Source code for CADETProcess.fractionation.fractionator

from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps
import os

from addict import Dict
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError
from CADETProcess import settings
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import String
from CADETProcess.dynamicEvents import EventHandler
from CADETProcess import plotting
from CADETProcess.performance import Performance
from CADETProcess.solution import slice_solution, SolutionIO
from CADETProcess import SimulationResults

from CADETProcess.fractionation.fractions import Fraction, FractionPool

[docs] class Fractionator(EventHandler): """Class for Chromatogram Fractionation. To set Events for starting and ending a fractionation it inherits from the EventHandler class. It defines a ranking list for components as a DependentlySizedUnsignedList with the number of components as dependent size. The time_signal to fractionate is defined. If no ranking is set, every component is equivalently. """ name = String(default='Fractionator') performance_keys = [ 'mass', 'concentration', 'purity', 'recovery', 'productivity', 'eluent_consumption' ] def __init__( self, simulation_results, components=None, use_total_concentration_components=True, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the Fractionator. Parameters ---------- simulation_results : SimulationResults Simulation results containing chromatograms. components : list, optional List of components to be fractionated. Default is None. use_total_concentration_components : bool, optional Use total concentration components. Default is True. *args Variable length argument list. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ self.components = components self.use_total_concentration_components = use_total_concentration_components self.simulation_results = simulation_results super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def simulation_results(self): """SimulationResults: The simulation results containing the chromatograms.""" return self._simulation_results @simulation_results.setter def simulation_results(self, simulation_results): """Set the simulation results. Parameters ---------- simulation_results : SimulationResults Simulation results containing chromatograms. Raises ------ TypeError If simulation_results is not of type SimulationResults. CADETProcessError If the simulation results do not contain any chromatograms. """ if not isinstance(simulation_results, SimulationResults): raise TypeError('Expected SimulationResults') if len(simulation_results.chromatograms) == 0: raise CADETProcessError( 'Simulation results do not contain chromatogram' ) self._simulation_results = simulation_results self._chromatograms = [ slice_solution( chrom, components=self.components, use_total_concentration_components=self.use_total_concentration_components ) for chrom in simulation_results.chromatograms ] m_feed = np.zeros((self.component_system.n_comp, )) counter = 0 for comp, indices in simulation_results.component_system.indices.items(): if comp in self.component_system.names: m_feed_comp = simulation_results.process.m_feed[indices] if self.use_total_concentration_components: m_feed[counter] = np.sum(m_feed_comp) counter += 1 else: n_species = len(indices) m_feed[counter:counter+n_species] = m_feed_comp counter += n_species self.m_feed = m_feed self._fractionation_states = Dict({ chrom: [] for chrom in self.chromatograms }) self._chromatogram_events = Dict({ chrom: [] for chrom in self.chromatograms }) self._cycle_time = self.process.cycle_time self.reset() @property def component_system(self): """ComponentSystem: The component system of the chromatograms.""" return self.chromatograms[0].component_system
[docs] def call_by_chrom_name(func): """Decorator to enable calling functions with chromatogram object or name.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, chrom, *args, **kwargs): """Enable calling functions with chromatogram object or name.""" if isinstance(chrom, str): try: chrom = self.chromatograms_dict[chrom] except KeyError: raise CADETProcessError('Not a valid unit') return func(self, chrom, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
@property def chromatograms(self): """list: Chromatograms to be fractionized. See Also -------- SolutionIO reset cycle_time """ return self._chromatograms @property def chromatograms_dict(self): """dict: Chromatogram names and objects.""" return { chrom for chrom in self.chromatograms} @property def chromatogram_names(self): """list: Chromatogram names""" return [ for chrom in self.chromatograms] @property def n_chromatograms(self): """int: Number of Chromatograms Fractionator.""" return len(self.chromatograms) @property def chromatogram_events(self): chrom_events = { chrom: sorted(events, key=lambda evt: evt.time) for chrom, events in self._chromatogram_events.items() } return chrom_events @property def process(self): """Process: The process from the simulation results.""" return self.simulation_results.process @property def n_comp(self): """int: Number of components to be fractionized""" return self.chromatograms[0].n_comp @property def cycle_time(self): """float: The cycle time of the Fractionator. Note that in some situations, it might be desired to set a custom cycle time for calculating the performance indicators. For this purpose, overwrite the cycle time in the Process object after adding it to the Fractionator. Warning: This is not a robust feature! Side effects can ocurr in the Process! See Also -------- productivity """ return self._cycle_time @property def time(self): """np.ndarray: solution times of Chromatogram.""" return self.chromatograms[0].time
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot_fraction_signal( self, chromatogram: SolutionIO | None = None, use_minutes: bool = True, ax: Axes = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Axes: """Plot the signal without the waste fractions. Parameters ---------- chromatogram : SolutionIO, optional Chromatogram to be plotted. If None, the first one is plotted. ax : Axes Axes to plot on. use_minutes: bool, optional Option to use x-aches (time) in minutes, default is set to True. Returns ------- ax : Axes Axes with plot of parameter state. See Also -------- CADETProcess.plot plot_purity """ if chromatogram is None: chromatogram = \ list(self.performer_timelines['fractionation_states'].keys())[0] if isinstance(chromatogram, str): chromatogram = self.chromatograms_dict[chromatogram] time_line = \ self.performer_timelines['fractionation_states'][] try: start = kwargs['start'] if use_minutes: start = start / 60 except KeyError: start = 0 try: end = kwargs['end'] if use_minutes: end = end / 60 except KeyError: end = np.max(chromatogram.time) _, ax = chromatogram.plot(show=False, ax=ax, *args, **kwargs) y_max = 1.1*np.max(chromatogram.solution) fill_regions = [] for sec in time_line.sections: comp_index = int(np.where(sec.coeffs)[0].squeeze()) if comp_index == self.n_comp: color_index = -1 text = 'W' else: color_index = comp_index text = str(comp_index + 1) sec_start = sec.start sec_end = sec.end if use_minutes: sec_start = sec_start / 60 sec_end = sec_end / 60 if sec_start != sec_end: fill_regions.append( plotting.FillRegion( start=sec_start, end=sec_end, y_max=y_max, color_index=color_index, text=text, ) ) if len(time_line.sections) == 0: fill_regions.append( plotting.FillRegion( start=sec_start, end=sec_end, y_max=y_max, color_index=-1, text="W" ) ) plotting.add_fill_regions(ax, fill_regions, (start, end)) return ax
@property def fractionation_states(self): """dict: Fractionation state of Chromatograms. Notes ----- This is just a dummy variable to support interfacing with Events. """ return self._fractionation_states
[docs] @call_by_chrom_name def set_fractionation_state(self, chrom, state): """Set fractionation states of Chromatogram. Parameters ---------- chrom : SolutionIO Chromatogram object which is to be fractionated. state : int or list of floats New fractionation state of the Chromatogram. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If Chromatogram not in Fractionator If state is integer and the state >= the n_comp. If the length of the states is unequal the state_length. If the sum of the states is not equal to 1. """ if chrom not in self.chromatograms: raise CADETProcessError('Chromatogram not in Fractionator') state_length = self.n_comp + 1 if state_length == 0: fractionation_state = [] if type(state) is int: if state >= state_length: raise CADETProcessError('Index exceeds fractionation states') fractionation_state = [0] * state_length fractionation_state[state] = 1 else: if len(state) != state_length: raise CADETProcessError(f'Expected length {state_length}.') elif sum(state) != 1: raise CADETProcessError('Sum of fractions must be 1') fractionation_state = state self._fractionation_states[chrom] = fractionation_state
@property def n_fractions_per_pool(self): """list: number of fractions per pool.""" return [pool.n_fractions for pool in self.fraction_pools] @property def fraction_pools(self): """List of the component and waste fraction pools. For every event, the end time is determined and a Fraction object is created which holds information about start and end time, as well as the mass and the volume of the fraction. The fractions are pooled depending on the event state. Returns ------- fraction_pools : list List with fraction pools. """ if self._fraction_pools is None: self._fraction_pools = [ FractionPool(self.n_comp) for _ in range(self.n_comp + 1) ] for chrom_index, chrom in enumerate(self.chromatograms): chrom_events = self.chromatogram_events[chrom] for evt_index, evt in enumerate(chrom_events): target = np.nonzero(evt.full_state)[0].squeeze() frac_start = evt.time if evt_index < len(chrom_events) - 1: frac_end = chrom_events[evt_index + 1].time fraction = self._create_fraction( chrom_index, frac_start, frac_end ) self.add_fraction(fraction, target) else: frac_end = self.cycle_time fraction = self._create_fraction( chrom_index, frac_start, frac_end ) self.add_fraction(fraction, target) frac_start = 0 frac_end = chrom_events[0].time fraction = self._create_fraction( chrom_index, frac_start, frac_end ) self.add_fraction(fraction, target) return self._fraction_pools def _create_fraction(self, chrom_index, start, end): """Helper function to create Fraction object calculate mass. Parameters ---------- start : float start time of the fraction start : float start time of the fraction Returns ------- fraction : Fraction Chromatogram fraction """ mass = self.chromatograms[chrom_index].fraction_mass(start, end) volume = self.chromatograms[chrom_index].fraction_volume(start, end) return Fraction(mass, volume)
[docs] def add_fraction(self, fraction, target): """Add Fraction to the FractionPool of target component. Notes ----- Waste is always the last fraction """ if not isinstance(fraction, Fraction): raise TypeError('Expected Fraction') if target not in range(self.n_comp + 1): raise CADETProcessError('Not a valid target') self._fraction_pools[target].add_fraction(fraction)
@property def mass(self): """ndarray: Component mass in corresponding fraction pools.""" if self._mass is None: self._mass = np.array([ pool.mass[comp] for comp, pool in enumerate(self.fraction_pools[:-1]) ]) return self._mass @property def total_mass(self): """ndarray: Total mass of each component in all fraction pools.""" return np.sum([pool.mass for pool in self.fraction_pools], axis=0) @property def concentration(self): """ndarray: Component concentration in corresponding fraction pool.""" return np.array([ pool.concentration[comp] for comp, pool in enumerate(self.fraction_pools[:-1]) ]) @property def purity(self): """ndarray: Component purity in corresponding fraction pool.""" return np.array([ pool.purity[comp] for comp, pool in enumerate(self.fraction_pools[:-1]) ]) @property def recovery(self): """ndarray: Component recovery yield in corresponding fraction pool.""" with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): recovery = self.mass / self.m_feed return np.nan_to_num(recovery) @property def mass_balance_difference(self): """ndarray: Difference in mass balance between m_feed and fraction pools. The mass balance is calculated as the difference between the feed mass (m_feed) and the mass in the fraction pools. It represents the discrepancy or change in mass during the fractionation process. Returns ------- ndarray Difference in mass balance between m_feed and fraction pools for each component. Notes ----- Positive values indicate a surplus of mass in the fraction pools compared to the feed, while negative values indicate a deficit. A value of zero indicates a mass balance where the mass in the fraction pools is equal to the feed mass. """ return self.total_mass - self.m_feed @property def productivity(self): """ndarray: Specific productivity in corresponding fraction pool.""" return self.mass / ( self.process.cycle_time * self.process.V_solid ) @property def eluent_consumption(self): """ndarray: Specific eluent consumption in corresponding fraction pool. Notes ----- This is the inverse of the regularly used specific eluent consumption. It is preferred here in order to avoid numeric issues if the collected mass is 0. """ return self.mass / self.process.V_eluent @property def performance(self): """Performance: The performance metrics of the fractionation.""" self.reset() return Performance( self.mass, self.concentration, self.purity, self.recovery, self.productivity, self.eluent_consumption, self.mass_balance_difference, self.component_system )
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the results when fractionation times are changed.""" self._fractionation_state = None self._fraction_pools = None self._mass = None
[docs] def add_fractionation_event( self, event_name, target, time, chromatogram=None): """Add a fractionation event. Parameters ---------- event_name : str The name of the event. target : int The target component. time : float The time of the event. chromatogram : SolutionIO, optional The chromatogram associated with the event. If None and there is only one chromatogram, it will be used. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the chromatogram is not found. """ if chromatogram is None and self.n_chromatograms > 1: raise CADETProcessError( "Missing chromatogram for which the fractionation is added." ) elif chromatogram is None and self.n_chromatograms == 1: chromatogram = self.chromatograms[0] if isinstance(chromatogram, str): try: chromatogram = self.chromatograms_dict[f"{chromatogram}"] except KeyError: raise CADETProcessError("Could not find chromatogram.") if chromatogram not in self.chromatograms: raise CADETProcessError("Could not find chromatogram.") param_path = f'fractionation_states.{}' evt = self.add_event( event_name, param_path, target, time ) self._chromatogram_events[chromatogram].append(evt) self.reset()
[docs] def initial_values(self, purity_required=0.95): """Create events from chromatogram with minimum purity. Function creates fractions for areas in the chromatogram, where the local purity profile is higher than the purity required. Parameters ---------- purity_required : float or list of floats Minimum purity required for the components in the fractionation Raises ------ ValueError If the size of the purity parameter does not match the number of components """ if isinstance(purity_required, float): purity_required = [purity_required]*self.n_comp elif len(purity_required) != self.n_comp: raise ValueError( f'Expected purity array with size {self.n_comp}' ) self._events = [] self._chromatogram_events = Dict({ chrom: [] for chrom in self.chromatograms }) self.reset() for chrom_index, chrom in enumerate(self.chromatograms): purity_min = np.zeros(chrom.solution.shape) purity_min[chrom.local_purity_components > purity_required] = 1 diff = np.vstack(( purity_min[0, :] - purity_min[-1, :], np.diff(purity_min, axis=0)) ) for comp in range(self.n_comp): if purity_required[comp] > 0: on_indices = np.where(diff[:, comp] == 1) on_indices = on_indices[0] for index, on_evt in enumerate(on_indices): time = chrom.time[int(on_evt)] event_name = \ 'chrom_' + str(chrom_index) + \ '_comp_' + str(comp) + \ '_start_' + str(index) param_path = f'fractionation_states.{}' evt = self.add_event( event_name, param_path, comp, time ) self._chromatogram_events[chrom].append(evt) off_indices = np.where(diff[:, comp] == -1) off_indices = off_indices[0] for index, off_evt in enumerate(off_indices): time = chrom.time[int(off_evt)] event_name = \ 'chrom_' + str(chrom_index) + \ '_comp_' + str(comp) + \ '_end_' + str(index) param_path = f'fractionation_states.{}' evt = self.add_event( event_name, param_path, self.n_comp, time ) self._chromatogram_events[chrom].append(evt) if not self.check_duplicate_events(): chrom_events = self._chromatogram_events.copy() for chrom, events in chrom_events.items(): events_at_time = defaultdict(list) for event in events: events_at_time[event.time].append(event) for events in events_at_time.values(): if len(events) == 1: continue for evt in events: if evt.state == self.n_comp: self.remove_event( self._chromatogram_events[chrom].remove(evt)
@property def parameters(self): parameters = super().parameters parameters['fractionation_states'] = { self.fractionation_states[chrom] for chrom in self.chromatograms } return Dict(parameters) @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): try: fractionation_states = parameters.pop('fractionation_states') for chrom, state in fractionation_states.items(): self.set_fractionation_state(chrom, state) except KeyError: pass super(Fractionator, self.__class__).parameters.fset(self, parameters) @property def section_dependent_parameters(self): return self.parameters
[docs] def save(self, case_dir, start=0, end=None): path = os.path.join(settings.working_directory, case_dir) for index, chrom in enumerate(self.chromatograms): chrom.plot(save_path=path + f'/chrom_{index}.png') chrom.plot_purity( start=start, end=end, save_path=path + '/chrom_purity.png' ) for chrom in enumerate(self.chromatograms): self.plot_fraction_signal( chromatogram=chrom, start=start, end=end, save_path=path + f'/fractionation_signal_{index}.png', index=index )
def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__