Source code for CADETProcess.dynamicEvents.event

from collections import defaultdict
import copy
import warnings

from addict import Dict
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError

from CADETProcess.dataStructure import Structure, frozen_attributes
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import (
    ParameterBase, Bool, Integer, Float, Sized, Typed, UnsignedFloat, NdPolynomial,
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import (
    CachedPropertiesMixin, cached_property_if_locked

from CADETProcess.dataStructure import (
    check_nested, generate_nested_dict, get_nested_value, get_nested_attribute

from CADETProcess import plotting
from .section import Section, TimeLine, MultiTimeLine, generate_indices, unravel

__all__ = ['EventHandler', 'Event', 'Duration']

[docs] @frozen_attributes class EventHandler(CachedPropertiesMixin, Structure): """ A handler for dynamic events that affect parameters in a process. The `EventHandler` class provides a framework to schedule and manage events that cause changes to parameters during a simulation or process. This includes single point events as well as durations, and it allows for events to be dependent on others, forming complex relationships. Events can be associated with transformations or factors that determine their effect. Primary functionalities: - Schedule events with specific timings and effects. - Establish dependencies between events. - Manage durations or continuous periods with specific characteristics. - Access sorted lists of independent and dependent events. Attributes ---------- events : list A sorted list of scheduled events, ordered by their execution time. durations : list List of time durations with specific characteristics. event_dict : dict A dictionary containing detailed information about all scheduled events. durations_dict : dict A dictionary containing detailed information about all defined durations. independent_events : list A list of events that are not influenced by other events. dependent_events : list A list of events that rely on other events. event_performers : dict (not shown in provided code, description based on context) A mapping of objects that can perform or be affected by events. event_parameters : list A list of unique parameters that the events will affect. event_times : list A list of unique times when events are scheduled to occur, sorted chronologically. section_times : list A list of times demarcating sections based on event timings. n_sections : int Total number of sections derived from the section times. section_states : dict A dictionary providing the state of event parameters at the beginning of every section. parameter_events : dict A dictionary mapping each parameter to the list of events that affect it. Notes ----- The class relies heavily on the concept of "events", which are instances of dynamic changes that can influence parameters in the system. These events can be independent or based on other events, creating intricate relationships to capture complex scenarios. See Also -------- Event : Represents a single point change in the system's parameters. Duration : Represents a continuous time period with specific attributes or effects. """ cycle_time = UnsignedFloat(default=np.inf) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._events = [] self._durations = [] self._lock = False @cached_property_if_locked def events(self): """list: All Events ordered by event time. See Also -------- Event add_event remove_event event_dependencies Durations """ return sorted(self._events, key=lambda evt: evt.time) @cached_property_if_locked def events_dict(self): """dict: Events and Durations orderd by name.""" evts = { evt for evt in} durs = { dur for dur in self.durations} return {**evts, **durs}
[docs] def add_event( self, name, parameter_path, state, time=0.0, indices=None, dependencies=None, factors=None, transforms=None): """Add a new event that changes a parameter during the process. An event is a dynamic alteration that occurs at a specified time and can modify the attributes of specific objects involved in the process. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the event. parameter_path : str Path of the parameter that is changed in dot notation. state : float Value of the attribute that is changed at Event execution. time : float Time at which the event is executed. dependencies : list List of the events on which the event time depends. factors : List List with factors for linear combination of dependencies. indices : int Index slices for events that modify an entry of a parameter array. transforms : list, optional List of functions used to transform the parameter value. Length must be equal the length of independent events. If None, no transform is applied. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If Event already exists in the event_dict CADETProcessError If EventPerformer is not found in EventHandler See Also -------- events remove_event add_event_dependency Event Event.add_dependency add_duration """ if name in self.events_dict: raise CADETProcessError("Event already exists") evt = Event(name, self, parameter_path, state, time=time, indices=indices) self._events.append(evt) super().__setattr__(name, evt) if dependencies is not None: self.add_event_dependency(, dependencies, factors, transforms ) return evt
[docs] def remove_event(self, evt_name): """Remove a specified event from the event handler. This method ensures that the specified event will no longer influence the process by dynamically changing any attributes. Parameters ---------- evt_name : str Name of the event to be removed Raises ------ CADETProcessError If Event is not found. Notes ----- !!! Check remove_event_dependencies See Also -------- add_event Event Event.remove_dependency """ try: evt = self.events_dict[evt_name] except KeyError: raise CADETProcessError("Event does not exist") self._events.remove(evt) self.__dict__.pop(evt_name)
[docs] def add_duration(self, name, time=0.0): """Register a new duration or time point of interest. Durations are specific moments in the process that do not necessarily modify attributes but are noteworthy or need to be tracked. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the event. time : float Time point for perfoming the event. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If Duration already exists. See Also -------- durations remove_duration Duration add_event add_event_dependency """ if name in self.events_dict: raise CADETProcessError("Duration already exists") dur = Duration(name, self, time) self._durations.append(dur) super().__setattr__(name, dur)
[docs] def remove_duration(self, duration_name): """Remove a specified duration or time point from tracking. This method ensures that the specified duration is no longer considered a point of interest in the process. Parameters ---------- duration : str Name of the duration be removed from the EventHandler. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If Duration is not found. See Also -------- add_duration Duration remove_event_dependency """ try: dur = self.events_dict[duration_name] except KeyError: raise CADETProcessError("Duration does not exist") self._durations.remove(dur) self.__dict__.pop(duration_name)
@cached_property_if_locked def durations(self): """List of all durations in the process.""" return self._durations
[docs] def add_event_dependency( self, dependent_event, independent_events, factors=None, transforms=None): """Create a dependency relationship between events. This method establishes how one event (dependent) is influenced by one or more other events (independents) through factors and optional transformation functions. For example, the time of a dependent event could be determined by the sum of the times of independent events multiplied by their corresponding factors. Parameters ---------- dependent_event : str Event whose value will depend on other events. independent_events : list List of independent event names. factors : list, optional List of factors used for the relation with the independent events. Length must be equal the length of independent events. If None, all factors are assumed to be 1. transforms : list, optional List of functions used to transform the parameter value. Length must be equal the length of independent events. If None, no transform is applied. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If dependent_event OR independent_events are not found. If length of factors does not equal length of independent events. If length of transforms does not equal length of independent events. See Also -------- Event add_event add_duration remove_event_dependency """ try: evt = self.events_dict[dependent_event] except KeyError: raise CADETProcessError("Cannot find dependent Event") if not isinstance(independent_events, list): independent_events = [independent_events] if not all(indep in self.events_dict for indep in independent_events): raise CADETProcessError( "Cannot find one or more independent events" ) if factors is None: factors = [1]*len(independent_events) if not isinstance(factors, list): factors = [factors] if len(factors) != len(independent_events): raise CADETProcessError( "Length of factors must equal length of independent Events" ) if transforms is None: transforms = [None]*len(independent_events) if not isinstance(transforms, list): transforms = [transforms] if len(transforms) != len(independent_events): raise CADETProcessError( "Length of transforms must equal length of independent Events" ) for indep, fac, trans in zip(independent_events, factors, transforms): indep = self.events_dict[indep] evt.add_dependency(indep, fac, trans)
[docs] def remove_event_dependency(self, dependent_event, independent_events): """Remove a previously defined dependency between events. Parameters ---------- dependent_event : str Name of the event whose value will depend on other events. independent_events : list List of independent event names. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If dependent_event is not in list events. If one or more independent event is not in list events and durations. See Also -------- Event Event.remove_dependecy add_event_dependency """ if dependent_event not in raise CADETProcessError("Cannot find dependent Event") if not all(evt in self.events_dict for evt in independent_events): raise CADETProcessError( "Cannot find one or more independent events" ) for indep in independent_events:[dependent_event].remove_dependency(indep)
@cached_property_if_locked def independent_events(self): """list: All events that are not dependent on other events.""" return list(filter(lambda evt: evt.is_independent, @cached_property_if_locked def dependent_events(self): """list: All events that are dependent on other events.""" return list( filter(lambda evt: evt.is_independent is False, ) @cached_property_if_locked def event_parameters(self): """list: Event parameters.""" return list({evt.parameter_path for evt in}) @cached_property_if_locked def event_performers(self): """list: Event peformers.""" return list({evt.performer for evt in}) @cached_property_if_locked def event_times(self): """list: Time of events, sorted by Event time.""" event_times = list({evt.time for evt in}) event_times.sort() return event_times @cached_property_if_locked def section_times(self): """list: Section times. Includes 0 and cycle_time if they do not coincide with event time. """ if len(self.event_times) == 0: return [0, self.cycle_time] section_times = self.event_times if section_times[0] != 0: section_times = [0] + section_times if section_times[-1] != self.cycle_time: section_times = section_times + [self.cycle_time] return section_times @property def n_sections(self): """int: Number of sections.""" return len(self.section_times) - 1 @cached_property_if_locked def section_states(self): """dict: State of event parameters at every section.""" parameter_timelines = self.parameter_timelines section_states = defaultdict(dict) for sec_time in self.section_times[0:-1]: for param, tl in parameter_timelines.items(): section_states[sec_time][param] = tl.coefficients(sec_time) return Dict(section_states) @cached_property_if_locked def parameter_events(self): """dict: Event parameters mapped to their corresponding events. This dictionary associates each event parameter with its list of events. For events that are index-specific, an inner dictionary is used, where each index maps to its list of events. Notes ----- For index-dependent events, a separate key is added for each index. """ parameter_events = defaultdict(list) for evt in if evt.is_index_specific: for index in evt.full_indices: parameter_events[evt.parameter_path] = defaultdict(list) for evt in if evt.is_index_specific: for index in evt.full_indices: parameter_events[evt.parameter_path][index].append(evt) else: parameter_events[evt.parameter_path].append(evt) return Dict(parameter_events) @cached_property_if_locked def parameter_timelines(self): """dict: TimeLine representation for every event parameter. This dictionary associates each event parameter with its TimeLine object. If an event parameter is considered as one of the 'sized parameters', it gets associated with a MultiTimeLine object, which handles multi-dimensional or indexed data. Each timeline, be it a regular or multi-timeline, consists of sections representing time intervals where the parameter holds a specific value or state. """ parameter_timelines = {} multi_timelines = {} parameters = self.parameters for param in self.event_parameters: if param not in self.sized_parameters: parameter_timelines[param] = TimeLine() else: base_state = get_nested_value(parameters, param) is_polynomial = check_nested(self.polynomial_parameters, param) multi_timelines[param] = MultiTimeLine(base_state, is_polynomial) for evt_parameter, events in self.parameter_events.items(): if not isinstance(events, dict): events = {None: events} for index, index_events in events.items(): for i_evt, evt in enumerate(index_events): section_start = evt.time if i_evt < len(index_events) - 1: section_end = index_events[i_evt + 1].time self._create_and_add_sections( section_start, section_end, evt, index, parameter_timelines, multi_timelines ) else: section_end = self.cycle_time self._create_and_add_sections( section_start, section_end, evt, index, parameter_timelines, multi_timelines ) if index_events[0].time != 0: section_start = 0.0 section_end = index_events[0].time self._create_and_add_sections( section_start, section_end, evt, index, parameter_timelines, multi_timelines ) for param, tl in multi_timelines.items(): parameter_timelines[param] = tl.combined_time_line return Dict(parameter_timelines) def _create_and_add_sections( self, start, end, evt, index, parameter_timelines, multi_timelines ): """ Create a new Section and integrate it into the correct TimeLine. This method forms a new `Section` object using the provided start and end times, and the state from the event `evt`. Depending on whether the event is index- specific, this section is then added to a regular TimeLine or a MultiTimeLine. Parameters ---------- start : float Starting time of the Section. end : float Ending time of the Section. evt : Event Event associated with the Section. Determines the state for this time interval. index : int or tuple Index or indices pointing to specific entries in indexed event parameters. parameter_timelines : dict Dictionary mapping parameter names to their respective TimeLine objects. multi_timelines : dict Dictionary mapping parameter names to their respective MultiTimeLine objects. """ if not evt.is_index_specific: section = Section(start, end, evt.full_state) parameter_timelines[evt.parameter_path].add_section(section) else: section = Section( start, end, evt.index_states[index], is_polynomial=evt.is_polynomial ) if > 0 and len(index) == 1: index = (0, ) + index multi_timelines[evt.parameter_path].add_section(section, index) @property def performer_events(self): """dict: Event performer mapped to their corresponding list of events. For every event, this dictionary associates the event's performer with the event. This allows for easy retrieval of all events carried out by a specific performer. """ performer_events = defaultdict(list) for evt in performer_events[evt.performer].append(evt) return Dict(performer_events) @cached_property_if_locked def performer_timelines(self): """dict: Each performer mapped to their TimeLines based on event parameters. This dictionary provides a representation of event parameters in the form of timelines for each performer. This hierarchical structure helps in quickly accessing the TimeLine of any event parameter specific to a performer. """ performer_timelines = { performer: {} for performer in self.event_performers } for param, tl in self.parameter_timelines.items(): performer, param = param.rsplit('.', 1) performer_timelines[performer][param] = tl return performer_timelines @property def parameters(self): """dict: The EventHandler parameters. In addition to the standard parameters retrieved from the superclass, this property adds event parameters from independent events, parameters from durations, and the cycle time. """ parameters = super().parameters events = { evt.parameters for evt in self.independent_events} parameters.update(events) events = { evt.parameters for evt in self.dependent_events} parameters.update(events) durations = { dur.parameters for dur in self.durations} parameters.update(durations) parameters['cycle_time'] = self.cycle_time return parameters @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): """Set event parameters based on provided dictionary.""" try: self.cycle_time = parameters.pop('cycle_time') except KeyError: pass for evt_name, evt_parameters in parameters.items(): try: evt = self.events_dict[evt_name] except AttributeError: raise CADETProcessError('Not a valid event') if "time" in evt_parameters and evt not in self.independent_events + self.durations: raise CADETProcessError( f'Cannot set "time" for {str(evt)} because it is not an independent event.' ) evt.parameters = evt_parameters @property def sized_parameters(self): """dict: Compilation of parameters from events with indices. Besides the sized parameters fetched from the superclass, this property collects parameters from events that have associated indices. """ parameters = super().sized_parameters events = { evt.parameter_path: evt.parameters for evt in if evt.indices is not None } parameters.update(events) return parameters
[docs] def check_config(self): """ Validate the event configuration. Ensure no duplicate events exist for a specific parameter and index and verify that constants are incorporated in polynomials. Returns ------- bool True if all validations pass, False otherwise. """ flag = True if not self.check_duplicate_events(): flag = False if not self.check_uninitialized_indices(): flag = False return flag
[docs] def check_duplicate_events(self): """ Ensure no simulateneous events are scheduled for a specific parameter and index. Evaluates all events scheduled for each parameter and index combination. Raises a warning if multiple events are scheduled to occur simultaneously, as this can lead to unexpected system or simulation behavior. Returns ------- bool True if no duplicate events are detected, False otherwise. Warnings -------- If events are detected to occur at the same timestamp. """ flag = True for evt_parameter, events in self.parameter_events.items(): if not isinstance(events, dict): events = {None: events} for index, index_events in events.items(): index_event_times = [evt.time for evt in index_events] duplicates = [ time for time in set(index_event_times) if index_event_times.count(time) > 1 ] if duplicates: duplicate_events = [ evt for evt in index_events if evt.time in duplicates ] warnings.warn( f"Got multiple events at the same time: {duplicate_events}" ) flag = False return flag
[docs] def check_uninitialized_indices(self): """ Ensure all indices are specified when a parameter isn't initialized. Returns ------- bool True if all indices are properly defined, False otherwise. Warnings -------- If there are parameters with uninitialized entries for some indices. """ flag = True for evt_parameter, events in self.parameter_events.items(): current_value = get_nested_value( self.parameters, evt_parameter ) current_value = np.array(current_value) if np.any(np.isnan(current_value)): warnings.warn(f"{evt_parameter} has entries which were not initialized") flag = False return flag
[docs] def plot_events(self, use_minutes: bool = True) -> list[Axes]: """ Plot parameter state as a function of time. The method creates a plot for each parameter timeline and displays the state of the parameter against time. The time is represented on the x-axis, while the parameter state is shown on the y-axis. Parameters ---------- use_minutes: bool, optional Option to use x-aches (time) in minutes, default is set to True. Returns ------- list of matplotlib.Axes List of axes objects, each containing a plot of the parameter state. Notes ----- The time is divided into 1001 linearly spaced points between 0 and the cycle time for the evaluation of the parameter state. """ time = np.linspace(0, self.cycle_time, 1001) if use_minutes: time = time / 60 axs: list[Axes] = [] for parameter, tl in self.parameter_timelines.items(): fig, ax = plotting.setup_figure() y = tl.value(time) layout = plotting.Layout() layout.title = str(parameter) layout.x_label = "$time~/~s$" if use_minutes: layout.x_label = "$time~/~min$" layout.y_label = '$state$' ax.plot(time, y) plotting.set_layout(ax, layout) axs.append(ax) return axs
[docs] class Event(): """Defines dynamic changes of model parameters based on events. An `Event` is a time-based modification to an attribute of a performer. Its execution time can depend on other Events or Durations. To handle cyclic behavior, times are computed modulo the cycle time of the EventHandler. Attributes ---------- name : str The event's name. event_handler : EventHandler Object managing the performers and cycle time. parameter_path : str Dot notation path to the target parameter within the evaluation_object. state : float Desired attribute value when the event is executed. time : float, default=0.0 The execution time of the event. indices : int or list, default=None Specific indices if the event modifies a parameter array entry. See Also -------- EventHandler Duration """ _parameters = ['time', 'state'] def __init__( self, name, event_handler, parameter_path, state, time=0.0, indices=None, ): """Initialize the Event object. Parameters ---------- name : str The event's name. event_handler : EventHandler Object managing the performers and cycle time. parameter_path : str Dot notation path to the target parameter within the evaluation_object. state : float Desired attribute value when the event is executed. time : float, default=0.0 The execution time of the event. indices : int or list of int, optional Specific indices if the event modifies a parameter array entry. Can also accept slices. """ = name self.event_handler = event_handler self.parameter_path = parameter_path self.indices = indices self.state = state self._dependencies = [] self._factors = [] self._transforms = [] self.time = time @property def parameter_path(self): """str: Dot notation path to the target parameter within the evaluation_object.""" return self._parameter_path @parameter_path.setter def parameter_path(self, parameter_path): if not check_nested( self.event_handler.section_dependent_parameters, parameter_path ): raise CADETProcessError('Not a valid event parameter') self._parameter_path = parameter_path @property def parameter_sequence(self): """tuple: Tuple of parameters path elements.""" return tuple(self.parameter_path.split('.')) @property def parameter_descriptor(self): performer_class = type(self.performer_obj) try: descriptor = getattr(performer_class, self.parameter_sequence[-1]) except AttributeError: return None if not isinstance(descriptor, ParameterBase): return None return descriptor @property def parameter_type(self): """type: Type of the parameter.""" if isinstance(self.parameter_descriptor, Typed): return self.parameter_descriptor.ty if self.current_value is None: raise CADETProcessError( "Parameter is not initialized. " "Cannot determine parameter type." ) return type(self.current_value) @property def parameter_shape(self): """tuple: Shape of the parameter array.""" if isinstance(self.parameter_descriptor, (Float, Integer, Bool)): return () if isinstance(self.parameter_descriptor, Sized): shape = self.parameter_descriptor.get_expected_size(self.performer_obj) if not isinstance(shape, tuple): shape = (shape, ) return shape if self.current_value is None: raise CADETProcessError( "Parameter is not initialized. " "Cannot determine parameter shape." ) return np.array(self.current_value).shape @property def is_sized(self): """bool: True if descriptor is instance of Sized. False otherwise.""" if isinstance(self.parameter_descriptor, (Float, Integer, Bool)): return False if isinstance(self.parameter_descriptor, Sized): return True if self.current_value is None: raise CADETProcessError( "Parameter is not initialized. " "Cannot determine dimensions required for setting index." ) return np.array(self.current_value).size > 1 @property def is_polynomial(self): """bool: True if descriptor is instance of NdPolynomial. False otherwise.""" return check_nested(self.event_handler.polynomial_parameters, self.parameter_path) @property def degree(self): """int: The degree of the polynomial event state.""" if self.is_polynomial: shape = self.parameter_shape return shape[-1] - 1 else: return 0 @property def indices(self): """list: Indices for events that modifies only specific entries of a parameter. List of tuples for each entry. If parameter is scalar, None """ if len(self.parameter_shape) == 0: return indices = generate_indices(self.parameter_shape, self._indices) # Check if all indices unique: full_indices = unravel(self.parameter_shape, indices) duplicates = [ index for index in set(full_indices) if full_indices.count(index) > 1 ] if len(duplicates) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Got duplicate entries for indices {duplicates}") return indices @indices.setter def indices(self, indices): """list: Indices of parameters to set Event state. Can be list of tuples. Including slicing. """ if indices is not None and not self.is_sized: raise IndexError("Events for scalar parameters cannot have indices.") self._indices = indices # Since indices are constructed on `get`, call the property here: try: _ = self.indices except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise e @property def is_index_specific(self): """bool: True if event modifies entry of a parameter array, False otherwise.""" if len(self.full_indices) > 0: return True else: return False @property def full_indices(self): """list: Full indices.""" indices = self.indices if self.indices is None and len(self.parameter_shape) > 0: indices = generate_indices(self.parameter_shape) return unravel(self.parameter_shape, indices) @property def n_indices(self): """int: Number of (full) indices.""" if len(self.parameter_shape) > 0: return len(self.full_indices) else: return 0 @property def n_entries(self): """int: The number of entries in the event state.""" if self.is_polynomial: return np.array(self.full_state).shape[0] else: if isinstance(self.full_state, (int, float, bool)): return 1 else: return self.n_indices
[docs] def add_dependency(self, dependency, factor=1, transform=None): """Add a time dependency on another event. When an event is dependent, the time of the event is based on a linear combination of its dependencies. Parameters ---------- dependency : Event Event that this event depends on. factor : float, default=1 Weighting factor for the dependency. transform : callable, optional A function to transform the dependent event's time. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the dependency is already listed. """ if dependency in self._dependencies: raise CADETProcessError("Dependency already exists") self._dependencies.append(dependency) self._factors.append(factor) if transform is None: def transform(t): return t self._transforms.append(transform)
[docs] def remove_dependency(self, dependency): """Remove dependencies of events. Parameters ---------- dependency : Event Event object to remove from dependencies. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the dependency doesn't exists in list dependencies. """ if dependency in self._dependencies: raise CADETProcessError("Dependency not found") index = self._dependencies(dependency) del self._dependencies[index] del self._factors[index] del self._transforms[index]
@property def dependencies(self): """list: Events on which the Event depends.""" return self._dependencies @property def is_independent(self): """bool: True, if event is independent, False otherwise.""" if len(self.dependencies) == 0: return True else: return False @property def factors(self): """list: Linear coefficients for dependent events.""" return self._factors @property def transforms(self): """list: Transform functions for dependent events.""" return self._transforms @property def time(self): """float: Time when the event is executed. If the value is larger than the cycle time, the time modulo cycle time is returned. If the Event is not independent, the time is calculated from its dependencies. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the event is not independent. """ if self.is_independent: time = self._time else: transformed_time = [ f(dep.time) for f, dep in zip(self.transforms, self.dependencies) ] time =, self._factors) cycle_time = getattr(self.event_handler, 'cycle_time') return time % cycle_time @time.setter def time(self, time): if not np.isscalar(time): raise TypeError("Expected scalar value") if self.is_independent: self._time = time else: raise CADETProcessError("Cannot set time for dependent events") @property def state(self): """Union[float, np.array]: Gets or sets the state of the parameter event. When retrieving, it returns the current state of the event. When setting, the internal state is updated. """ return self._state @state.setter def state(self, state): """Set the state of the event. If indices are not defined and there's no current value, it initializes the state with the provided value. The state is then updated with the calculated full state based on the indices and provided value. Parameters ---------- state : Union[float, np.array] Value to set as the new state of the event. Raises ------ ValueError, TypeError If the updated state does not align with the expected data type or structure. """ # Initialize value to get dimensions if self._indices is None and self.current_value is None: self.set_value(state) state = self.current_value self._state = state # Since event is constructed on `get`, call the property here: try: _ = self.full_state except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise e def _ensure_2D_for_slices(self, state): """Ensure the state is 2D when dealing with slices. If there's only one set of indices and it contains a slice, it prepares the state to be handled as a 2D structure. Parameters ---------- state : Union[float, np.array] The state that might need to be converted. Returns ------- Union[float, np.array] Original state or a 2D structure depending on the indices. """ if ( len(self.indices) == 1 and any(isinstance(i, slice) for i in self.indices[0]) ): state = [state] return state @property def full_state(self): """Construct the full state based on indices and current value. This method reconstructs the state from the stored state value,. Returns ------- Union[float, list] The computed full state, either as a scalar or an array. Raises ------ ValueError If the length of the state does not match the length of the indices. """ state = self._state # Get new (full) parameter value if self._indices is None: new_value = state else: if self.current_value is None: new_value = np.full(self.parameter_shape, np.nan) else: new_value = np.array(self.current_value, ndmin=1) # Ensure state is list if not isinstance(state, list): state = [state] # Ensure state is 2D for indices that contain slices state = self._ensure_2D_for_slices(state) if len(state) != len(self.indices): raise ValueError( f"Expected {len(self.indices)} entries for state. Got {len(state)}" ) for i, ind in enumerate(self.indices): expected_shape = new_value[ind].shape if self.is_polynomial and len(self.parameter_shape) > 1 and len(ind) == 1: new_slice = self.parameter_descriptor.fill_values( expected_shape, state[i] ) else: new_slice = np.array(state[i], ndmin=1) if any(isinstance(i, slice) for i in ind): if new_slice.size != new_slice = np.broadcast_to(new_slice, expected_shape) else: new_slice = np.reshape(new_slice, expected_shape) if len(expected_shape) == 0: new_slice = new_slice.squeeze() new_value[ind] = new_slice if self.parameter_type is not np.ndarray: new_value = self.parameter_type(new_value.tolist()) # Set the value: self.set_value(new_value) new_value = self.current_value if self.indices is not None: new_value = np.array(new_value, ndmin=1) full_state = [] for ind in self.indices: full_state += new_value[ind].flatten().tolist() else: full_state = new_value return full_state @property def index_states(self): """dict[tuple, float]: State values mapped to their respective indices.""" index_states = {} for ind, state in zip(self.full_indices, self.full_state): index_states[ind] = state return index_states @property def performer(self): """str: The name of the performer of the event.""" if len(self.parameter_sequence) == 1: return self.parameter_sequence[0] else: return ".".join(self.parameter_sequence[:-1]) @property def performer_obj(self): """any: Performer object from the event handler.""" return get_nested_attribute(self.event_handler, self.performer)
[docs] def set_value(self, state): """Set the specified state to the associated event parameter.""" state = copy.deepcopy(state) if self.parameter_descriptor is not None: setattr(self.performer_obj, self.parameter_sequence[-1], state) else: parameters = generate_nested_dict(self.parameter_sequence, state) self.event_handler.parameters = parameters
@property def current_value(self): """any: Current state of the associated event parameter.""" if self.parameter_descriptor is not None: return getattr(self.performer_obj, self.parameter_sequence[-1]) else: return get_nested_value( self.event_handler.parameters, self.parameter_path ) @property def parameters(self): """dict: list with all parameters.""" return Dict({ param: getattr(self, param) for param in self._parameters }) @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): if isinstance(parameters, (float, int)): self.time = parameters else: for param, value in parameters.items(): if param not in self._parameters: raise CADETProcessError('Not a valid parameter') setattr(self, param, value) def __repr__(self): representation = \ f'{self.__class__.__name__}('\ f'name={}, '\ f'parameter_path={self.parameter_path}, '\ f'state={self.state}, '\ f'time={self.time}' if self.indices is not None: representation += f', indices={self.indices}' representation += ')' return representation
[docs] class Duration(): """Class for representing a duration between two events in an Eventhandler. Attributes ---------- start_event : str Name of the start event of a duration. end_event : str Name of the end event of a duration. """ def __init__(self, name, event_handler, time=0.0): = name self.time = time self._parameters = ['time'] @property def parameters(self): """dict: list with all parameters.""" return Dict({ param: getattr(self, param) for param in self._parameters }) @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): if isinstance(parameters, (float, int)): self.time = parameters else: for param, value in parameters.items(): if param not in self._parameters: raise CADETProcessError('Not a valid parameter') setattr(self, param, value) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(name={}, time={self.time})'