Source code for CADETProcess.modelBuilder.carouselBuilder

from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Optional, NoReturn
import warnings

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError
from CADETProcess import plotting

from CADETProcess.dataStructure import Structure
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import Integer, UnsignedInteger, UnsignedFloat

from CADETProcess.processModel import ComponentSystem
from CADETProcess.processModel import BindingBaseClass, Linear, Langmuir
from CADETProcess.processModel import UnitBaseClass, FlowSheet, Process
from CADETProcess.processModel import Inlet, TubularReactorBase, Cstr, Outlet

from CADETProcess.solution import SolutionBase

__all__ = [

class ZoneBaseClass(UnitBaseClass):
    """Base class for a multi-column zone with configurable columns and flow directions.

    n_columns : UnsignedInteger
        The number of columns in the zone.
    flow_direction : Integer
        The flow direction in the zone, where 1 indicates normal and -1 indicates
        reverse flow.
    valve_dead_volume : UnsignedFloat
        The dead volume of the valves in the zone.

    n_columns = UnsignedInteger()
    flow_direction = Integer(default=1)
    valve_dead_volume = UnsignedFloat(default=1e-6)

    def __init__(
            component_system: ComponentSystem,
            name: str,
            n_columns: int = 1,
            flow_direction: int = 1,
            initial_state: list = None,
            ) -> NoReturn:
        Initialize a ZoneBaseClass instance.

        component_system : Any
            The component system associated with this zone.
        name : str
            The name of the zone.
        n_columns : int, optional
            Number of columns in the zone.
        flow_direction : int, optional
            Flow direction in the zone.
        initial_state : Any, optional
            Initial state of the zone.
        self.n_columns = n_columns
        self.flow_direction = flow_direction
        self.initial_state = initial_state

        self._inlet_unit = Cstr(component_system, f'{name}_inlet')

        self._inlet_unit.V = self.valve_dead_volume
        self._outlet_unit = Cstr(component_system, f'{name}_outlet')
        self._outlet_unit.V = self.valve_dead_volume

        super().__init__(component_system, name, *args, **kwargs)

    def initial_state(self) -> list[dict[str, list]]:
        """list: The initial state of the columns in the zone."""
        return self._initial_state

    def initial_state(
            initial_state: list[dict[str, list]] | dict[str, list]
            ) -> NoReturn:
        if initial_state is None:
            self._initial_state = initial_state

        if not isinstance(initial_state, list):
            initial_state = self.n_columns * [initial_state]

        if len(initial_state) != self.n_columns:
            raise CADETProcessError(f"Expected size {self.n_columns}")

        self._initial_state = initial_state

    def inlet_unit(self) -> Cstr:
        """Cstr: The inlet CSTR unit of the zone."""
        return self._inlet_unit

    def outlet_unit(self) -> Cstr:
        """Cstr: The outlet CSTR unit of the zone."""
        return self._outlet_unit

[docs] class SerialZone(ZoneBaseClass): """Zone with columns connected in series.""" pass
[docs] class ParallelZone(ZoneBaseClass): """Zone with columns connected in parallel.""" pass
[docs] class CarouselBuilder(Structure): """ Configurator for multi-column processes. Attributes ---------- component_system : Any The system of components for which the carousel is configured. name : str Name of the carousel system. switch_time : float Column switch time. """ switch_time = UnsignedFloat() def __init__(self, component_system: ComponentSystem, name: str) -> NoReturn: """ Initialize a CarouselBuilder instance. Parameters ---------- component_system : Any The system of components that will be used in the carousel. name : str The carousel name. """ self.component_system = component_system = name self._flow_sheet = FlowSheet(component_system, name) self._column = None @property def flow_sheet(self) -> FlowSheet: """FlowSheet: The flow sheet instance associated with the carousel.""" return self._flow_sheet @property def column(self) -> TubularReactorBase: """TubularReactorBase: The column template for all zones.""" return self._column @column.setter def column(self, column: TubularReactorBase) -> NoReturn: if not isinstance(column, TubularReactorBase): raise TypeError("Column must be an instance of TubularReactorBase.") if self.component_system is not column.component_system: raise CADETProcessError('Number of components does not match.') self._column = column @wraps(FlowSheet.add_unit) def add_unit(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap FlowSheet.add_unit to add a unit to the flow sheet.""" self.flow_sheet.add_unit(*args, **kwargs) @wraps(FlowSheet.add_connection) def add_connection(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap FlowSheet.add_connection to add a connection between units.""" self.flow_sheet.add_connection(*args, **kwargs) @wraps(FlowSheet.set_output_state) def set_output_state(self, *args, **kwargs) -> NoReturn: """Wrap FlowSheet.set_output_state to set the output state of a unit.""" self.flow_sheet.set_output_state(*args, **kwargs) @property def zones(self) -> list[ZoneBaseClass]: """ Get all zones in the carousel system. Returns ------- list A list of all zones in the carousel system. """ return [ unit for unit in self.flow_sheet.units if isinstance(unit, ZoneBaseClass) ] @property def zone_names(self) -> list[str]: """list: Zone names.""" return [ for zone in self.zones] @property def zones_dict(self) -> dict[str, ZoneBaseClass]: """dict: Zone names and objects.""" return { zone for zone in self.zones} @property def n_zones(self) -> int: """int: Number of zones in the Carousel System.""" return len(self.zones) @property def n_columns(self) -> int: """int: Number of columns in the Carousel System.""" return sum([zone.n_columns for zone in self.zones])
[docs] def build_flow_sheet(self) -> FlowSheet: """ Assemble the flow sheet. Returns ------- FlowSheet The assembled flow sheet. """ if self.column is None: raise CADETProcessError("No column associated with Carousel.") flow_sheet = FlowSheet(self.component_system, self._add_units(flow_sheet) self._add_inter_zone_connections(flow_sheet) self._add_intra_zone_connections(flow_sheet) return flow_sheet
def _add_units(self, flow_sheet: FlowSheet) -> NoReturn: """Add units to flow_sheet.""" col_index = 0 for unit in self.flow_sheet.units: if not isinstance(unit, ZoneBaseClass): is_feed_inlet = unit in self.flow_sheet.feed_inlets is_eluent_inlet = unit in self.flow_sheet.eluent_inlets is_output_outlet = unit in self.flow_sheet.product_outlets flow_sheet.add_unit( unit, feed_inlet=is_feed_inlet, eluent_inlet=is_eluent_inlet, product_outlet=is_output_outlet, ) else: flow_sheet.add_unit(unit.inlet_unit) flow_sheet.add_unit(unit.outlet_unit) for i_col in range(unit.n_columns): col = deepcopy(self.column) col.component_system = self.component_system = f'column_{col_index}' if unit.initial_state is not None: col.initial_state = unit.initial_state[i_col] flow_sheet.add_unit(col) col_index += 1 def _add_inter_zone_connections(self, flow_sheet: FlowSheet) -> NoReturn: """Add connections between zones.""" for unit, connections in self.flow_sheet.connections.items(): if isinstance(unit, ZoneBaseClass): origin = unit.outlet_unit else: origin = unit for destination in connections.destinations: if isinstance(destination, ZoneBaseClass): destination = destination.inlet_unit flow_sheet.add_connection(origin, destination) for zone in self.zones: output_state = self.flow_sheet.output_states[zone] flow_sheet.set_output_state(zone.outlet_unit, output_state) def _add_intra_zone_connections(self, flow_sheet: FlowSheet) -> NoReturn: """Add connections within zones.""" for zone in self.zones: for col_index in range(self.n_columns): col = flow_sheet[f'column_{col_index}'] flow_sheet.add_connection(zone.inlet_unit, col) col = flow_sheet[f'column_{col_index}'] flow_sheet.add_connection(col, zone.outlet_unit) for col_index in range(self.n_columns): col_orig = flow_sheet[f'column_{col_index}'] if col_index < self.n_columns - 1: col_dest = flow_sheet[f'column_{col_index + 1}'] else: col_dest = flow_sheet[f'column_{0}'] flow_sheet.add_connection(col_orig, col_dest)
[docs] def build_process(self) -> Process: """ Assemble the process object. Returns ------- Process The assembled process object. """ flow_sheet = self.build_flow_sheet() process = Process(flow_sheet, self._add_events(process) return process
@property def cycle_time(self) -> float: """float: cycle time of the process.""" return self.n_columns * self.switch_time def _add_events(self, process): """Add events to process.""" process.cycle_time = self.n_columns * self.switch_time process.add_duration('switch_time', self.switch_time) for carousel_state in range(self.n_columns): position_counter = 0 for i_zone, zone in enumerate(self.zones): col_indices = np.arange(zone.n_columns) col_indices += position_counter col_indices = self.column_indices_at_state( col_indices, carousel_state ) if isinstance(zone, SerialZone): evt = process.add_event( f'{}_{carousel_state}', f'flow_sheet.output_states.{zone.inlet_unit}', col_indices[0] ) process.add_event_dependency(, 'switch_time', [carousel_state] ) for i, col in enumerate(col_indices): if i < (zone.n_columns - 1): evt = process.add_event( f'column_{col}_{carousel_state}', f'flow_sheet.output_states.column_{col}', self.n_zones ) else: evt = process.add_event( f'column_{col}_{carousel_state}', f'flow_sheet.output_states.column_{col}', i_zone ) process.add_event_dependency(, 'switch_time', [carousel_state] ) elif isinstance(zone, ParallelZone): output_state = self.n_columns * [0] for col in col_indices: output_state[col] = 1/zone.n_columns evt = process.add_event( f'{}_{carousel_state}', f'flow_sheet.output_states.{zone.inlet_unit}', output_state ) process.add_event_dependency(, 'switch_time', [carousel_state] ) for col in col_indices: evt = process.add_event( f'column_{col}_{carousel_state}', f'flow_sheet.output_states.column_{col}', i_zone ) process.add_event_dependency(, 'switch_time', [carousel_state] ) for i, col in enumerate(col_indices): evt = process.add_event( f'column_{col}_{carousel_state}_velocity', f'flow_sheet.column_{col}.flow_direction', zone.flow_direction ) process.add_event_dependency(, 'switch_time', [carousel_state] ) position_counter += zone.n_columns
[docs] def carousel_state(self, t) -> float: """int: Carousel state at given time. Parameters ---------- t: float Time """ return int(np.floor((t % self.cycle_time) / self.switch_time))
[docs] def column_indices_at_state( self, carousel_positions: np.typing.NDArray[int], carousel_state: int ) -> np.ndarray[int]: """Determine index of column unit at given carousel position and state. Parameters ---------- carousel_positions: np.typing.NDArray[np.int_] Carousel position indices (e.g. wash position, elute position). carousel_state : int Curent state of the carousel system. Returns ------- np.ndarray[int] Indices of column units at given carousel positions and state. """ carousel_positions = np.array(carousel_positions, dtype=int) return (carousel_positions + carousel_state) % self.n_columns
[docs] def column_indices_at_time( self, t: float, carousel_positions: np.typing.NDArray[int], ) -> int: """Determine index of column unit at given carousel position and time. Parameters ---------- t: float Time carousel_position : int Carousel position. Returns ------- np.ndarray[int] Indices of column units at given carousel positions and time. """ carousel_positions = np.array(carousel_positions, dtype=int) carousel_state = self.carousel_state(t) column_indices = self.column_indices_at_state( carousel_positions, carousel_state ) return column_indices
class SMBBuilder(CarouselBuilder): """ Configurator for 4 Zone SMB systems. Attributes ---------- binding_model_type : Type[BindingBaseClass] Specifies the type of binding model used in the SMB process. """ binding_model_type = BindingBaseClass def __init__( self, feed: Inlet, eluent: Inlet, column: TubularReactorBase, name: str = 'SMB' ) -> NoReturn: """ Initialize an SMBBuilder instance. Parameters ---------- feed : Inlet The feed inlet to the SMB system. eluent : Inlet The eluent inlet to the SMB system. column : TubularReactorBase The column equipment in the SMB system. name : str, optional The name of the SMB setup, by default 'SMB'. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If component systems of feed, eluent, and column do not match. TypeError If feed, eluent, or column are not of the expected type. """ component_system = feed.component_system if not (component_system is eluent.component_system is column.component_system): raise CADETProcessError("ComponentSystems do not match.") if not isinstance(feed, Inlet): raise TypeError(f"Expected inlet object. Got {type(feed)}.") if not isinstance(eluent, Inlet): raise TypeError(f"Expected inlet object. Got {type(eluent)}.") if not isinstance(column, TubularReactorBase): raise TypeError(f"Expected Column object. Got {type(column)}.") self._validate_binding_model(column.binding_model) super().__init__(component_system, name) raffinate = Outlet(component_system, name='raffinate') extract = Outlet(component_system, name='extract') zone_I = SerialZone(component_system, 'zone_I', 1) zone_II = SerialZone(component_system, 'zone_II', 1) zone_III = SerialZone(component_system, 'zone_III', 1) zone_IV = SerialZone(component_system, 'zone_IV', 1) # Carousel Builder self.column = column self.add_unit(feed, feed_inlet=True) self.add_unit(eluent, eluent_inlet=True) self.add_unit(raffinate, product_outlet=True) self.add_unit(extract, product_outlet=True) self.add_unit(zone_I) self.add_unit(zone_II) self.add_unit(zone_III) self.add_unit(zone_IV) self.add_connection(eluent, zone_I) self.add_connection(zone_I, extract) self.add_connection(zone_I, zone_II) self.add_connection(zone_II, zone_III) self.add_connection(feed, zone_III) self.add_connection(zone_III, raffinate) self.add_connection(zone_III, zone_IV) self.add_connection(zone_IV, zone_I) def _validate_binding_model(self, binding_model): """ Validate that the provided binding model matches the required type. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass The binding model to be validated. Raises ------ TypeError If the binding model does not match the expected type. """ if not isinstance(binding_model, self.binding_model_type): raise TypeError( f'Invalid binding model. Expected {self.binding_model_type}.' ) def _get_zone_flow_rates(self, m, switch_time): m1, m2, m3, m4 = m Vc = self.column.volume et = self.column.total_porosity Q_I = Vc*(m1*(1-et)+et)/switch_time # Flow rate Zone I Q_II = Vc*(m2*(1-et)+et)/switch_time # Flow rate Zone II Q_III = Vc*(m3*(1-et)+et)/switch_time # Flow rate Zone III Q_IV = Vc*(m4*(1-et)+et)/switch_time # Flow rate Zone IV return [Q_I, Q_II, Q_III, Q_IV] def _get_unit_flow_rates(self, Q_zones): Q_I, Q_II, Q_III, Q_IV = Q_zones Q_feed = Q_III - Q_II Q_eluent = Q_I - Q_IV Q_raffinate = Q_III - Q_IV Q_extract = Q_I - Q_II return [Q_feed, Q_eluent, Q_raffinate, Q_extract] def _get_split_ratios(self, Q_zones, Q_units): Q_I, Q_II, Q_III, Q_IV = Q_zones Q_feed, Q_eluent, Q_raffinate, Q_extract = Q_units w_r = Q_raffinate / Q_III w_e = Q_extract / Q_I return w_r, w_e def get_design_parameters( self, binding_model: BindingBaseClass, c_feed: np.ndarray, ) -> Any: """ Retrieve design parameters based on the binding model. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass The binding model used to calculate design parameters. c_feed : np.ndarray The feed concentration. Returns ------- Any The design parameters computed from the binding model. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method should be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement this method.") def calculate_m_opt(self, *design_parameters: Any) -> list: """ Calculate the optimal zone flow rates based on provided design parameters. Parameters ---------- design_parameters : Any A variable number of parameters defining the design. Returns ------- list The optimal zone flow rates based on the design parameters. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method should be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement this method.") def apply_safety_factor( self, m_opt: list, *design_parameters: Any, gamma: float | list[float] ) -> Any: """ Apply a safety factor to the optimal zone flow rates. Parameters ---------- m_opt : Any The optimal zone flow rates calculated without safety considerations. design_parameters : Any A variable number of parameters defining the design. gamma : float | list[float] The safety factor(s) to apply to the zone flow rates. If float is provided, the same value is applied to all zone flow rates. Returns ------- list The adjusted zone flow rates after applying the safety factor. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method should be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement this method.") def triangle_design( self, binding_model: Optional[BindingBaseClass] = None, c_feed: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, switch_time: Optional[float] = None, gamma: float | list[float] = 1, set_values: bool = True ) -> list[float]: """ Design the SMB process according to the triangle theory. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass, optional The binding model to be used. If None, uses the binding model from the column attribute. c_feed : np.ndarray, optional Feed concentration matrix. If None, uses current feed concentrations. switch_time : float, optional Switching time for the SMB zones. If None, uses the existing switch_time attribute. gamma : float | list[float] The safety factor(s) to apply to the zone flow rates. If float is provided, the same value is applied to all zone flow rates. The default is 1. set_values : bool, default True If True, sets the calculated values to the process model. Returns ------- list A list containing the feed flow rate, eluent flow rate, raffinate and extract split ratios. Raises ------ Warning If binding_model is provided and set_values is True, values cannot be set. """ if binding_model is None: binding_model = self.column.binding_model elif set_values is True: warnings.warn("Cannot set values if binding_model is given.") set_values = False self._validate_binding_model(binding_model) if c_feed is None: c_feed = self.flow_sheet.feed.c[:, 0] elif set_values is True: self.flow_sheet.feed.c = c_feed design_parameters = self.get_design_parameters(binding_model, c_feed) m_opt = self.calculate_m_opt(*design_parameters) m = self.apply_safety_factor( m_opt, *design_parameters, gamma=gamma ) if switch_time is None: switch_time = self.switch_time elif set_values is True: self.switch_time = switch_time Q_zones = self._get_zone_flow_rates(m, switch_time) Q_units = self._get_unit_flow_rates(Q_zones) Q_feed, Q_eluent, Q_raffinate, Q_extract = Q_units w_r, w_e = self._get_split_ratios(Q_zones, Q_units) if set_values: self.flow_sheet.feed.flow_rate = Q_feed self.flow_sheet.eluent.flow_rate = Q_eluent self.set_output_state('zone_I', [w_e, 1-w_e]) self.set_output_state('zone_III', [w_r, 1-w_r]) return [Q_feed, Q_eluent, w_r, w_e] def plot_triangle( self, binding_model: Optional[BindingBaseClass] = None, c_feed: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, gamma: float | list[float] = 1, fig: Optional[plt.Figure] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """ Plot the triangle diagram for the SMB process with the operating point marked. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass, optional The binding model to use for the plot. If None, uses the column's binding model. c_feed : np.ndarray, optional The feed concentration array. If None, uses the current feed concentration from the flow sheet. gamma : float | list[float] The safety factor(s) to apply to the zone flow rates. If float is provided, the same value is applied to all zone flow rates. fig : plt.Figure, optional The matplotlib figure object. If None, a new figure will be created. ax : plt.Axes, optional The matplotlib axes object. If None, a new axes will be created in the new or specified figure. Returns ------- tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] The figure and axes objects containing the triangle diagram. Notes ----- This method uses internal methods to fetch design parameters and calculate optimal zone flow rates, which should be defined in a subclass. """ if binding_model is None: binding_model = self.column.binding_model self._validate_binding_model(binding_model) if c_feed is None: c_feed = self.flow_sheet.feed.c[:, 0] # Operating Point design_parameters = self.get_design_parameters(binding_model, c_feed) m_opt = self.calculate_m_opt(*design_parameters) m1, m2, m3, m4 = self.apply_safety_factor( m_opt, *design_parameters, gamma=gamma ) # Setup figure if fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) # Plot Triangle self._plot_triangle(ax, *design_parameters) ax.set_xlabel('$m_{II}$') ax.set_ylabel('$m_{III}$') # Operating point ax.scatter(m2, m3, c='k', marker='x', zorder=3) ax.annotate( 'operating point', xy=(m2, m3), xytext=(1.1*m2, 0.9*m3), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.01), ) return fig, ax def _plot_triangle(self, ax, *design_parameters): """ Plot a theoretical triangle diagram for SMB processes. This method needs to be implemented by subclasses to define the specific way the triangle is visualized based on provided design parameters. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The matplotlib axes on which the triangle will be plotted. design_parameters : Any Variable-length argument list of design parameters that define the triangle. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This is a placeholder method and should be implemented in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() class LinearSMBBuilder(SMBBuilder): """ Configure a 4-zone SMB system with linear isotherms. Note, this is currently only supported for 2-Component systems. Attributes ---------- binding_model_type : type Specifies that this builder uses the Linear binding model. """ binding_model_type = Linear def _validate_binding_model(self, binding_model): """ Validate the binding model for compatibility with Langmuir SMB systems. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass The binding model to be validated. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the binding model does not contain exactly two components. Warns ----- RuntimeWarning If the binding model is kinetic, which conflicts with the assumption of instant equilibrium. """ super()._validate_binding_model(binding_model) if binding_model.n_comp != 2: raise CADETProcessError("This only works for 2-Component Systems.") if binding_model.is_kinetic: warnings.warn( "Isotherm uses kinetic binding, " "however, triangle theory assumes instant equilibrium." ) def get_design_parameters( self, binding_model: BindingBaseClass, c_feed: np.ndarray ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Calculate Henry's constants (H) based on adsorption and desorption rates. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass The binding model containing adsorption and desorption rate data. c_feed : np.ndarray The concentration feed. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] Henry's constants for the strongly and weakly adsorbing components. """ k_ads = np.array(binding_model.adsorption_rate) k_des = np.array(binding_model.desorption_rate) H = k_ads / k_des if H[1] < H[0]: HA, HB = H else: HB, HA = H return HA, HB def calculate_m_opt( self, HA: float, HB: float ) -> list[float]: """ Calculate the optimal flow rates for SMB zones based on Henry's constants. Parameters ---------- HA : float Henry's constant for strongly binding component. HB : float Henry's constant for weakly binding component. Returns ------- list[float] List of optimal flow rates for zones 1 to 4, respectively. """ m1 = HA m2 = HB m3 = HA m4 = HB return [m1, m2, m3, m4] def apply_safety_factor( self, m_opt: list[float], *design_parameters: Any, gamma: float | list[float] = 1 ) -> list[float]: """ Adjust the optimal flow rates by applying safety factors to each zone. Parameters ---------- m_opt : list[float] A list containing the optimal flow rates for zones 1 to 4. design_parameters : Union[float, List[float]] Additional design parameters that might influence safety factor application. gamma : float | list[float] Safety factors to apply. Can be a single float applied to all zones, or a list of floats for each zone. The default is 1. Returns ------- list[float] Adjusted flow rates for zones 1 to 4 after applying the safety factors. Raises ------ ValueError If the product of gamma for zones 2 and 3 is not smaller than the ratio of m3_opt to m2_opt, which is a critical operational constraint. """ m1_opt, m2_opt, m3_opt, m4_opt = m_opt if np.isscalar(gamma): gamma = 4 * [gamma] gamma_1, gamma_2, gamma_3, gamma_4 = gamma if gamma_2 * gamma_3 >= m3_opt / m2_opt: raise ValueError("gamma_2 * gamma_3 must be smaller than HA / HB ") m1 = gamma_1 * m1_opt m2 = gamma_2 * m2_opt m3 = m3_opt / gamma_3 m4 = m4_opt / gamma_4 return [m1, m2, m3, m4] def _plot_triangle( self, ax, HA: float, HB: float, ) -> NoReturn: """ Plot SMB triangle for linear isotherm. Notable points: - a: [HA, HA] - b: [HB, HB] - w_opt: [HB, HA] Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes to plot on. HA : float Henry coefficient of strongly binding component. HB : float Henry coefficient of strongly binding component. """ # Bounds lb = HB - 0.3 * (HA - HB) ub = HA + 0.3 * (HA - HB) ax.set_xlim(lb, ub) ax.set_ylim(lb, ub) # Diagonal ax.plot((lb, ub), (lb, ub), 'k') # Henry coefficients for h in [HB, HA]: ax.hlines(h, 0, h, 'k', 'dashed') ax.vlines(h, h, ub, 'k', 'dashed') # Triangle ax.hlines(HA, HB, HA, 'k') ax.vlines(HB, HB, HA, 'k') # Label regions ax.text( (HB + (HA - HB) / 2), (0.95 * ub), 'Pure extract', ha='center', va='center' ) ax.text( (1.05 * lb), (HB + (HA - HB) / 2), 'Pure raffinate', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical', ) class LangmuirSMBBuilder(SMBBuilder): """ Configure a 4-zone SMB system with Langmuir isotherms. Note, this is currently only supported for 2-Component systems. Attributes ---------- binding_model_type : type Specifies that this builder uses the Linear binding model. """ binding_model_type = Langmuir def _validate_binding_model(self, binding_model: BindingBaseClass) -> NoReturn: """ Validate the binding model for compatibility with Langmuir SMB systems. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass The binding model to be validated. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the binding model does not contain exactly two components. Warns ----- RuntimeWarning If the binding model is kinetic, which conflicts with the assumption of instant equilibrium. """ super()._validate_binding_model(binding_model) if binding_model.n_comp != 2: raise CADETProcessError("This only works for 2-Component Systems.") if binding_model.is_kinetic: warnings.warn( "Isotherm uses kinetic binding, " "however, triangle theory assumes instant equilibrium." ) def get_design_parameters( self, binding_model: BindingBaseClass, c_feed: np.ndarray ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Calculate the optimal flow rates for SMB zones based on the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- binding_model : BindingBaseClass The binding model parameters. c_feed : np.ndarray The concentration feed matrix. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing Henry's constants HA, HB, binding coefficients bA, bB, feed concentrations cFA, cFB, and quadratic nulls wG, wF. """ k_ads = np.array(binding_model.adsorption_rate) k_des = np.array(binding_model.desorption_rate) k_eq = k_ads / k_des q_sat = np.array(binding_model.capacity) H = [k_eq * q_s for k_eq, q_s in zip(k_eq, q_sat)] if H[1] < H[0]: HA, HB = H bA, bB = k_eq cFA, cFB = c_feed else: HB, HA = H bB, bA = k_eq cFB, cFA = c_feed a = -(HA * (1 + bB * cFB) + HB * (1 + bA * cFA)) / (1 + bB * cFB + bA * cFA) b = HA * HB / (1 + bB * cFB + bA * cFA) wG = -a / 2 + np.sqrt((-a / 2)**2 - b) wF = -a / 2 - np.sqrt((-a / 2)**2 - b) return HA, HB, bA, bB, cFA, cFB, wG, wF def calculate_m_opt( self, HA: float, HB: float, bA: float, bB: float, cFA: float, cFB: float, wG: float, wF: float ) -> list[float]: """ Calculate optimal zone flow rates based on Langmuir isotherm parameters. Parameters ---------- HA : float Henry's constant for strongly binding component. HB : float Henry's constant for weakly binding component. bA : float Binding coefficient for strongly binding component. bB : float Binding coefficient for weakly binding component. cFA : float Feed concentration for strongly binding component. cFB : float Feed concentration for weakly binding component. wG : float First quadratic null. wF : float Second quadratic null. Returns ------- list[float] List of optimal flow rates for zones 1 to 4. """ m1 = HA m2 = HB / HA * wG m3 = wG * (wF * (HA - HB) + HB * (HB - wF)) / (HB * (HA - wF)) m4 = 1 / 2 * (HB + m3 + bB * cFB * (m3 - m2) - np.sqrt((HB + m3 + bB * cFB * (m3 - m2))**2 - 4 * HB * m3)) return [m1, m2, m3, m4] def apply_safety_factor( self, m_opt: list[float], HA: float, HB: float, bA: float, bB: float, cFA: float, cFB: float, wG: float, wF: float, gamma: float | list[float] = 1 ) -> list[float]: """ Apply a safety factor to the optimal zone flow rates. Parameters ---------- m_opt : list[float] List of optimal flow rates for zones 1 to 4. HA : float Henry's constant for strongly binding component. HB : float Henry's constant for weakly binding component. bA : float Binding coefficient for strongly binding component. bB : float Binding coefficient for weakly binding component. cFA : float Feed concentration for strongly binding component. cFB : float Feed concentration for weakly binding component. wG : float First quadratic null. wF : float Second quadratic null. gamma : float | list[float] The safety factor(s) to apply to the zone flow rates. If float is provided, the same value is applied to all zone flow rates. Returns ------- list[float] Adjusted flow rates for zones 1 to 4 after applying the safety factors. """ m1_opt, m2_opt, m3_opt, m4_opt = m_opt if np.isscalar(gamma): W_opt = np.array([m2_opt, m3_opt]) B = np.array([HB, HB]) R = [ wG ** 2 / HA, wG * (wF * (HA - wG) * (HA - HB) + HB * wG * (HA - wF)) / (HA * HB * (HA - wF)) ] # Calculating vectors WB and WA WB = B - W_opt WR = R - W_opt # Normalizing vectors norm_WB = WB / np.linalg.norm(WB) norm_WR = WR / np.linalg.norm(WR) # Calculating the bisector WB / WR bisector = norm_WB + norm_WR norm_dir_vec_bisector = bisector / np.linalg.norm(bisector) # Calculating the new point W' using the safety factor gamma W = W_opt + (gamma - 1) * norm_dir_vec_bisector m1 = gamma * m1_opt m2 = W[0] m3 = W[1] m4 = m4_opt / gamma else: gamma_1, gamma_2, gamma_3, gamma_4 = gamma m1 = gamma_1 * m1_opt m2 = gamma_2 * m2_opt m3 = m3_opt / gamma_3 m4 = m4_opt / gamma_4 return [m1, m2, m3, m4] def _plot_triangle(self, ax, HA, HB, bA, bB, cFA, cFB, wG, wF): """ Plot SMB triangle for Langmuir isotherm. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes to plot on. HA : float Henry's constant for strongly binding component. HB : float Henry's constant for weakly binding component. bA : float Binding coefficient for strongly binding component. bB : float Binding coefficient for weakly binding component. cFA : float Feed concentration for strongly binding component. cFB : float Feed concentration for weakly binding component. wG : float First quadratic null. wF : float Second quadratic null. """ m1, m2, m3, m4 = self.calculate_m_opt(HA, HB, bA, bB, cFA, cFB, wG, wF) W = [m2, m3] R = [ wG ** 2 / HA, wG * (wF * (HA - wG) * (HA - HB) + HB * wG * (HA - wF)) / (HA * HB * (HA - wF)) ] # Bounds lb = W[0] - 0.3 * (HA - W[0]) ub = HA + 0.3 * (HA - W[0]) ax.set_xlim(lb, ub) ax.set_ylim(lb, ub) # Diagonal ax.plot((lb, ub), (lb, ub), 'k') # Plot [W -> R] m2WR = np.linspace(W[0], R[0], 50) m3WR = 1 / (bA * cFA * wG) * (wG * (HA - wG) - (HA - wG * (1 + bA * cFA)) * m2WR) ax.plot(m2WR, m3WR, 'k-') # plot [W -> HB] m2WHB = np.linspace(W[0], HB, 10) m3WHB = 1 / (bA * cFA * HB) * (HB * (HA - HB) - (HA - HB * (1 + bA * cFA)) * m2WHB) ax.plot(m2WHB, m3WHB, 'k-') # plot [R -> HA] m2RHA = np.linspace(R[0], HA, 10) m3RHA = m2RHA + (np.sqrt(HA) - np.sqrt(m2RHA)) ** 2 / (bA * cFA) ax.plot(m2RHA, m3RHA, 'k-') # TODO: Equations that plot regions of pure extract / raffinate not clear yet. class CarouselSolutionBulk(SolutionBase): """Solution at unit inlet or outlet. N_COLUMNS * NCOL * NRAD """ _coordinates = ['axial_coordinates', 'radial_coordinates'] def __init__(self, builder, simulation_results): self.builder = builder self.simulation_results = simulation_results @property def component_system(self): return self.builder.component_system @property def solution(self): return self.simulation_results.solution @property def axial_coordinates(self): return self.simulation_results.solution.column_0.bulk.axial_coordinates @property def radial_coordinates(self): radial_coordinates = \ self.simulation_results.solution.column_0.bulk.radial_coordinates if radial_coordinates is not None and len(radial_coordinates) == 1: radial_coordinates = None return radial_coordinates @property def time(self): return self.simulation_results.solution.column_0.bulk.time def plot_at_time( self, t, overlay=None, y_min=None, y_max=None, ax=None, lines=None): """Plot bulk solution over space at given time. Parameters ---------- t : float time for plotting ax : Axes Axes to plot on. See Also -------- CADETProcess.plotting """ n_cols = self.builder.n_columns if ax is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots( ncols=n_cols, figsize=(n_cols*4, 6), gridspec_kw=dict(wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0), sharey='row' ) else: axs = ax t_i = np.where(t <= self.time)[0][0] x = self.axial_coordinates y_min_data = 0 y_max_data = 0 zone_counter = 0 column_counter = 0 if lines is None: _lines = [] else: _lines = None for position, ax in enumerate(axs): col_index = self.builder.column_indices_at_time(t, position) y = self.solution[f'column_{col_index}'].bulk.solution[t_i, :] y_min_data = min(y_min_data, min(0, np.min(y))) y_max_data = max(y_max_data, 1.1*np.max(y)) if lines is not None: for comp in range(self.n_comp): lines[position][comp].set_ydata(y[..., comp]) else: l = ax.plot(x, y) _lines.append(l) zone = self.builder.zones[zone_counter] if zone.n_columns > 1: ax.set_title(f'{}, position {column_counter}') else: ax.set_title(f'{}') if column_counter < (zone.n_columns - 1): column_counter += 1 else: zone_counter += 1 column_counter = 0 plotting.add_text(ax, f'time = {t:.2f} s') if y_min is None: y_min = y_min_data if y_min is None: y_min = y_max_data for position, ax in enumerate(axs): ax.set_ylim((y_min, y_max)) if _lines is None: _lines = lines return axs, _lines