: return True else: return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, x): """Get an individual from the population using its hashable representation. Parameters ---------- x : np.array, list The hashable representation of the individual. Returns ------- Individual The individual from the population. """ key = hash_array(x) return self._individuals[key]
[docs] def __len__(self): """Get the number of individuals in the population. Returns ------- int The number of individuals in the population. """ return self.n_individuals
def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the individuals in the population. Returns ------- iter An iterator over the individuals in the population. """ return iter(self.individuals)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert Population to a dictionary. Returns ------- dict Population as a dictionary with individuals stored as list of dictionaries. """ data = Dict() = str( for i, ind in enumerate(self.individuals): data.individuals[i] = ind.to_dict() return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Create a Population from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- data : dict The dictionary containing population data. Returns ------- Population The Population created from the data. """ id = data['id'] if isinstance(id, bytes): id = id.decode(encoding='utf=8') population = cls(id) for individual_data in data['individuals'].values(): individual = Individual.from_dict(individual_data) population.add_individual(individual) return population
class ParetoFront(Population): def __init__(self, similarity_tol=1e-1, cv_tol=1e-6, *args, **kwargs): self.similarity_tol = similarity_tol self.cv_tol = cv_tol super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def update_individual(self, individual): """Update the Pareto front with new individual. If any individual in the pareto front is dominated, it is removed. Parameters ---------- individual : Individual Individual to update the pareto front with. Returns ------- significant_improvement : bool True if pareto front has improved significantly. False otherwise. """ significant = [] is_dominated = False dominates_one = False to_remove = [] try: if np.any(np.array(individual.g) > self.cv_tol): return False except TypeError: pass for i, ind_pareto in enumerate(self): if not dominates_one and ind_pareto.dominates(individual): is_dominated = True break elif individual.dominates(ind_pareto): dominates_one = True to_remove.append(ind_pareto) significant.append( not individual.is_similar(ind_pareto, self.similarity_tol) ) for i in reversed(to_remove): self.remove_individual(i) if not is_dominated: if len(self) == 0: significant.append(True) elif sum(self.dimensions[1:]) > 1: if len(significant) == 0 \ or (len(significant) and any(significant)): significant.append(True) self.add_individual(individual) if len(self) == 0: self.add_individual(individual) if self.similarity_tol != 0: self.remove_similar() return any(significant) def update_population(self, population): """Update the Pareto front with new population. If any individual in the pareto front is dominated, it is removed. Parameters ---------- population : list Individuals to update the pareto front with. Returns ------- new_members : list New members added to the pareto front. significant_improvement : bool True if pareto front has improved significantly. False otherwise. """ new_members = [] significant = [] for ind_new in population: is_dominated = False dominates_one = False has_twin = False to_remove = [] try: # Do not add if invalid if np.any(np.array( > self.cv_tol): continue except TypeError: pass for i, ind_pareto in enumerate(self): # Do not add if is dominated if not dominates_one and ind_pareto.dominates(ind_new): is_dominated = True break elif ind_new.dominates(ind_pareto): # Remove existing if new dominates dominates_one = True to_remove.append(ind_pareto) if not ind_new.is_similar(ind_pareto, self.similarity_tol): significant.append(True) elif ind_new.is_similar(ind_pareto, self.similarity_tol): has_twin = True break for i in reversed(to_remove): self.remove_individual(i) if not is_dominated: if len(self) == 0: significant.append(True) if not has_twin: significant.append(True) self.add_individual(ind_new) new_members.append(ind_new) if len(self) == 0: # Use least inveasible individuals. indices = np.argmin(, axis=0) for index in indices: ind_new = population.individuals[index] self.add_individual(ind_new) if self.similarity_tol is not None: self.remove_similar() return new_members, any(significant) def remove_infeasible(self): """Remove infeasible individuals from pareto front.""" for ind in self.individuals.copy(): try: if np.any(np.array( > self.cv_tol): self.remove_individual(ind) except TypeError: pass def remove_dominated(self): """Remove dominated individuals from pareto front.""" for ind in self.individuals.copy(): dominates_one = False to_remove = [] for ind_other in self.individuals.copy(): if not dominates_one and ind_other.dominates(ind): to_remove.append(ind) break elif ind.dominates(ind_other): dominates_one = True to_remove.append(ind_other) for i in reversed(to_remove): try: self.remove_individual(i) except CADETProcessError: pass def to_dict(self): """Convert ParetoFront to a dictionary. Returns ------- dict ParetoFront as a dictionary with individuals stored as list of dictionaries. """ front = super().to_dict() if self.similarity_tol is not None: front['similarity_tol'] = self.similarity_tol front['cv_tol'] = self.cv_tol return front @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Create ParetoFront from dictionary. Parameters ---------- data : dict Dictionary containing population data. Returns ------- ParetoFront ParetoFront created from data. """ front = cls(data['similarity_tol'], data['cv_tol'], data['id']) for individual_data in data['individuals'].values(): individual = Individual.from_dict(individual_data) front.add_individual(individual) return front