Source code for CADETProcess.dataStructure.dataStructure

from abc import ABC
from collections import OrderedDict
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
from functools import wraps
from warnings import warn

from addict import Dict
import numpy as np

# %% Descriptors
[docs] class Descriptor(ABC): """Base class for descriptors. Descriptors are used to efficiently implement class attributes that require checking type, value, size etc. For using Descriptors, a class must inherit from StructMeta. - ``self`` is the Descriptor managing the attribute of the ``instance``. - ``instance`` is the object which holds the actual ``value``. - ``value`` is the value of the ``instance`` attribute. See Also -------- StructMeta Parameters """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def __get__(self, instance, cls): return instance.__dict__[] def __set__(self, instance, value): if value is None: try: del instance.__dict__[] except KeyError: pass return instance.__dict__[] = value def __delete__(self, instance): del instance.__dict__[]
[docs] class Aggregator(): """Descriptor aggregating parameters from instance container with other instances.""" def __init__(self, parameter_name, container, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the Aggregator descriptor. Parameters ---------- parameter_name : str Name of the parameter to be aggregated. container : str Name of the attribute in the instance that contains the other instances from which parameters will be aggregated. *args : tuple, optional Additional positional arguments. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments. """ self.parameter_name = parameter_name self.container = container def _container_obj(self, instance): """ Retrieve the iterable container of the instance. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the container from. Returns ------- obj : iterable Iterable container of the instance. Raises ------ TypeError If the container is not iterable. """ container = getattr(instance, self.container) if not hasattr(container, "__iter__"): raise TypeError(f"{self.container} attribute is not iterable") return container def _n_instances(self, instance): return len(self._get_parameter_values_from_container(instance)) def _get_parameter_values_from_container(self, instance): container = self._container_obj(instance) value = [getattr(el, self.parameter_name) for el in container] if len(value) == 0: return return value def __get__(self, instance, cls): """ Retrieve the descriptor value for the given instance. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. cls : Type[Any], optional Class to which the descriptor belongs. By default None. Returns ------- np.array Descriptor values aggregated in a numpy array. """ if instance is None: return self value = self._get_parameter_values_from_container(instance) if value is not None: self._check(instance, value, recursive=True) return value def __set__(self, instance, value): """ Set the descriptor value for the given instance. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to set the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to set. """ if value is not None: value = self._prepare(instance, value, recursive=True) self._check(instance, value, recursive=True) container = self._container_obj(instance) for i, el in enumerate(container): setattr(el, self.parameter_name, value[i]) def _prepare(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Prepare value for setting if necessary. Override this method if type-casting or other operations are necessary. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to cast. Returns ------- Any Prepared value. """ return value def _check(self, instance, value, recursive=False): """ Check the given value. Override this method for specific checks. Parameters ---------- instance : Any Instance to retrieve the descriptor value for. value : Any Value to check. recursive : bool, optional If True, perform the check recursively. Defaults to False. """ return
[docs] def make_signature(names): return Signature( Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for name in names)
[docs] class StructMeta(type): """ Metaclass for creating classes that use Descriptors. This metaclass enables classes to have ordered descriptors and provides additional functionality related to descriptor management. The underlying structure uses an OrderedDict to maintain the order of class attributes. The metaclass mainly interacts with the `Descriptor` class, and classes that use this metaclass can benefit from this specialized handling of descriptors. Attributes ---------- _descriptors : list List of descriptors associated with a class. _parameters : list List of parameters aggregated from the class and its bases. _sized_parameters : list List of parameters that have a `size` attribute. _polynomial_parameters : list List of parameters with `fill_values` attribute. _aggregated_parameters : list List of parameters that aggregate other instances parameters. _required_parameters : list List of parameters that have a default value of None. See Also -------- Structure : Base class that typically uses this metaclass. Descriptor : Class that represents the descriptors this metaclass operates on. Parameters : Base class for model parameters with e.g. type or bound constraints. Methods ------- __prepare__(name, bases) -> OrderedDict Prepares the namespace for the class body to be executed. """ @classmethod def __prepare__(cls, name, bases): return OrderedDict() def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict): # Extract descriptor keys descriptors = [ key for key, val in clsdict.items() if isinstance(val, Descriptor) ] # Assign name attribute for each descriptor for name in descriptors: clsdict[name].name = name clsdict['_descriptors'] = descriptors # Extract aggregator keys aggregators = [ key for key, val in clsdict.items() if isinstance(val, Aggregator) ] # Assign name attribute for each descriptor for name in aggregators: clsdict[name].name = name clsdict['_aggregators'] = aggregators # Create the new class object clsobj = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, dict(clsdict)) # Aggregate parameters from the current class and its bases parameters = [] try: parameters += clsobj._parameters except AttributeError: pass for base in bases: base_parameters = getattr(base, '_parameters', []) parameters += base_parameters setattr(clsobj, '_parameters', parameters) # Categorize parameters based on their attributes sized_parameters = [] polynomial_parameters = [] required_parameters = [] optional_parameters = [] for param in parameters: descriptor = getattr(clsobj, param) # Skip if it's not an instance of Descriptor if not isinstance(descriptor, Descriptor): continue if hasattr(descriptor, 'size'): sized_parameters.append(param) if hasattr(descriptor, 'fill_values'): polynomial_parameters.append(param) if descriptor.default is None and not descriptor.is_optional: required_parameters.append(param) if descriptor.is_optional: optional_parameters.append(param) setattr(clsobj, '_sized_parameters', sized_parameters) setattr(clsobj, '_polynomial_parameters', polynomial_parameters) setattr(clsobj, '_required_parameters', required_parameters) setattr(clsobj, '_optional_parameters', optional_parameters) # Collect descriptors from base classes for base in bases: descriptors += getattr(base, '_descriptors', []) # Remove duplicates from the descriptors list args = list(dict.fromkeys(descriptors)) # Register descriptor fields as arguments in __init__ sig = make_signature(args) setattr(clsobj, '__signature__', sig) return clsobj
# %% Stucture / ParameterHandler
[docs] class Structure(metaclass=StructMeta): """ A class representing a structured data entity. This class is designed to work in conjunction with the `StructMeta` metaclass to handle descriptors and related parameters. Attributes ---------- _parameters : dict Dictionary of parameters associated with the instance. _sized_parameters : list List of parameters that have a `size` attribute. _polynomial_parameters : list List of parameters with `fill_values` attribute. _required_parameters : list List of parameters that have a default value of None. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Structure instance. Parameters are bound to the instance based on the `__signature__` defined by the metaclass. Parameters ---------- *args Positional arguments representing parameters. **kwargs Keyword arguments representing parameters. """ self._parameters_dict = Dict() for param in self._parameters: value = getattr(self, param) if param in self._optional_parameters and value is None: continue self._parameters_dict[param] = value bound = self.__signature__.bind_partial(*args, **kwargs) for name, val in bound.arguments.items(): setattr(self, name, val) @property def parameters(self): """dict: Parameters of the instance.""" parameters = self._parameters_dict parameters.update(self.aggregated_parameters) return parameters @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): """Set parameters for the instance. Parameters ---------- parameters : dict A dictionary of parameters to set. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the provided parameters is not valid. """ for param, value in parameters.items(): if param not in self._parameters: raise ValueError('Not a valid parameter.') if value is not None: setattr(self, param, value) self._parameters_dict[param] = value @property def sized_parameters(self): """dict: Sized parameters of the instance.""" parameters = { key: value for key, value in self.parameters.items() if key in self._sized_parameters } return Dict(parameters) @property def aggregated_parameters(self): """dict: Aggregated parameters of the instance.""" parameters = { key: getattr(self, key) for key in self._aggregators } return Dict(parameters) @property def polynomial_parameters(self): """dict: Polynomial parameters of the instance.""" parameters = { key: value for key, value in self.parameters.items() if key in self._polynomial_parameters } return Dict(parameters) @property def required_parameters(self): """list: Parameters that have no default value.""" return self._required_parameters @property def missing_parameters(self): """list: Parameters that are required but not set.""" missing_parameters = [] for param in self.required_parameters: if getattr(self, param) is None: missing_parameters.append(param) return missing_parameters
[docs] def check_required_parameters(self): """ Verify if all required parameters are set. Returns ------- bool True if all required parameters are set. False otherwise. Raises ------ Warning If any of the required parameters are missing. """ if len(self.missing_parameters) == 0: return True else: for param in self.missing_parameters: warn(f'Missing parameter "{param}".') return False
[docs] def frozen_attributes(cls): """Decorate classes to prevent setting attributes after the init method.""" cls._is_frozen = False def frozensetattr(self, key, value): if self._is_frozen and not hasattr(self, key): raise AttributeError( f"{cls.__name__} object has no attribute {key}" ) else: object.__setattr__(self, key, value) def init_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): func(self, *args, **kwargs) self._is_frozen = True return wrapper cls.__setattr__ = frozensetattr cls.__init__ = init_decorator(cls.__init__) return cls