Source code for CADETProcess.comparison.comparator

import copy
import importlib
import functools

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from CADETProcess import CADETProcessError
from CADETProcess import plotting, SimulationResults
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import Structure, String
from CADETProcess.dataStructure import get_nested_value
from CADETProcess.solution import SolutionBase
from CADETProcess.comparison import DifferenceBase

[docs] class Comparator(Structure): """ Class for comparing simulation results against reference data. Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the Comparator instance. references : dict Dictionary containing the reference data to be compared against. solution_paths : dict Dictionary containing the solution path for each difference metric. metrics : list List of difference metrics to be evaluated. """ name = String() def __init__(self, name=None): """Initialize a new Comparator instance. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the Comparator instance. """ = name self._metrics = [] self.references = {} self.solution_paths = {}
[docs] def add_reference(self, reference, update=False, smooth=False): """Add Reference to Comparator. Parameters ---------- reference : ReferenceIO Reference for comparison with SimulationResults. update : bool, optional If True, update existing reference. The default is False. smooth : bool, optional If True, smooth data before comparison. The default is False. Raises ------ TypeError If reference is not an instance of SolutionBase. CADETProcessError If Reference already exists. """ if not isinstance(reference, SolutionBase): raise TypeError("Expeced SolutionBase") if in self.references and not update: raise CADETProcessError("Reference already exists") reference = copy.deepcopy(reference) if smooth: reference.smooth_data() self.references[] = reference
@property def metrics(self): """list: List of difference metrics.""" return self._metrics @property def n_diffference_metrics(self): """int: Number of difference metrics in the Comparator.""" return len(self.metrics) @property def n_metrics(self): """int: Number of metrics to be evaluated.""" return sum([metric.n_metrics for metric in self.metrics]) @property def bad_metrics(self): """list: Worst case metrics for all difference metrics.""" bad_metrics = [metric.bad_metrics for metric in self.metrics] return np.hstack(bad_metrics).flatten().tolist() @property def labels(self): """list: List of metric labels.""" labels = [] for metric in self.metrics: try: metric_labels = metric.labels except AttributeError: metric_labels = [f'{metric}'] if metric.n_metrics > 1: metric_labels = [ f'{metric}_{i}' for i in range(metric.n_metrics) ] if len(metric_labels) != metric.n_metrics: raise CADETProcessError( f"Must return {metric.n_labels} labels." ) labels += metric_labels return labels @functools.wraps(DifferenceBase.__init__) def add_difference_metric( self, difference_metric, reference, solution_path, *args, **kwargs): """Add a difference metric to the Comparator. Parameters ---------- difference_metric : str Name of the difference metric to be evaluated. reference : str or SolutionBase Name of the reference or reference itself. solution_path : str Path to the solution in SimulationResults. *args, **kwargs Additional arguments and keyword arguments to be passed to the difference metric constructor. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the difference metric or reference is unknown. """ try: module = importlib.import_module( 'CADETProcess.comparison.difference' ) cls_ = getattr(module, difference_metric) except KeyError: raise CADETProcessError("Unknown Metric Type.") if isinstance(reference, SolutionBase): reference = if reference not in self.references: raise CADETProcessError("Unknown Reference.") reference = self.references[reference] metric = cls_(reference, *args, **kwargs) self.solution_paths[metric] = solution_path self._metrics.append(metric) return metric
[docs] def extract_solution(self, simulation_results, metric): """Extract the solution for a given metric from the SimulationResults object. Parameters ---------- simulation_results : SimulationResults The SimulationResults object containing the solution. metric : Metric The Metric object for which to extract the solution. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The solution array for the given metric. Raises ------ CADETProcessError If the solution path for the given metric is not found. """ try: solution_path = self.solution_paths[metric] solution = get_nested_value( simulation_results.solution_cycles, solution_path )[-1] except KeyError: raise CADETProcessError("Could not find solution path") return solution
[docs] def evaluate(self, simulation_results): """Evaluate all metrics for a given simulation and return the results as a list. Parameters ---------- simulation_results : SimulationResults The SimulationResults object containing the solutions for all metrics. Returns ------- list A list of metric evaluation results, where each element is a numpy array. """ metrics = [] for metric in self.metrics: solution = self.extract_solution(simulation_results, metric) m = metric.evaluate(solution) metrics.append(m) metrics = np.hstack(metrics).tolist() return metrics
__call__ = evaluate
[docs] def setup_comparison_figure( self, plot_individual: bool = False ) -> tuple[list[Figure], list[Axes]]: """Set up a figure for comparing simulation results. Parameters ---------- plot_individual : bool, optional If True, return figures for individual metrics. Otherwise, return a single figure for all metrics. Default is False. Returns ------- tuple A tuple of the comparison figure(s) and axes object(s). """ if self.n_diffference_metrics == 0: return (None, None) comparison_fig_all, comparison_axs_all = plotting.setup_figure( n_rows=self.n_diffference_metrics, squeeze=False ) plt.close(comparison_fig_all) comparison_axs_all = comparison_axs_all.reshape(-1) comparison_fig_ind: list[Figure] = [] comparison_axs_ind: list[Axes] = [] for i in range(self.n_diffference_metrics): fig, axs = plt.subplots() comparison_fig_ind.append(fig) comparison_axs_ind.append(axs) plt.close(fig) comparison_axs_ind = \ np.array(comparison_axs_ind).reshape(comparison_axs_all.shape) if plot_individual: return comparison_fig_ind, comparison_axs_ind else: return comparison_fig_all, comparison_axs_all
[docs] def plot_comparison( self, simulation_results: list[SimulationResults], axs: Axes | list[Axes] | None = None, figs: Figure | list[Figure] | None = None, file_name: str | None = None, show: bool = True, plot_individual: bool = False, use_minutes: bool = True, ) -> tuple[list[Figure], list[Axes]]: """ Plot the comparison of the simulation results with the reference data. Parameters ---------- simulation_results : list of SimulationResults List of simulation results to compare to reference data. axs : list of AxesSubplot, optional List of subplot axes to use for plotting the metrics. figs : list of Figure, optional List of figures to use for plotting the metrics. file_name : str, optional Name of the file to save the figure to. show : bool, optional If True, displays the figure(s) on the screen. plot_individual : bool, optional If True, generates a separate figure for each metric. use_minutes : bool, optional Option to use x-aches (time) in minutes, default is set to True. Returns ------- figs : list of Figure List of figures used for plotting the metrics. axs : list of AxesSubplot List of subplot axes used for plotting the metrics. """ if axs is None: figs, axs = self.setup_comparison_figure(plot_individual) if not isinstance(figs, list): figs = [figs] for ax, metric in zip(axs, self.metrics): solution = self.extract_solution(simulation_results, metric) if metric.normalize: solution.normalize() if metric.smooth: solution.smooth_data() solution_sliced = metric.slice_and_transform(solution) fig, ax = solution_sliced.plot( ax=ax, show=False, y_max=1.1*np.max(metric.reference.solution) ) plot_args = { 'linestyle': 'dotted', 'color': 'k', 'label': 'reference', } ref_time = metric.reference.time if use_minutes: ref_time = ref_time / 60 plotting.add_overlay(ax, metric.reference.solution, ref_time, **plot_args) ax.legend(loc=1) m = metric.evaluate(solution_sliced, slice=False) m = [ np.format_float_scientific( n, precision=2, ) for n in m ] text = f"{metric}: " if metric.n_metrics > 1: try: text += "\n" for i, (label, m) in enumerate(zip(metric.labels, m)): text += f"{label}: ${m}$" if i < metric.n_metrics - 1: text += " \n" except AttributeError: text += f"{m}" else: text += m[0] plotting.add_text(ax, text, fontsize=14) for fig in figs: fig.tight_layout() if not show: plt.close(fig) else: dummy = plt.figure(figsize=fig.get_size_inches()) new_manager = dummy.canvas.manager new_manager.canvas.figure = fig fig.set_canvas(new_manager.canvas) if file_name is not None: if plot_individual: name, suffix = file_name.split('.') for fig, metric in zip(figs, self.metrics): fig.savefig(f'{name}_{metric}.{suffix}') else: figs[0].savefig(file_name) return figs, axs
def __iter__(self): yield from self.metrics def __str__(self): if is not None: return else: return self.__class__.__name__