Source code for CADETProcess.dataStructure.parameter

from abc import abstractmethod
import copy
import math
import operator

import numpy as np

from .dataStructure import Descriptor

[docs] class ParameterBase(Descriptor): """ Base class for model parameters with potential constraints or type-casting. Unlike mere data members, parameters can have default values, support type constraints, and cast from certain types to their target type. Attributes ---------- default : Any Default value of the parameter. unit : str Unit of the parameter. description : str Description or context of the parameter. Notes ----- 1. Supports deep copying of default values, allowing mutable defaults without side effects. 2. Subclasses can further specify type constraints (like `Typed`). 3. They can also define immutable parameters (like `Constant`) and options-based parameters (`Switch`). See Also -------- Descriptor Structure Constant Switch Typed Bool Integer Tuple Float String Dictionary """ def __init__( self, *args, default=None, is_optional=False, unit=None, description=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Parameter instance. Parameters ---------- *args : Any Variable length argument list. default : Any, optional Default value for the parameter. Defaults to None. is_optional : bool, optional If True, parameter is not added to list of required parameters. Defaults to False unit : str, optional Unit of the parameter. Defaults to None. description : str, optional Description of the parameter. Defaults to None. **kwargs : Any Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ self.default = default self.is_optional = is_optional self.unit = unit self.description = description super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def default(self): """Any: Get or set the default value of the parameter.""" return copy.deepcopy(self._default) @default.setter def default(self, value): """ Set the default value of the parameter. Parameters ---------- value : Any Value to set as default. """ if value is not None: val = self._prepare(None, value, recursive=True) self._check(None, val, recursive=True) self._default = value
[docs] def get_default_value(self, instance): """ Return default values if necessary. Override this method if type-casting for default values is necessary. Parameters ---------- value : Any Value to cast. Returns ------- Any Default value. """ default = self.default if default is not None: default = self._prepare(instance, default, recursive=True) self._check(instance, default, recursive=True) return default
def __get__(self, instance, cls): """ Retrieve the descriptor value for the given instance. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. cls : Type[Any] Class to which the descriptor belongs. Returns ------- Any Descriptor value or the default value if the descriptor value isn't set. """ if instance is None: return self try: value = Descriptor.__get__(self, instance, cls) except KeyError: value = self.get_default_value(instance) if value is not None: self._check(instance, value, recursive=True) return value def __set__(self, instance, value): """ Set the descriptor value for the given instance. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to set the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to set. """ if value is None: value = self.get_default_value(instance) if value is not None: value = self._prepare(instance, value, recursive=True) self._check(instance, value, recursive=True) try: if in instance._parameters: instance._parameters_dict[] = value except AttributeError: pass super().__set__(instance, value) def _prepare(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Prepare value for setting if necessary. Override this method if type-casting or other operations are necessary. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to cast. Returns ------- Any Prepared value. """ return value def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Check the given value. Override this method for specific checks. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. """ return
# %% Constant Parameters
[docs] class Constant(ParameterBase): """ Parameter that is immutable once set. Attributes ---------- value : Any The immutable value of the parameter. Notes ----- Once set, the value of a Constant parameter cannot be modified. """ def __init__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Constant instance. Parameters ---------- value : Any Constant value for the parameter. *args : Any Variable length argument list. **kwargs : Any Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, default=value, **kwargs) def __set__(self, instance, value): """ Disallow modification of the value of a Constant parameter. Raises ------ ValueError If trying to modify the constant parameter. """ raise ValueError("Cannot modify constant parameter.")
[docs] class Switch(ParameterBase): """ Parameter that can be set to one of several predefined options. Attributes ---------- valid : list List of valid options for the parameter. Notes ----- Assign a value to this parameter from the `valid` list. """ def __init__(self, *args, valid, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Switch instance. Parameters ---------- *args : Any Variable length argument list. valid : list List of valid options for the parameter. **kwargs : Any Arbitrary keyword arguments. Raises ------ TypeError If `valid` is not a list. ValueError If the `valid` list is empty. """ if not isinstance(valid, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list for valid entries") if not valid: raise ValueError("The valid options list cannot be empty.") self.valid = valid super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Verify if the value belongs to the valid options. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any The value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. Returns ------- bool True if the value is among the valid options, otherwise raises an exception. Raises ------ ValueError If the value isn't one of the valid options. """ if value not in self.valid: raise ValueError(f"Value must be one of {self.valid}") if recursive: super()._check(instance, value, recursive)
# %% Typed Parameters
[docs] class Typed(ParameterBase): """ Mixin for parameters constrained to a specific type. `Typed` extends the base `Parameter` class with type constraints. When instantiated with a specific type (`ty`), it ensures values are of that type or can be cast to that type. If `ty` is not specified during instantiation and is not predefined by a subclass, an error is raised. Attributes ---------- ty : type Desired type for the parameter. Defaults to accepting any type. Subclasses can directly set this attribute. Methods ------- cast_value(value) -> Any: Attempts to cast the value to the target type. By default, returns the value as is. Subclasses can override for specific casting behavior. _prepare(instance, value, recursive=False) -> Any: Prepares and optionally type-casts the value before checking its type. This method uses `cast_value` to attempt to cast the value to the required type. _check(instance, value, recursive=False) -> bool: Validates if the value matches the desired type (`ty`). Raises a TypeError if validation fails. Notes ----- - If `ty` is specified during instantiation, any value assigned to this parameter undergoes validation against this type. - Override `cast_value` in subclasses for custom casting logic. - Assigning `None` to the parameter removes its current value from the instance. - An error is raised during instantiation if `ty` is neither provided nor predefined by a subclass. See Also -------- Parameter Bool Integer Tuple Float String Dictionary """ def __init__(self, *args, ty=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Typed instance. Parameters ---------- *args : Any Variable length argument list. ty : type, optional The desired type for the parameter. **kwargs : Any Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ if ty is not None: self.ty = ty elif not hasattr(self, 'ty'): raise ValueError( "Type must be provided either in a subclass or during instantiation." ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def cast_value(self, value): """ Cast the type of the given value. This method is a placeholder. Override it if type-casting is necessary. Parameters ---------- value : Any Value to cast. Returns ------- Any The unmodified value. """ return value
def _prepare(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Prepare and optionally type-cast the value before type validation. This method is called before `_check` to provide an opportunity to process or type-cast the value. By default, it uses the `cast_value` method to attempt casting the value to the desired type. Parameters ---------- instance : Any The instance to which this descriptor belongs. value : Any The value to be prepared or type-cast. recursive : bool, optional If True, the preparation is done recursively by calling the parent's _prepare method. This can be useful if `Typed` is combined with other descriptor classes that might also need to process the value. Defaults to False. Returns ------- Any The potentially type-cast value, ready for type validation. """ value = self.cast_value(value) if recursive: value = super()._prepare(instance, value, recursive) return value def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Validate the value's type against `ty`. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. Returns ------- bool True if value's type matches, else raises an exception. Raises ------ TypeError If the value's type doesn't match `ty`. """ if not isinstance(value, self.ty): raise TypeError(f"Expected type {self.ty}, got {type(value)}") if recursive: super()._check(instance, value, recursive)
[docs] class Bool(Typed): """ Parameter descriptor constrained to boolean values. Notes ----- This class also supports casting integers 0 and 1 to their boolean equivalents. """ ty = bool
[docs] def cast_value(self, value): """ Convert integers 0 and 1 to their respective boolean values. Parameters ---------- value : Any Value to be cast. Returns ------- Union[bool, Any] Boolean equivalent if value is 0 or 1; otherwise, the original value. """ if isinstance(value, int) and value in [0, 1]: value = bool(value) return value
[docs] class Integer(Typed): """Parameter descriptor constrained to integer values.""" ty = int
[docs] class Float(Typed): """ Parameter descriptor constrained to float values. Notes ----- This class also supports casting integers and numpy numbers to floats. """ ty = float
[docs] def cast_value(self, value): """ Convert integers and numpy numbers to float. Parameters ---------- value : Any Value to be cast. Returns ------- Union[float, Any] Float equivalent if value is an integer or numpy number; otherwise, the original value. """ if isinstance(value, (int, np.number)): value = float(value) return value
[docs] class String(Typed): """Parameter descriptor constrained to string values.""" ty = str
[docs] class Tuple(Typed): """Parameter descriptor constrained to tuple values.""" ty = tuple
[docs] class List(Typed): """Parameter descriptor constrained to list values.""" ty = list
[docs] class Dictionary(Typed): """Parameter descriptor constrained to dictionary (`dict`) values.""" ty = dict
[docs] class NdArray(Typed): """ Parameter descriptor constrained to np.ndarray values. Notes ----- The `cast_value` method automatically converts lists to numpy arrays and wraps scalars (int or float) into single-element numpy arrays. """ ty = np.ndarray
[docs] def cast_value(self, value): """ Cast lists or scalars (int or float) to numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- value : Any The value to be casted. Returns ------- np.ndarray or Any If the value is a list or scalar (int or float), it returns its numpy array equivalent. Otherwise, it returns the value unchanged. """ if isinstance(value, list): value = np.array(value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): value = np.array((value,)) return value
[docs] class Callable(ParameterBase): """ Parameter descriptor constrained to callable objects. Designed to ensure a given parameter is callable. This is distinct from using a type constraint since built-in functions (e.g., those implemented in C) won't be captured by `types.FunctionTypes`. Examples -------- Here's how you might use the `Callable` class: >>> class MyModel: ... func = Callable() ... >>> model = MyModel() >>> model.func = print # This is fine as print is callable >>> model.func = "not_callable" # This will raise a TypeError See Also -------- Parameter Typed """ def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Check if the given value is callable. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. Raises ------ TypeError If the value is not callable. """ if not callable(value): raise TypeError("Expected object to be callable") if recursive: super()._check(instance, value, recursive)
# %% Ranged Parameters
[docs] class Ranged(ParameterBase): """Descriptor for parameters within specified bounds. Allows setting values constrained by provided lower and upper bounds. The actual comparisons against the bounds can be customized using the `lb_op` and `ub_op` comparison functions. Attributes ---------- lb : numeric The lower bound of the parameter. Default is negative infinity. lb_op : callable A callable that defines the comparison operation against the lower bound. Default is less than (<). ub : numeric The upper bound of the parameter. Default is positive infinity. ub_op : callable A callable that defines the comparison operation against the upper bound. Default is greater than (>). Examples -------- Constraining a parameter between 0 and 10: >>> class MyClass: ... value = Ranged(lb=0, ub=10) ... >>> obj = MyClass() >>> obj.value = 5 # This is valid >>> obj.value = -5 # Raises an error Notes ----- - By default, values are checked to be strictly within the bounds (exclusive). To change this behavior, use the `lb_op` and `ub_op` parameters. - The `check_range` method can be overridden for custom range validation logic, especially if the data structure isn't a simple scalar value (e.g. for np.ndarrays). See Also -------- ParameterBase """ def __init__( self, *args, lb=-math.inf,, ub=math.inf,, **kwargs): """ Initialize the Ranged descriptor. Parameters ---------- lb : numeric, optional Lower bound. Defaults to negative infinity. lb_op : callable, optional Comparison for the lower bound. Defaults to less than. ub : numeric, optional Upper bound. Defaults to positive infinity. ub_op : callable, optional Comparison for the upper bound. Defaults to greater than. """ = lb self.lb_op = lb_op self.ub = ub self.ub_op = ub_op super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_range(self, value): """ Validate if the value is within the defined range. Override this method if other methods for checking ranges are required (e.g. for np.ndarrays). Parameters ---------- value : Any Value to check against the range. Raises ------ ValueError If the value is outside the specified bounds. """ if self.lb_op(value, raise ValueError(f"Value {value} is below the lower bound of {}") elif self.ub_op(value, self.ub): raise ValueError(f"Value {value} is above the upper bound of {self.ub}")
def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Validate the value against the range. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. """ self.check_range(value) if recursive: super()._check(instance, value, recursive)
# Ranged scalar parameters
[docs] class RangedInteger(Integer, Ranged): """Parameter descriptor for integers parameters constrained within bounds.""" pass
[docs] class RangedFloat(Float, Ranged): """Parameter descriptor for float parameters constrained within bounds.""" pass
# Ranged list / array parameters
[docs] class RangedArray(Ranged): """Parameter descriptor for arrays with elements constrained within some bounds. This class extends the Ranged descriptor to support array-like structures (lists, numpy arrays, etc.). Each element in the array is individually checked against the specified bounds. Examples -------- Constraining elements of an array parameter between 0 and 10: >>> class MyClass: ... values = RangedArray(lb=0, ub=10) ... >>> obj = MyClass() >>> obj.values = [5, 7, 2] # This is valid >>> obj.values = [5, -1, 2] # Raises an error indicating the second element is below the lower bound. Notes ----- - The class uses numpy for efficient element-wise comparison. - In case of out-of-bound values, the raised exception specifies the index/indices of such values. See Also -------- Ranged """
[docs] def check_range(self, value): """Check each element of an array-like structure against specified bounds. Parameters ---------- value : array-like The array whose elements need to be checked against the range. Raises ------ ValueError If any element(s) of the array are outside the specified bounds. The raised exception indicates the index/indices of out-of-bound values. """ value_array = np.array(value) if np.any(self.lb_op(value_array, idx = np.where(self.lb_op(value_array,[0] raise ValueError( f"Element(s) at index/indices {idx} below the lower bound of {}" ) elif np.any(self.ub_op(value_array, self.ub)): idx = np.where(self.ub_op(value_array, self.ub))[0] raise ValueError( f"Element(s) at index/indices {idx} above the upper bound of {self.ub}" )
[docs] class RangedList(List, RangedArray): """Parameter descriptor for lists with elements constrained within bounds.""" pass
[docs] class RangedNdArray(NdArray, RangedArray): """Parameter descriptor for numpy arrays with elements constrained within bounds.""" pass
# Unsigned scalar parameters
[docs] class Unsigned(Ranged): """Parameter descriptor for non-negative parameters.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, lb=0,, **kwargs)
[docs] class UnsignedInteger(Integer, Unsigned): """Parameter descriptor for unsigned integer parameters.""" pass
[docs] class UnsignedFloat(Float, Unsigned): """Parameter descriptor for unsigned floating-point parameters.""" pass
# Unsigned list / array parameters
[docs] class UnsignedArray(Unsigned, RangedArray): """Parameter descriptor for arrays with non-negative elements.""" pass
[docs] class UnsignedList(List, UnsignedArray): """Parameter descriptor for lists with non-negative elements.""" pass
[docs] class UnsignedNdArray(NdArray, UnsignedArray): """Parameter descriptor for numpy arrays with non-negative elements.""" pass
# %% Sized Parameters
[docs] class Sized(ParameterBase): """ Descriptor for parameters with size that potentially depends on instance attributes. Attributes ---------- size : tuple Expected size or dimensions of the parameter. Individual elements can be either integers or strings indicating other instance parameters that influence the size. Methods ------- is_independent : bool Determines whether the size is independent of other parameters. get_size(value) -> int Calculates the size of the given value. Override for custom behavior. get_expected_size(instance) -> int Computes the expected size based on the instance's other attributes. check_size(instance, value) Validates that the provided value's size matches the expected size. """ def __init__(self, *args, size, **kwargs): """ Initialize the Sized descriptor. Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple The expected size or dimensions of the parameter. Individual elements can be either integers or strings (indicating other instance parameters). """ if not isinstance(size, tuple): size = (size,) self.size = size super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def is_independent(self): """ Determine whether the size is independent of other parameters. Returns ------- bool True if the size is independent, False if it depends on other instance attributes. """ flag = True if any(isinstance(i, str) for i in self.size): flag = False return flag
[docs] def get_size(self, value): """ Determines the size of the provided value. Parameters ---------- value : Any The value for which the size needs to be calculated. Returns ------- Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] Size of the value. """ return len(value)
[docs] def get_expected_size(self, instance): """ Compute the expected size based on the instance's other attributes. Parameters ---------- instance : object The instance whose attributes determine the expected size. Returns ------- int Computed expected size based on instance attributes. Raises ------ ValueError If an attribute, on which the size depends, is not set. """ if not self.is_independent and instance is None: raise ValueError( "Parameter is not independent, need instance get expected size!" ) size = [] for i in self.size: if isinstance(i, int): size.append(i) continue i_value = getattr(instance, i) if i_value is None: raise ValueError(f"Value for {i} not set.") size.append(i_value) return
[docs] def check_size(self, instance, value): """ Validate that the provided value's size matches the expected size. Parameters ---------- instance : object The instance associated with the parameter. value : Any The value whose size needs to be validated. Raises ------ ValueError If the value's size does not match the expected size. """ if np.array(value).size == 1: return size = self.get_size(value) expected_size = self.get_expected_size(instance) if size != expected_size: raise ValueError(f"Expected size {expected_size}")
def _prepare(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Prepare the value by typecasting and adjusting its size. This method handles typecasting of the provided value to the expected type (`self.ty`) and potentially adjusts its size. If the size of the parameter depends on other instance attributes, it will retrieve that expected size and adjust the value accordingly. Parameters ---------- instance : object The instance associated with the parameter. value : Any The value to be prepared. recursive : bool, optional If True, recursively prepares the value using the superclass's method. Defaults to False. Returns ------- Any The prepared value, which has been potentially typecasted and resized. Raises ------ ValueError If the value cannot be cast to the expected type. """ if not isinstance(value, self.ty): try: expected_size = self.get_expected_size(instance) except ValueError: expected_size = None if isinstance(value, (int, float)): value = self.ty((value, )) else: raise ValueError("Cannot cast value from given value.") if expected_size is not None: value = * value if recursive: value = super()._prepare(instance, value, recursive) return value def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Validate the provided value's size. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. """ self.check_size(instance, value) if recursive: super()._check(instance, value, recursive)
[docs] class SizedList(List, Sized): """Descriptor for lists whose size may depend on other instance attributes.""" pass
[docs] class SizedTuple(Tuple, Sized): """Descriptor for tuples whose size may depend on other instance attributes.""" pass
[docs] class SizedNdArray(NdArray, Sized): """Descriptor for NumPy arrays whose size may depend on other instance attributes."""
[docs] def get_size(self, value): return value.shape
[docs] def get_expected_size(self, instance): """ Calculate the expected size of a numpy array based on the instance's other attributes. Returns ------- tuple The expected shape of the array. """ if not self.is_independent and instance is None: raise ValueError("Parameter is not independent, need instance!") expected_size = [] for i in self.size: if isinstance(i, int): expected_size += [i] continue dim = getattr(instance, i) if dim is None: raise ValueError(f"Value for {i} not set.") if isinstance(dim, np.ndarray): dim = list(dim.shape) elif isinstance(dim, int): dim = [dim] expected_size += dim expected_size = tuple(expected_size) return expected_size
def _prepare(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Prepare the value for a NumPy array, ensuring it has the expected shape. If the value is a scalar (int or float), this method will transform it into a NumPy array with the expected shape, filled with the scalar value. If the value is already an array, this method ensures its shape matches the expected shape. Parameters ---------- instance : object The instance associated with the parameter. value : Any The value to be prepared. recursive : bool, optional If True, recursively prepares the value using the superclass's method. Defaults to False. Returns ------- np.ndarray The prepared NumPy array with the correct shape. Raises ------ ValueError If the value cannot be cast to a NumPy array with the expected shape. """ # if not isinstance(value, self.ty): if isinstance(value, (int, float)): try: expected_size = self.get_expected_size(instance) except ValueError: expected_size = None if expected_size is not None: value = value * np.ones(expected_size) else: try: self.check_size(instance, np.array(value)) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Cannot cast value from given value.") if recursive: value = super()._prepare(instance, value, recursive) return value
[docs] class SizedRangedList(RangedList, Sized): """Descriptor for ranged lists whose size depends on other instance attributes.""" pass
[docs] class SizedUnsignedList(UnsignedList, SizedList): """Descriptor for unsigned lists whose size depends on other instance attributes.""" pass
[docs] class SizedUnsignedNdArray(UnsignedNdArray, SizedNdArray): """Descriptor for unsigned numpy arrays whose size depends on other instance attributes.""" pass
# Also check content type
[docs] class SizedRangedIntegerList(RangedList, Integer, Sized): """Descriptor for ranged lists of integers whose size depends on other instance attributes.""" pass
[docs] class SizedUnsignedIntegerList(UnsignedList, Integer, Sized): """Descriptor for unsigned lists of integers whose size depends on other instance attributes.""" pass
# %% Dimensionalized Parameters
[docs] class DimensionalizedArray(NdArray): """ Parameter descriptor constrained to np.arrays with a specific dimensionality. The descriptor ensures that the ndarray assigned matches the specified number of dimensions (n_dim). Attributes ---------- n_dim : int The number of dimensions the array must have. Examples -------- To create a descriptor for 2-dimensional arrays: >>> class MyClass: ... arr = DimensionalizedArray(n_dim=2) ... >>> obj = MyClass() >>> obj.arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # This is valid >>> obj.arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) # Raises a ValueError Notes ----- The n_dim attribute can be set during initialization. """ n_dim = None def __init__(self, n_dim=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the DimensionalizedArray descriptor. Parameters ---------- n_dim : int, optional The number of dimensions the array must have. If not specified, it must be set before usage. Raises ------ ValueError If n_dim is not an integer. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if n_dim is not None: if not isinstance(n_dim, int): raise ValueError('Dimensionality (n_dim) must be an integer.') self.n_dim = n_dim # Ensure the dimension is set and valid if self.n_dim is None: raise ValueError( 'Dimensionality (n_dim) must be set during initialization.' ) def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Check the dimensionality of the given value. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of dimensions of the ndarray doesn't match n_dim. """ if self.n_dim != np.array(value).ndim: raise ValueError( f"Expected {self.n_dim} dimensions, got {np.array(value).ndim}." ) if recursive: super()._check(instance, value, recursive)
[docs] class Vector(DimensionalizedArray): """ Parameter descriptor for one-dimensional numpy arrays (vectors). Attributes ---------- n_dim : int Dimensionality of the numpy array, set to 1 for vectors. Examples -------- >>> class MyModel: ... coordinates = Vector() ... >>> model.coordinates = np.array([1, 2, 3]) # Valid >>> model.coordinates = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # Raises ValueError See Also -------- Dimensionalized NdArray """ n_dim = 1
[docs] class Matrix(DimensionalizedArray): """ Parameter descriptor for two-dimensional numpy arrays (matrices). This descriptor ensures that the ndarray assigned is two-dimensional. Attributes ---------- n_dim : int Dimensionality of the numpy array, set to 2 for matrices. Examples -------- >>> class MyModel: ... data = Matrix() ... >>> model = MyModel() >>> = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # Valid >>> = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) # Raises ValueError See Also -------- DimensionalizedArray NdArray """ n_dim = 2
# %% Polynomial Parameters
[docs] class NdPolynomial(SizedNdArray): """ Dependently sized polynomial for n entries. This descriptor represents a polynomial whose size or dimensions may depend on other instance attributes. The polynomial can also be thought of as a 2D array, where each row represents a polynomial of a certain degree. Important: Use [entries x n_coeff] for dependencies. Parameters ---------- n_entries : int, optional Number of polynomials or rows. Default is None. n_coeff : int, optional Number of coefficients for each polynomial or columns. Default is None. Attributes ---------- size : tuple The shape of the polynomial array, determined from n_entries and n_coeff. Notes ----- Currently, NdPolynomial is implemented as `SizedNdArray`. Consequently, no default values can be set since their size would depend on the dependent variables. In theory, this could be split into `NdPolynomial` and `SizedNdPolynomial`, but there is currently no use for this distinction. Methods ------- fill_values(dims, value) -> np.ndarray: Fills values to generate the polynomial matrix of the desired size. _prepare(instance, value, recursive=False) -> np.ndarray: Prepare the given polynomial matrix s.t. it adheres to the expected size. """ def __init__(self, *args, n_entries=None, n_coeff=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize an NdPolynomial descriptor with specific entries and coefficients. Parameters ---------- n_entries : int, optional Set the number of polynomials or rows. If not provided, it must be inferred from 'size'. n_coeff : int, optional Define the number of coefficients for each polynomial or columns. If not provided, it must be inferred from 'size'. *args : Variable length argument list. **kwargs : Arbitrary keyword arguments, can include 'size' which denotes the shape of the polynomial array. Raises ------ ValueError If both 'n_entries' and 'n_coeff' are missing and 'size' is not provided or is incomplete. If there's a mismatch or redundancy in provided dimensions. Notes ----- The shape of the polynomial array is determined from 'n_entries' and 'n_coeff' or from the 'size' keyword argument. """ if 'default' in kwargs and kwargs['default'] != 0: raise ValueError("Default value for NdPolynomial must always be 0.") try: size = kwargs['size'] if not isinstance(size, tuple): size = (size,) except KeyError: size = tuple() if n_entries is None and n_coeff is None and len(size) < 2: raise ValueError("Missing value for n_coeff for shape") if n_entries is not None: if len(size) > 1: raise ValueError("Found duplicate n_entries for shape") _n_entries = n_entries if n_coeff is not None: if len(size) > 0: raise ValueError("Found duplicate n_entries for shape") else: _n_entries = size[0] if n_coeff is not None: if len(size) > 1: raise ValueError("Found duplicate n_entries for shape") _n_coeff = n_coeff if n_entries is not None: if len(size) > 0: raise ValueError("Found duplicate n_entries for shape") else: if n_entries is not None: _n_coeff = size[0] else: _n_coeff = size[1] size = (_n_entries, _n_coeff) kwargs['size'] = size super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fill_values(self, dims, value): """ Fill values to generate the polynomial matrix of the desired size. Parameters ---------- dims : tuple of int Dimensions (n_entries, n_coeff) of the polynomial matrix. value : Union[int, float, np.ndarray, list] Value(s) to be filled in the polynomial matrix. Returns ------- np.ndarray Polynomial matrix of the desired size filled with given values. Raises ------ ValueError If there's a mismatch between the provided values and expected dimensions. """ if len(dims) == 1: n_entries = 1 n_coeff = dims[0] single_entry = True value = np.array(value, ndmin=2) else: n_entries = dims[0] n_coeff = dims[1] single_entry = False if single_entry and n_entries > 1: raise ValueError("Can only set single entry if n_entries == 1.") if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.size == 1: value = float(value.squeeze()) if isinstance(value, (int, float)): value = n_entries * [value] elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.tolist() if len(value) != n_entries: raise ValueError("Number of entries does not match") _value = np.zeros((n_entries, n_coeff)) for i, v in enumerate(value): if isinstance(v, (int, float, np.number)): v = [v] if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): missing = n_coeff - len(v) v += missing*(0,) _value[i, :] = np.array(v) if single_entry: _value = _value[0] return _value
def _prepare(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Prepare the given polynomial matrix s.t. it adheres to the expected size. Parameters ---------- instance : object The instance whose attributes might influence the size. value : Union[int, float, np.ndarray, list] Value(s) to be filled in the polynomial matrix. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the operation recursively. Defaults to False. Returns ------- np.ndarray Polynomial matrix of the desired size prepared as per requirements. """ if instance is not None: dims = self.get_expected_size(instance) value = self.fill_values(dims, value) if recursive: value = super()._prepare(instance, value, recursive) return value
[docs] class Polynomial(NdPolynomial): """ Represent a single polynomial using coefficients. This class serves as a simplified version of NdPolynomial, specifically tailored for single polynomials. It is always defined by its coefficients, removing the need for an 'n_entries' parameter. Use this class when only a single polynomial representation is required. Attributes ---------- size : tuple Size of the coefficients for the polynomial. Derived from NdPolynomial but omits 'n_entries'. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Polynomial descriptor with a specific coefficient length. Parameters ---------- *args : Variable length argument list. **kwargs : Arbitrary keyword arguments. Typically used for any parameters inherited from NdPolynomial, except 'n_entries'. Notes ----- The Polynomial descriptor is a special case of NdPolynomial with 'n_entries' always set to 1. Therefore, it's only defined by its coefficients. """ super().__init__(*args, n_entries=1, **kwargs) self.size = self.size[1:]
# %% Modulated Parameters
[docs] class DependentlyModulated(Sized): """ Mixin for checking parameter shapes based on other instance attributes. This mixin ensures that the size of a parameter is modulo an expected size. If this condition is not met, a ValueError is raised. """
[docs] def check_mod_value(self, instance, value): """ Check if the size of the parameter modulo its expected size is zero. By default, this method checks the modulo condition, but can be overridden by subclasses to incorporate custom behaviors. Parameters ---------- instance : object The instance associated with the parameter. value : Any The value whose size needs to be validated. Raises ------ ValueError If the modulo condition of the size does not meet the expected criteria. """ size = self.get_size(value) expected_size = self.get_expected_size(instance) size %= expected_size if size != 0: raise ValueError( f"The size of the value modulo the expected size is not zero. " f"Size: {size}, Expected Size: {expected_size}" )
check_size = check_mod_value
[docs] class DependentlyModulatedUnsignedList(UnsignedList, SizedList, DependentlyModulated): """List of unsigned values whose size is dependent on other attributes.""" pass