Source code for CADETProcess.dynamicEvents.section

import itertools
import warnings

import numpy as np
from numpy import VisibleDeprecationWarning
import scipy
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import Structure
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import NdPolynomial
from CADETProcess import plotting

__all__ = ['Section', 'TimeLine', 'MultiTimeLine']

[docs] class Section(Structure): """Helper class to store parameter states between events. Attributes ---------- start : float Start time of section end : float End time of section. coeffs : int or float or array_like Polynomial coefficients of state in order of increasing degree. n_entries : int Number of entries (e.g. components, output_states) degree : int Degree of polynomial to represent state. Notes ----- if coeffs is int: Set constant value for for all entries if coeffs is list: Set value per component (check length!) if coeffs is ndarray (or list of lists): set polynomial coefficients """ coeffs = NdPolynomial(size=('n_entries', 'n_poly_coeffs')) def __init__(self, start, end, coeffs, is_polynomial=False): if start > end: raise ValueError("End time must be greater than start time") self.start = start self.end = end diff = end-start coeffs = np.array(coeffs, ndmin=1, dtype=np.float64) self.parameter_shape = coeffs.shape if is_polynomial: coeffs = np.array(coeffs, ndmin=2, dtype=np.float64) = coeffs.shape[-1] - 1 self.n_entries = coeffs.shape[0] self.coeffs = coeffs else: = 0 self.n_entries = coeffs.size self.coeffs = coeffs.reshape((coeffs.size, 1)) self._poly = [] for i in range(self.n_entries): poly = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial( self.coeffs[i], domain=(start, end), window=(0, diff) ) self._poly.append(poly) self._poly_der = [] for iEntry in range(self.n_entries): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") poly_der = self._poly[iEntry].deriv(1) self._poly_der.append(poly_der) @property def is_polynomial(self): """bool: True if Section represents polynomial parameter. False otherwise.""" if > 0: return True return False @property def n_poly_coeffs(self): """int: Number of polynomial coefficients.""" return + 1 @property def is_single_entry(self): """bool: True if Section contains single entry. False otherwise.""" if self.n_entries > 1: return True if self.is_polynomial and self.parameter_shape.ndim == 1: return True return False
[docs] def value(self, t): """Return value of parameter section at time t. Parameters ---------- t : float Time at which function is evaluated. Returns ------- y : float Value of parameter state at time t. Raises ------ ValueError If t is lower than start or larger than end of section time. """ if np.any(t < self.start) or np.any(self.end < t): raise ValueError('Time exceeds section times') value = np.array([p(t) for p in self._poly]) return value
[docs] def coefficients(self, offset=0): """Get coefficients at (time) offset. Parameters ---------- offset : float (Time) offset to be evaluated. Returns ------- coeffs : np.ndarray Coefficients at offset. """ coeffs = [] for i in range(self.n_entries): c = self.coeffs[i].copy() c[0] = self._poly[i](offset) if > 0: c[1] = self._poly_der[i](offset) coeffs.append(c) return np.array(coeffs).reshape(self.parameter_shape)
[docs] def derivative(self, t, order=1): """Return derivative of parameter section at time t. Parameters ---------- t : float Time at which function is evaluated. Returns ------- y_dot : float Derivative of parameter state at time t. Raises ------ ValueError If t is lower than start or larger than end of section time. ValueError If order is larger than polynomial degree """ if np.any(t < self.start) or np.any(self.end < t): raise ValueError('Time exceeds section times') deriv = np.array([p.deriv(t).coef for p in self._poly_der]) return deriv
[docs] def integral(self, start=None, end=None): """Return integral of function in interval [start, end]. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Lower integration bound. end : float, optional Upper integration bound. Returns ------- Y : float Value of definite integral between start and end. Raises ------ ValueError If integration bounds exceed section times. """ if start is None: start = self.start if end is None: end = self.end if not ((self.start <= start) & (start <= end) & (end <= self.end)): raise ValueError('Integration bounds exceed section times') integ_methods = [p.integ(lbnd=start) for p in self._poly] return np.array([i(end) for i in integ_methods])
def __repr__(self): args = f"start={self.start}, end={self.end}, coeffs={self.coeffs}" if > 0: args += f", degree={}" return f"Section({args})"
[docs] class TimeLine(): """Class representing a timeline of time-varying data. The timeline is made up of Sections, which are continuous time intervals. Each Section represents a piecewise polynomial function that defines the variation of a given parameter over time. Attributes ---------- sections : List[Section] List of Sections that make up the timeline. """ def __init__(self): self._sections = [] @property def sections(self): """list: Sections of the TimeLine.""" return self._sections @property def degree(self): """int: Degree of the polynomial functions used to represent each Section.""" if len(self.sections) > 0: return self.sections[0].degree @property def n_entries(self): """int: Number of entries in the parameter vector for each Section.""" if len(self.sections) > 0: return self.sections[0].n_entries
[docs] def add_section(self, section): """Add a Section to the timeline. Parameters ---------- section : Section The Section to be added to the timeline. Raises ------ TypeError If section is not an instance of the Section class. CADETProcessError If the polynomial degree of the Section does not match the degree of the other Sections in the timeline. CADETProcessError If the Section introduces a gap in the timeline. """ if not isinstance(section, Section): raise TypeError('Expected Section') if len(self.sections) > 0: if != raise CADETProcessError('Polynomial degree does not match') if not (section.start == self.end or section.end == self.start): raise CADETProcessError('Sections times must be without gaps') self._sections.append(section) self._sections = sorted(self._sections, key=lambda sec: sec.start) self.update_piecewise_poly()
[docs] def update_piecewise_poly(self): """Updates the piecewise polynomial representation of the timeline.""" x = [] coeffs = [] for sec in self.sections: coeffs.append(np.array(sec.coeffs)) x.append(sec.start) x.append(sec.end) piecewise_poly = [] for iEntry in range(self.n_entries): c = np.array([iCoeff[iEntry, :] for iCoeff in coeffs]) c_decreasing = np.fliplr(c) p = scipy.interpolate.PPoly(c_decreasing.T, x) piecewise_poly.append(p) self._piecewise_poly = piecewise_poly
@property def piecewise_poly(self): """list: scipy.interpolate.PPoly for each dimension.""" return self._piecewise_poly
[docs] def value(self, time): """np.array: Value of parameter at given time Parameters ---------- time : np.float or array_like time points at which to evaluate. """ return np.array([p(time) for p in self.piecewise_poly]).T
[docs] def coefficients(self, time): """Return coefficient of polynomial at given time. Parameters ---------- time : float Time at which polynomial coefficients are queried. Returns ------- coefficients : np.array !!! Array of coefficients in ORDER !!! """ section_index = self.section_index(time) c = self.sections[section_index].coefficients(time) return c
[docs] def integral(self, start=None, end=None): """Calculate integral of sections in interval [start, end]. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Lower integration bound. end : float, optional Upper integration bound. Returns ------- Y : float Value of definite integral between start and end. Raises ------ ValueError If integration bounds exceed section times. """ if start is None: start = self.start if end is None: end = self.end if not ((self.start <= start) & (start <= end) & (end <= self.end)): raise ValueError('Integration bounds exceed section times') return np.array( [p.integrate(start, end) for p in self.piecewise_poly] ).T
[docs] def section_index(self, time): """Return the index of the section that contains the specified time. Parameters ---------- time : float The time to check. Returns ------- int The index of the section that contains the specified time. """ section_times = np.array(self.section_times) return np.argmin(time >= section_times) - 1
@property def section_times(self): """list of float: The start and end times of all sections in the timeline.""" if len(self.sections) == 0: return [] return [self.sections[0].start] + [sec.end for sec in self.sections] @property def start(self): """float: The start time of the timeline.""" return self.section_times[0] @property def end(self): """float: The end time of the timeline.""" return self.section_times[-1]
[docs] @plotting.create_and_save_figure def plot(self, ax, use_minutes: bool = True) -> Axes: """Plot the state of the timeline over time. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The axes to plot on. use_minutes : bool, optional Option to use x-aches (time) in minutes, default is set to True. Returns ------- ax : Axes The axes with the plot of the timeline state. """ start = self.sections[0].start end = self.sections[-1].end time = np.linspace(start, end, 1001) y = self.value(time) if use_minutes: time = time / 60 start = start / 60 end = end / 60 ax.plot(time, y) layout = plotting.Layout() layout.x_label = '$time~/~min$' layout.y_label = '$state$' layout.x_lim = (start, end) layout.y_lim = (np.min(y), 1.1*np.max(y)) plotting.set_layout(ax, layout) return ax
[docs] @classmethod def from_constant(cls, start, end, value): """Create a timeline with a constant value for a given time range. Parameters ---------- start : float The start time of the time range. end : float The end time of the time range. value : float The value of the timeline during the time range. Returns ------- TimeLine A TimeLine instance with a single section with the specified constant value. """ tl = cls() tl.add_section(Section(start, end, value)) return tl
[docs] @classmethod def from_profile(cls, time, profile, s=1e-6): """Create a timeline from a profile. Parameters ---------- time : array_like The time values of the profile. profile : array_like The profile values. smoothing : float, optional The smoothing factor for the spline interpolation. The default is 1e-6. Returns ------- TimeLine A TimeLine instance with polynomial sections created from the profile. """ from scipy import interpolate tl = cls() tck = interpolate.splrep(time, profile, s=s) ppoly = interpolate.PPoly.from_spline(tck) for i, (start, sec) in enumerate(zip(ppoly.x, ppoly.c.T)): if i < 3: continue elif i > len(ppoly.x) - 5: continue end = ppoly.x[i+1] tl.add_section( Section(start, end, np.flip(sec), is_polynomial=True) ) return tl
[docs] class MultiTimeLine(): """Class for a collection of TimeLines with the same number of entries. Attributes ---------- base_state : np.array The base state that each TimeLine represents. n_entries : int The number of entries in each TimeLine. time_lines : list of TimeLine The collection of TimeLines. degree : int The degree of the polynomials in each section. """ def __init__(self, base_state, is_polynomial=False): """Initialize a MultiTimeLine instance. Parameters ---------- base_state : list The base state that each TimeLine represents. """ base_state = np.array(base_state, ndmin=1, dtype=np.float64) self.is_polynomial = is_polynomial if self.is_polynomial: if base_state.ndim == 1: self.is_single_entry = True else: self.is_single_entry = False self.base_state = np.array(base_state, ndmin=2, dtype=np.float64) = self.base_state.shape[-1] - 1 else: = 0 self.base_state = base_state self.time_lines = [TimeLine() for _ in range(self.size)] @property def degree(self): """int: The degree of the polynomials in each section.""" return self._degree @degree.setter def degree(self, degree): self._degree = degree @property def n_entries(self): """int: Number of entries handled by MultiTimeline.""" if > 0: return len(self.base_state) return self.base_state.size @property def size(self): """int: Total number of internal TimeLines handled Number by MultiTimeline.""" return self.base_state.size @property def section_times(self): """list: Combined section times of all TimeLines.""" time_line_sections = [tl.section_times for tl in self.time_lines] section_times = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(time_line_sections)) return sorted(list(section_times))
[docs] def add_section(self, section, entry_index): """Add section to TimeLine with specific entry index. Parameters ---------- section : Section Section to be added. entry_index : tuple Index of the entry in the base_state for which the section will be added. Raises ------ ValueError If entry index is out of bounds for base_state. """ index = flatten_index(self.base_state.shape, entry_index)[0] if index > self.size: raise CADETProcessError("Entry index is out of bounds.") self.time_lines[index].add_section(section)
@property def combined_time_line(self): """TimeLine: Object representing combination of all timelines in the MultiTimeLine.""" tl = TimeLine() n_poly_coeffs = + 1 coeffs = self.base_state section_times = self.section_times for iSec in range(len(section_times) - 1): start = self.section_times[iSec] end = self.section_times[iSec+1] if not self.is_polynomial: for i, entry in enumerate(self.time_lines): if len(entry.sections) > 0: index = unflatten_index(self.base_state.shape, i)[0] coeff = entry.coefficients(start)[0] coeffs[index] = coeff else: for i_entry in range(self.n_entries): tl_indices = slice(i_entry*n_poly_coeffs, (i_entry+1)*n_poly_coeffs) i_entry_tl = self.time_lines[tl_indices] for i_poly, i_poly_tl in enumerate(i_entry_tl): if self.is_single_entry: index = (0, i_poly) else: index = (i_entry, i_poly) if len(i_poly_tl.sections) > 0 and start in i_poly_tl.section_times: coeffs[index] = i_poly_tl.coefficients(start)[0] section = Section(start, end, coeffs, self.is_polynomial) tl.add_section(section) coeffs = tl.coefficients(end) return tl
def generate_indices(shape, indices=None): """ Generate tuples representing indices for an array with a given shape. This method allows specifying a list of indices where each entry can also contain slices. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int The shape of the array to be indexed. indices : list of list of int, optional A list where each sub-list contains indices for one dimension of the array. 'None' indicates a full slice (':') for that dimension. Raises ------ ValueError If 'parameter' is a scalar or if an index in 'indices' is out of bounds. Returns ------- list A list of tuples, where each tuple represents indices into the 'parameter' array. If the 'parameter' array was 1D, this will be a list of integers instead. Examples -------- >>> parameter = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) >>> indices = [[0, 1], [1, 2]] >>> generate_indices(parameter, indices) [(0, 1), (1, 2)] """ if not shape: raise ValueError("Shape must not be empty, scalar parameters are not supported.") if indices is None: indices = np.s_[:] if not isinstance(indices, list): indices = [indices, ] indices_array = np.array(indices, ndmin=1) indices = [] for ind in indices_array: ind = tuple(np.array(ind, ndmin=1)) indices.append(ind) _validate_indices(shape, indices) return indices def _validate_indices(shape, indices): """Validate that all indices can be set in an array with shape `shape`.""" param_ref = np.arange( for ind in indices: param_ref[ind] def unravel(shape, indices): """ Unravel indices of a multi-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int The shape of the original array. indices : list of int or tuple The indices in the flattened array to be unraveled. Returns ------- list of tuple The unraveled indices in the multi-dimensional array. """ if len(shape) == 0: return [] indices_flat_ref = np.arange( indices_unraveled = [] for ind in indices: indices_flat = indices_flat_ref[ind].flatten() indices_unravel = np.unravel_index(indices_flat, shape) if not isinstance(indices_flat, (int, np.int64)): indices_unravel = list(zip(*indices_unravel)) else: indices_unravel = [indices_unravel] indices_unraveled += indices_unravel return indices_unraveled def flatten_index(shape, indices): """Flatten indices to access array. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple Shape of the array to be indexed indices : tuple or list of tuples Indices in tuple notation Returns ------- indices_flat : list List of indices in flat notation. """ if not isinstance(indices, list): indices = [indices] indices_flat_ref = np.arange( return [indices_flat_ref[i] for i in indices] def unflatten_index(shape, indices_flat): """Unflatten indices to access array. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Shape of the array to be indexed indices_flat : int or list of ints Flat indices Returns ------- indices : list List of unflattened indices. """ if not isinstance(indices_flat, list): indices_flat = [indices_flat] indices_unravel = np.unravel_index(indices_flat, shape) indices = list(zip(*indices_unravel)) return indices def get_inhomogeneous_shape(value): """If array is inhomogeneous, return list with shape of every element.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Catch warnings for compatibility with numpy<1.24 warnings.simplefilter("error") try: return np.array(value).shape except (ValueError, VisibleDeprecationWarning): pass shape = [] for i in value: i_shape = get_inhomogeneous_shape(i) shape.append(i_shape) return shape def get_full_shape(inhomogeneous_shape): """Create full shape from inhomogeneous shape to be used with numpy arrays.""" first_dimension = (len(inhomogeneous_shape)) sub_dims = () for sub_dim in inhomogeneous_shape: if not isinstance(sub_dim, tuple): sub_dim = get_full_shape(sub_dim) sub_dims += (sub_dim, ) max_dims = {} for el in sub_dims: for i, dim in enumerate(el): try: max_dims[i] = max(max_dims[i], dim) except KeyError: max_dims[i] = dim dims = (first_dimension, ) + tuple(max_dims.values()) return dims def extract_inhomogeneous_array(full_array, inhomogeneous_shape): """Get inhomogeneous array from full_array.""" array = [] for i in inhomogeneous_shape: array.append(full_array[i, :])